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Operation October - week four

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    Operation October - week four

    Morning everyone, some blue sky outside thank goodness. The clocks went back here yesterday and it was so dark by 6p.m. makes you shiver just thinking about the winter.
    Off to the gym for an hour this morning then going to meditation - I'm feeling good to be back in the old routine.
    Hope everyone has a good start to the week - hey Lav what do they say about great minds?
    Have a happy Monday


      Operation October - week four

      Good Whatever Time it is Where You Are,

      knew one would not be enough, anyway! Is it ever?
      Dill-Good job on thinking it through to the end. I've heard it called 'playing the tape through to the end' I hope your Monday is better and you don't have to work with the Negative Nellies today. I will be sending positive vibes your way. :l

      I've managed to get some kind of viruse on my computer and it is locked up tight. A friend is coming over with some kind of a viruse disc, so hopefully we can get it cleaned up. Luckily I have my laptop I can use for now.

      It looks like another pretty day here. I'm going to try and get outside this afternoon for a walk.

      Hope everyone has a good Monday.
      AF since 7/26/2009

      "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

      "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


        Operation October - week four

        Morning friends!

        Sooty, I woke up thinking 'November Notables' sounds pretty good - what do you think?
        The sun is coming up slowly - no rain thank God. Boy, we were so damp for a while! The temps are more seasonable too.

        Lil, computer viruses be blunt! Hope you can get it cleared soon enough. That reminds me, I need to renew my virus protection program on my laptop - I'll do it today

        Dill, glad to hear you worked your way through those demon driven drinking thoughts. Remember, use all the Lavan-ittude you need, OK?

        I have a lot to do before my afternoon buddy arrives.......praying for enough energy to keep up with him today

        Have a great AF Monday everyone!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Operation October - week four

          Good Morning!

          I was wondering if I could join this late in the month. I am newly motivated, and would love to be part of a successful group with lots of support...which is how this group feels

          This is the Day that the Lord Has Made, Let Us Rejoice and Be Glad! Psalm 118


            Operation October - week four

            U are so welcome. Are U really Mag's Mom?
            Long Road
            Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
            Eleanor Roosevelt


              Operation October - week four

              Thanks for the welcome, Long Road Yes, our Chocolate Lab is named Maggie. I have 3 children, Olivia, William and Timothy. I also have the best DH in the whole, entire world.
              I am blessed...if I could just get myself together...
              This is the Day that the Lord Has Made, Let Us Rejoice and Be Glad! Psalm 118


                Operation October - week four

                Late check in for me, and a quick one, as I am at work!

                Welcome to you MagsMom! :welcome: Of course you can join us! The more the merrier! And if you choose to stick around, we'll be helping each other through November as well. We're in the process of trying to come up with a name for the November thread. Any ideas?

                Hi Long Road!

                Hey, Lav, I'm sending you energy vibes! Have fun with Matt. Our Matt had a wonderful, fun filled birthday. He's a big 4 year old now!

                Lil, I hope you can get rid of that virus. I wonder where it came from? An email forward? A download? Let us know how it goes.

                Soots, we will be changing our clocks here soon. I think maybe this coming weekend. I like that it will be lighter in the morning for awhile.

                Later, friends!

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  Operation October - week four

                  Morning all,

                  LadyBird, you wrote, "whatever we experience gets interpreted as consistent with our mood" - so true! Everything around me seemed tainted by my dark mood this weekend. I considered drinking, not so much because I was craving a drink, more because I wanted to drown my sorrows. I decided to give myself the opportunity to observe the length and course of my mood with a clear head. Glad I did. Today is better and I plan to immerse myself in work and stay focused on that for the day.

                  Lil, I did get out for a walk and it helped. Good luck getting your computer cleaned up and working - what a pain!

                  Lav, I did enjoy the sun yesterday and went out by the river to watch the sunrise this morning, which was really beautiful with lots of pinks and yellows.

                  Sooty, sounds like a great routine: gym and meditation. I need to get back to the meditation part.

