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Shocking stop drinking stories in mid-session

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    Shocking stop drinking stories in mid-session


    Please don't read this unless you have stopped for a long time or are strong,
    I don't want to be the bad person that draws you back into drinking.

    I'm halfway there - to being fuzzy at least, but don't worry - I'll finish the job.

    I was a gentleman and bought my wife some wine, she was pleased, she had a few small glasses and then passed the last glass over to me.

    I had already had a few and have some cider in the cupboard too, which I have had a pint of.

    Is there anything you people know that has made you put the glass down once you've started.
    I was going to sail my small, scruffy yacht this weekend, but can't because I can't stop drinking yet.

    I have a dig appointment with an important customer next week on Friday, when I am "required" to drink.
    I work for myself, it's not the bosses that demand, but the customers.

    So I'll Pi-- away this week, and hope I don't drink enough in front of my customer to get thrown out, and hopefully feel sober enough to drive 3 hours to the boat.

    I keep lying to my eldest son about the weather etc.

    The lying isn't good but I am not about to tell my 11yr old his dad is totally off the rails.
    He knows I am nervous about going to the boat, but just thinks it's the engine failing, the weather ....
    Truth is I don't want to put him at risk if I've had too many.

    I don't even think my wife knows or understands how grim I feel.
    Believe me I don't talk about it unless I'm literally begging her to help, or got too pi-sed too early and crying about it like a baby - and at 6ft 2 Im a bit big for that.

    Anyway, don't feel you need to reply because I'm shutting down and going to get brain dead again.

    Please don't follow my example though, I'll need your support tomorrow.

    sorry to bore you, most of my brain is still intact, except the need for alcohol bit.
    If there are any surgeons out out there, surely we can find the craving part and cut it out.

    Nt Nt, I'm going.


    Shocking stop drinking stories in mid-session

    Andrew ..... ((hug)) ... Believe me, most of us here totally understand how you're feeling, and how you're thinking. We're all with you in our own ways ..... and I know it sometimes feels like you're really alone in those types of thoughts and feelings --- but you're not. You're NOT alone. Man-oh-man, you're sooooo NOT alone.

    Stick around and talk about it, OK? ... (((hug)))
    AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


      Shocking stop drinking stories in mid-session

      Hi Andrew,
      Like Cat says, most of us really have been where you are now.
      I hope you check in today and get some support. It is such a lonely old business feeling like that but there are lots of hands here for you to hold.
      Talk soon.
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Shocking stop drinking stories in mid-session

        hi Adi like cat & starts said we are all trying to drag ourselves out of the same hole we have all done it, that's what makes this community so strong, nobody here has the monopoly on pain or hurt, keep dropping in you will feel better for it and it does help. :goodjob:

        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


          Shocking stop drinking stories in mid-session

          Morning Adi, don't beat yourself up, we all understand where you are, I didn't manage AF last night, but am def drinking less since coming here. Try talking to your wife, I had real problem's talking to my husband, but with lot's of encouragement here told him, if you want to go to chat again PM me anytime,stay strong and stay here and read and post for hour's, it's what we all do, love and hug's Tawnywitch.


            Shocking stop drinking stories in mid-session

            Hi Andrew -

            You said something that made me think: "I can't stop drinking YET!"

            What is that "yet" point that makes us no longer drink??

            But, it's like you've Planned already to drink all week... That seems kind of self-defeating. What if you gave yourself at least the IDEA to quit drinking? It has to start somewhere...

            Anyway, I wish you well. Keep posting & reading - lots of good people here who Understand.
            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


              Shocking stop drinking stories in mid-session

              Welcome Andrew,

              Step away from the bottle. There I said it!

              Give yourself a day or two Alcohol Free. Give your son and wife a special day on the boat...isn't THAT what life is about???

              Come here and talk to us, read all the good info that is here. We are all in the same BOAT....

              Everything I need is within me!


                Shocking stop drinking stories in mid-session

                Hi Adi, I'm 6ft 2, well respected in the community, always known as the strong one people turn too when they need support. On my first post here I cried like a baby, thanks to some kind and honest words from fellow posters. It felt great just letting something go, a weight was lifted and although still drinking, I can see a tunnel, if not the light at the end. Next time you feel like crying, let us know, you will find nothing but support from your friends here. Crying makes you a bigger and better man.
                "Everywhere is in walking distance....if you have the time."


                  Shocking stop drinking stories in mid-session

                  I went through Russia in 2001. The Vodka sold in most stores had NO WAY of replacing the top. You were just expected to drink the lot. I loved that country. But amazing!
                  Long Road
                  Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
                  Eleanor Roosevelt

