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Fuck, I hate being drunk!

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    Fuck, I hate being drunk!

    Sorry, I had to delete my post. It's embarrassing to wake up and read the rubbish I wrote. Bad language, personal details. Wow, I'm really making progress huh?

    Fuck, I hate being drunk!

    hi Qwerty, you really mustnt drink and drive, everthing else can be sorted, read all the posts and advice and come and rant here as often as you can, so many people here have turned thier life around, you can too, I am in the uk, but will go to chat if you want, love and hugs Tawnywitch


      Fuck, I hate being drunk!

      If you've done 10 days sober then 17 days sober you are not hopeless by any means.
      At this point I haven't done that yet.
      You are in the right place.
      You know you need help and there is a tremendous support system on here.
      You can turn your life around again Querty.
      Don't lose hope and keep talking.
      Keep on keeping on


        Fuck, I hate being drunk!

        Hey Qwerty, unfortunately I don't live in Auckland anymore...I'm in Oz now.
        As the others said you had a many sober days...I know it can be frustrating but you can use that anger to your advantage. Sometimes it feels like 3 steps forward & 2 back but each & every tiny step is valuable.
        The only real failure is when you stop trying.
        Give it another whirl...maybe put something else in your toolbox - meds maybe? You doing the hypno?? Getting exercise?? Writing a journal so you can work out your triggers??

        :l xo


          Fuck, I hate being drunk!

          Hi Qwerty,
          Well done on your sober time. You are doing it, cause you are here. Hang in there, because you can do this. There is a way out of your situation. I was a mess too, and with a bit of effort, and a plan, i've come out the other side with my life back. You can too.
          How did you stop drinking last time? Did you get any help at all? What is your next step? De-tox, re-hab, doctor, doing it yourself? Do you have a plan? Yep, lot's of question's aye?

          Keep talking to us, and keep reading.
          Take care of yourself, and drink plenty of water.

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            Fuck, I hate being drunk!

            Qwerty, I am in NZ too, but in Wellington. Where are you when you aren't in Ak??

            For now, focus on how you successfully managed to stay sober when you did ..... 10 days and then 17 days is no mean feat! And you can do it again.

            Feel free to pm me ....... i am always looking out for MWO mates in NZ!!!!
            Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

            Harriet Beecher Stowe


              Fuck, I hate being drunk!

              Hi Qwerty , I'm near Christchurch so that's not much help but feel free to PM anytime
              It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                Fuck, I hate being drunk!

                yeah, try to give up the drink driving Qwerty. You sound like a funny (humerous) person and would probably make a good writer. Don't give that up.

                Oh yeah, i had to do a drink driving course here in Melbourne and it was the best thing i ever did. Have drunk driven a few times since, but am now freaked out cos i don't want to hurt anyone. When i am sober, i can really see the detriment in drink driving.
                One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                  Fuck, I hate being drunk!

                  What do you write Qwerty?


                  Yep, let us be your help!

                  I am feeling down on myself too right now....but,you've done it and you can do it again and you are here now and we will all help you!

                  Stay glued to this sight if you need to/want helps,it really does!
                  Right now I am needing it too and so I am with you in hating this thing that AL is and what it does to us!

                  I also want to write....but seem to have lost the 'inspiration' since AL reared its ugly head! I want to try writing day soon!
                  What do you write?


                    Fuck, I hate being drunk!

                    Don't give up on yourself, but I think you know that drink/driving can have devastating effects on you and others around you. You have had some AF time. That's a good start. I'm not a big fan of AA, but it may help you. There is alot of support here but you need to work at this. Nobody knocks on our door and say "bam" your sober. It takes alot of will and determination. Think about all of the good things that happen when you are sober and then think of all the good things that happend to you when you are drunk. I think the truth will reveal itself right there. We need reasons not to drink and hating yourself is the biggest one. Take it from the biggest self loather there is. As I say, "nobody hates me more than me when I drink". Stick around, post and read......
                    AF since 2/4/10
                    Nicotine free since 3/31/10
                    FINALLY FREE

