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Operation October - week four

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    Operation October - week four

    Last week of October starts today! Lets see if we can have a strong finish to the month!

    End of Week Three:

    Lav, I haven't thought of a name yet for November. I'll ponder that today and see if I can come up with anything.

    Ladybird, you're posts are never a negative influence. I agree completely with what Finding said. We are here to support each other and that means through the bad times as well as the good. You have been a positive influence on this one.

    Finding, What's up? You doing anything this weekend? I'm taking it easy. I seem to need to keep it simple lately and avoid challenges. I'll be around home mostly. It's g-son Matt's birthday, so we will be spending some time with him for sure!

    I hope everybody has a strong 4th week, both our regulars and welcome to any newcomers!

    Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.--Robert Louis Stevenson

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    Operation October - week four

    Last week in October - we have all learned so much and really supported each other. Let's all do our best this last week. We have all made progress whether AF or just less days drinking. I am really serious about making this entire month AF. Thanks for everyone's support.


      Operation October - week four

      Good Morining friends,

      This month has surely flown by. I have been surprised that the seasonal changes have been difficult for me. It's been a long time sense I've been through the seasons af. It's all part of learning to live life af.

      I love Halloween!! I love the kids and everything that goes with it. It's just a fun holiday without a lot of the stress that some of the other holidays bring.

      Are we going to have a Halloween party here on the thread? Pnut can bring the cookies and Dill has lots of pumpkins, Lav, can I barrow your avatar for my costume?

      Time to get off here and get my day started.

      Have a great week end everyone.
      AF since 7/26/2009

      "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

      "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


        Operation October - week four

        Good morning October friends,

        Thanks for dragging us into week 4 with you Dill
        It's not a pretty day here, dark, windy, raining - ugh but at least there's no hangover!! No choice but to find some indoor projects. Dill, Happy Birthday to your Matt, our Matt has his 1st birthday next month

        Hi to Red & Lil, hope you are both well!
        Lil, I'll send you a copy of my avatar for Halloween if you like - we can be twins

        Wishing everyone a great AF day!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Operation October - week four

          Good Morning October Friends! Hello to Dill, Red, Lil, and all are up bright and early this morning. Hello to all others who stop by today.

          I am up early and gearing up for my final exams, but I wanted to take a minute to wish you all well for week 4. I will be back posting in November and will try to stop in before then too. My mind won't be so boggled then :H I am truly thankful to be doing this AF.

          Have a great weekend everyone. Much love and hugs to all :l


            Operation October - week four

            Good morning all,

            Lil, Halloween makes me nervous.... I've been invited to a party so first off there's the issue of whether/how to dress up. Also, there will be lots of people I don't know and I'll have to practice my responses to drink related questions... But I do have a week to get ready. Maybe I'll make some of Pea's cookies (thanks for the recipe!!)

            LBH, sorry for your loss.:l And funerals are hard enough without worrying about toasts. I certainly didn't mean to spook you - or anyone else - with my previous post. Your posts are always insightful and supportive. I was simply talking about my situation 1.5 years ago. I initially spent 2 months lurking, modding and diagnosing my drinking patterns before I started posting on MWO. By then I'd decided to abstain. My dad was dying, I was in a state of high anxiety and the only way I could get thru it all was to focus intensely on keeping my head together. I wasn't interested in debates about modding and could barely offer support to anyone else. Thankfully, others did support me and I'm not in that situation any more. I didn't mean to imply that anyone here should stop talking about whatever comes up for them, on the contrary!

            Hello to Red, Dill, Lav, Chops and all to come. It's grey and rainy here so I think I'll have a long natter on the phone with a GF before deciding what to do with this day...


              Operation October - week four

              Morning all,

              Not sure what the plans are for today, but the stars were shining when I went out this morning, so I'm hoping it will be a sunny day.

              Dill, thought it was funny that you quoted Robert Louis Stevenson as I had just made a note last night to buy Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde. I also want to read Mary Shelley's Frankenstein - my halloween reading list I guess.

              Pam, good luck with getting through the party. I've also found myself practicing some responses to the offer of a drink as I have a dinner coming up mid-Nov that I'm a bit nervous about. I think it is a useful exercise - hope it is anyway.

              To everyone fighting a cold/flu take good care and remember to pamper yourself.

              Have a lovely day all. Will see you later.


