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Beer all Around Me!!

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    Beer all Around Me!!

    Day Six...

    I went out last night... Went to the beach and congregated and socialized with a group of people drinking beer. Went to a restaurant with girlfriend and three others... They all consumed - I had club soda.

    Continued on with the revelry at a "Tavern" - Ginger Ale!!

    It felt alright, although the home brew at the tavern was very inviting. I didn't submit out of defiance and commitment even though I had broke down and had a beer the night before, fearing that would open the flood gates.

    This isn't so bad, and I think my eyes are whiter after looking in the mirror this morning. Could that be true?

    Today is a good day, although I woke up this morning with the odd feeling that I had a hangover. I don't get what that's all about, but it shook off pretty quick.

    I love being able to share this with you all, and hope that those of you who may be struggling can get some positive energy from my experience. God knows I will need it from you.

    Today is Day Six.

    Beer all Around Me!!

    Good for you! I am struggling and I do thank you...I hope to get to where you are someday...soon! Keep of luck to youi!!


      Beer all Around Me!!

      :goodjob: MOON.... I know its hard ! your doing great , pat urself on the back:h Em
      Non Drinker 9/09
      Non Smoker 6/09
      Tennis Anyone ?


        Beer all Around Me!!

        well done, how strong are you? wish I could get beyond day 2, will keep on trying tho, love and hug's Tawnywitch.


          Beer all Around Me!!


          Firstly for having reached day 6. That is fantastic!
          Secondly, for going out with people who were drinking, and you DIDN'T. That is huge. You should be very proud of yourself.
          The nondrinking hangover is weird. I had it once on a morning after I was the designated driver for a large group I took to a bar, and we got home at 3:30am. When I first woke up, for around the first hour I felt slightly hung over. I don't know why, but I just wanted you to know you aren't the only one to experience it!

          Keep up the amazing work. You are doing a great job! On to Day 7....

          Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


            Beer all Around Me!!

            Hi Moondancer,

            Congrats on your 6 AF days, that's great!
            It takes a tremendous amount of strength to socialize with drinkers during those early days. Give yourself a huge pat on the back

            Don't worry about the imaginary hangover, a lot of us also had drinking dreams in those early days.......very weird but harmless!!

            Wishing you continued success
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Beer all Around Me!!

              Hey Moon,
              Well done. I am also surrounded by beers as most of my friends are quite a motely crew. Keep doing what you are doing and try to be aware of how you feel sober. Everyday you have is one step closer to being the person you were truly meant to be.

              Let us know how you are progressing!
              AF since 2/4/10
              Nicotine free since 3/31/10
              FINALLY FREE


                Beer all Around Me!!

                WOW! Good for you! I will be in the same in situation tonight at a friends party. I'm thinking of bringing non alcoholic beer before I'm offered something there. I love beer too, and it's hard to stop after just one. I give you alot of credit!!! Keep it up!!!



                  Beer all Around Me!!

                  Well done moondancer! it feels good after the event doesn't it, makes you feel pround of yourself! Well we are proud of you to, keep strong you are doing so well


                    Beer all Around Me!!

                    Congrats Moon, that's a great effort, well done
                    It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                      Beer all Around Me!!


                      Love to hear of success and victory day 6 you go.What a challenge for you but you beat it and no doubt felt the next day for not having a hang over stay strong!