                  Red, good luck with work this week. We are here for you if you need to let off some steam. Really hope this can be resolved for you.

                  Pam, well, didn't bake those pumpkin cookies yet, but have the recipe on stand by. They've gotten rave reviews here.

                  Welcome MagsMom!

                  Dill, Peanut, Mica, ChoppersMom, LR, and all, hope you have a good day!


                    Operation October - week four

                    Thank you for the kind welcomes! I will definitely be here for November, and hopefully forever

                    I will put on my thinking cap and see if I can come up with a name idea for November.

                    This is the Day that the Lord Has Made, Let Us Rejoice and Be Glad! Psalm 118


                      Operation October - week four

                      Back to work and looking forward to a good week. Seems like there was alot of struggling going on last week for many of us!!! Let's think positive for this last week and get through successfully. That's my plan, and I'm sticking to it! Bit of a headache today, likely from the sleep aid I took last night in anticipation of insomnia. I seem to be needing a ton of sleep these days - I just can't seem to go on minimal hours like I used to!

                      Happy you enjoyed the cookie recipe. Winter orange squash, LBH?? I must learn more about all the various squashes out there - they are good food!

                      We have had alot of discussions about alcohol in my house this weekend. BF's son got caught speeding on the freeway, and he only has his learners, and he had to do a breathalizer and blew over the limit. He didn't tell us though, until I saw the letter from SGI and made his dad tell him what it was about. So, he had to go to a Driving Without Impairment course over the weekend. My BF dropped him off and went in to see where the class was, and lo and behold, my son was there too!!!! He never told me that he had a 24 hour suspension and had to take the course too. So, they are really cracking down on drinking and driving, and I am always on my boys case not to do that - take a cab, I'll pay for it, I don't care!!!! I do worry about them out there. So they learned alot this weekend, and we had many discussions on the problems with alcohol and how ingrained it is in our society, etc. I asked if they would please try to no drink any beer this week, let's have a completely AF house all week. I of course got the answer, go for it mom.... well, yeah - I am going AF, no wine, but what about you guys?!?! Aiy!!!

                      So hello to each of you here and welcome to MagsMom. To everyone who's feeling down, cheer up, today is a brand new day! Let's heal our minds and our bodies this week!
                      Looking forward to November!!!!
                      xoxoxo peanut


                        Operation October - week four

                        Peanut! That was you who shared the recipe wasn't it? I do get confused :H. Wonder where else I've miss-stepped, ah well, you're all so forgiving!


                          Operation October - week four

                          Evening everyone. I went to meditation but it was cancelled because the children are on holiday from school! Quite disappointing but never mind.
                          Hope everyone has had a good day. Nearly bedtime here, getting up early in the morning and hopefully the weather should be better and I can get out for a walk - I'm going stir crazy for want of some fresh air.
                          Keep safe from the germs everybody see you all tomorrow


                            Operation October - week four

                            Ok, you October gang, I have been lurking and you all are doing so well, I wondered if there is room for one more!!!

                            I had been doing SO WELL since May, then I went on vacation at the end of Sept and had a little slip, then have slipped a couple more times since then, and I want it to I really would like to get on a group that is committed to AF...but a total "newbies" group isn't really for me either.

                            So today is Day 1 for me, I'm recommitting to AF. And I think NOtable NOvember (see, there is "NO" in their twice to remind us we are saying NO to AL) sounds great for next month too!!!



                              Operation October - week four

                              Scrubbly, There is plenty of room! Welcome!:welcome:

                              Notable November seems to be the most popular so far.

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                                Operation October - week four

                                Hi. Dragonfly123 here. New. Lots of stuff to learn. Maybe you guys (gals) can help? One thing I do want to say, after all the **** I've been through, today, I was actually able to sit outside and enjoy the gorgeous blue sky and sunshine, watching my cat Pickles and dog Taz play and chase things. It was about 65 degrees. Not bad for a late October day in Maine!