                Operation October - week four

                Hello everyone and happy saturday to you all. Windy and rainy here with occasional bursts of sunshine - very confusing!
                I've managed to get to the gym this morning, first time since my cold descended and was pleased to do 40 mins of aerobic activity. Felt I deserved the cup of coffee afterwards!
                Off to a friends birthday party tonight, driving so no danger of drinking. I am going to enjoy watching people's behaviour change as they get drunk - should be amusing! And a very smug Sooty will be watching and feeling really grateful that its not me.
                Lets have a real push from everyone to get thru this last week of October AF.
                Do you realise gang that its only 8 weeks to Christmas? What a scary thought for someone as unprepared as me - I suppose I'd better make a list!!
                See you all later - if the party goes on till very late I'll see you all in the morning.
                Take care folks


                  Operation October - week four

                  I am so in for week four. Very fitting quote, dear Dill. I feel as though I have been planting a whole lot of seeds since I came here! I just changed my MWO "official mood?; while I am bashful by nature it is now edged out with optimism. I have a formal ?cocktail party? this evening but the invitation said there will also be fresh lavender lemonade and the gentlemen at the helm do this very well. I used to always have an alcoholic drink before social situations but I am learning to adopt a sense of curiosity about what might lie ahead instead of fear. Stress and excitement are very similar, sometimes it helps to rename things. Love and onward, Ladybird.
                  may we be well


                    Operation October - week four

                    Well, friends, I just had the disheartening experience of writing a long post with comments to all and then having it disappear! I guess if you have to log back in because you timed out, but, you goof up on your log in can lose your post? I don't know. That's what I just experienced.

                    I'm too tired to start over, so let me just repeat the last line of my post. I wish you you all strenght and a peaceful evening.

                    Good night.

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      Operation October - week four

                      Evening friends,

                      It's so freaking damp here -ugh! We had 1-2" of rain today, don't really know the total yet. Yes. my Q Tip hair is back................

                      Nothing going on around here, but quiet can be good
                      Yes Dill, it is peaceful!

                      Wishing everyone a good AF night. I haven't thought of any names for November yet.
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Operation October - week four

                        Very quiet, lazy day here too. A weekend with nothing planned is sometimes a great thing. I did go to the Art Gallery today and mosied about here and there around town for several hours. Anybody bake any cookies???
                        I'm hoping this last week of October is going to be a good one for us all! I am going to try really, really hard to stay on track and not let those insidious thoughts of wine get to me!!!! Must remember that my will is much stronger than I allow it to be when those stupid cravings hit - like they did this past week, same day as you mentioned you had them, Dill. Yeesh!!!
                        Love to all!!
                        xoxo peanut


                          Operation October - week four

                          Hey Sweet Pea. Did not go to my party tonight as Lord Bird Heart was pooped; I stayed home and made your cookies. Wonderful with a cup of tea. I used an orange winter squash instead of pumpkin per se but I think I am forgiven as the cookies are perfect. Winter awaits, Pea, we can do this. Love, Ladybird.
                          may we be well


                            Operation October - week four

                            I had a rough Saturday. REally it started on Friday. I had my hair cut and colored by the same person I have been going to, and she messed up my hair. Both the color and the cut. I called her yesterday about noon and told her about the color, nothing I can do about the cut, and she lightened it up. But, it stilldoes not look as good as it should, and I have this big family thing in two weeks. Very upsetting. And very expensive. So, I am upset. Then, my company brought their dog, terrorized my cats, and I wish they would just leave. I know that sounds mean, but it is hard to travel with a dog. Then, one of my cats is not using the litter box and my husband is furious. So am I, it is disgusting. We are going to have to clean the carpets later today down in the basement, and I really just need to rest. But believe me, there will be no rest until my house is cleaned up.

                            My huge concern is work. I am having a problem with someone I work with. She does not like me and wants me out. It is very stressful and I know I have worked circles around her, but there is no reason for her behavior. I normally get along with everyone I work with and respect is a two way street. This is a horrible experience for me, but if I look at it, a learning experience. Needless to say, drinking would make everything worse.

                            If I drank last night, like I was seriously contemplating, I would be sicker than a dog. My cold would have come back full force as I would have drained my body. I would have guilt, shame, and would have even more stuff to be upset about. So, I am very hopeful that despite my stessors, I was able to not drink.

                            Sorry for the depressing post, but I really was relieved that I had somewhere to come to and vent. Thanks so much for listening. I am determined to make this an AF October.


                              Operation October - week four

                              Good morning, friends!

                              Wow, Red, sounds like you had a really challenging day! Congrats on handling things AF! You are wise to realize that drinking would only have made matters worse. Good job! You'll feel better later today after you get some cleaning done. I know that always helps me feel better. For me, having things in order at home is really important to staying sober.

                              Pnut, I haven't made the cookies yet, but I bought the ingredients yesterday. I think I'll have some time today.

                              Lav, did I sound like I was "dragging" you all into week 4?! :H I think I was dragging myself! I had no sleep the night before because I'm fighting a cold. I woke up yesterday feeling hung over, but I hadn't had a drop to drink!

                              Finding, I like your Halloween reading selections. Right now I am listening to an audio book, Atlas Shrugged. It's taking me forever to get through it, but I'm enjoying it.

                              LBH, I bet the yellow squash was an excellent substitute for the cookies! MMmmm.

                              Well, I must get my day started. I hope you all have a good AF Sunday!:h

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

