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Operation October - week four

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    Operation October - week four

    Good Morning! It truly is a good spite of the rain and gloom. My home is AF, so today will be my day 1 AF. I am so excited and happy...and expect to feel the whole range of emotions as I go along, but for today, I am happy, excited and determined.

    I KNOW that this group is exactly what I need. It sounds like we all have pretty similar patterns and since we are all at different points on our AF journey, WOW, what a support system

    This is the Day that the Lord Has Made, Let Us Rejoice and Be Glad! Psalm 118


      Operation October - week four

      Good morning October friends,

      Happy Humpday Ms Sooty & everyone

      Red, you're doing great, keep going!

      cyntree, congrats on your 23 days! Have you decided to stick with it after you reach 30? I was too happy myself, at that point, to even consider trying to moderate, but everyone is different.

      Dragonfly, crappy sleep is a common problem around here. I use a combination product called Mellodyn. It works wonders for me.
      MELLODYN | Natural Sleep Remedy | Herbal Insomnia Cure

      Lil, 3 months for you - Woo Hoo friend
      Isn't is funny how relaxed & contented we become & forget to count days?? I just want to be sure to never forget what it took to get to this point!!!!

      Dill, I'm sending you warm soup thoughts - hope you decided to stay home & take care of yourself!

      MagsMom, sending you best wishes for Day 1 - you can do it!

      Well, I'm off to get some work done, wishing everyone a great AF day!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Operation October - week four

        LadyBird, I have those thoughts too sometimes, but they are only thoughts, they are not our reality. I?m sorry about your fish. I have been looking around at some books on cognitive behavioral change. I like the MWO CDs also, so maybe CDs would be a good alternative.

        Peanut, I bought chocolate chips last night ? gearing up for some baking soon ? maybe this weekend! Just in time for the great pumpkin holiday!

        Dragonfly, I don?t know if it?s self-confidence that has improved, but it feels wonderful to be free of that nagging negative voice that went round and round in my head every morning I woke up with a hang over. Definitely feeling better about myself and don?t waste energy hating myself for drinking the night before. That was a real energy drain for me besides the physical side effects of drinking.

        Cyn, congrats on 23!!! Good to hear from you! Sounds like a rough schedule, but do hang in there, you?re doing so well.

        Sooty, Sooty, Sooty?Happy Humpday to you, too :H.

        Red, I know what you mean about thinking about job change in this economy. Hopefully you will be able to get some good skills/strategies for dealing with the one person who is driving you nuts. I?ve got to look up Lil?s book recommendation, the title alone put a smile on my face: Living Successfully with Screwed -Up People.

        Lil, Thanks, I am feeling better than I was this weekend. Glad I got through the weekend without and alcohol ? no need to try to drown the bleak feelings. I know they will cycle around again, but they DO pass. Congrats on 3 months!!

        Dill, sorry you?re coming down with a cold. Get lots of healthy food/vits into your body and don?t overdo.

        MagsMom, Good for you on day 1 ? we?ve all been there. I was very excited to begin my AF time as well. That?s a great attitude to have!

        Lav, what?s on the menu tonight? You?re always whipping up something warm and delicious.

        Hey Mica, I hope your step-dad and mom are doing well. How are you holding up?

        Schaefer, Scrubbly, are you 2 hiding in the back seat of the bus?

        Today is the farmer?s market, so I?m looking forward to that after work. See you all later.


          Operation October - week four

          Good day all. Lots of thanks to you. Thanks, Dill for your thoughtful post yesterday about ?awakening?, no way are we going back there, be well, beautiful; thanks Lil for your sweet, gentle support and for the Piano Stairs, very creative and clever; thanks Lav for the unflagging attitude and the soup (soup! I live on it all winter and don?t mind a bit of extra fat to keep my coat sleek); thanks Mica-love for giving me the vision of Laugh Yoga, I hope you too are working through your nasty cold; thanks Sooty (Sooty, Sooty, Sooty) for driving the bus and turning up the music, glad your back to your more peaceful routine; Thanks Red, you have a great heart, hang in there at work, I never regretted outlasting the a?holes; thanks Finding, you inspire me with your steady ways of working through things; thanks Cyn for still being here sober, can?t wait for you to be with us more often again; thanks Mags for honoring us with your Day One, we have all been so there; thanks Dragonfly, you are doing really well, sleep can be all over the place, it is for me and our Pea (thanks Pea for reminding me I can exercise in all sorts of circumstances)---I think a sober lack of sleep beats an alcohol induced knock-out anytime, it won?t kill us. Hi, Scrubs, so glad you will be with us, I remember you. Hi Pam, my favorite English rosebud. As for me, I am still pursuing my samurai house cleaning and using it as a metaphor for my spirit and the release of alcohol. It is working. Yesterday I lost yet another of my elderly pets, an adorable twenty-one year old lovebird, no suffering just a natural ending of a long life. I am OK with it, just wish these lessons in letting go weren?t coming so close together this year. I?m good, still feel the little bird love flying around in my head. Love, Ladybird.
          may we be well


            Operation October - week four

            Good evening all. Wow, what a crowd! Welcome to all newcomers. This here's a very steady bus that keeps riding the AF highway. Good choice! I've had an amble around PMS-land the last few days. Sober, I might add, but the lemon drizzle/apple crumble/carrot cake cravings have been way out there. Peanut, you have to teach me how to run and like it... I just got back from a talk by a well known US academic, and though it was very inspiring, I almost fell asleep on the bus home. This too shall pass. Meanwhile, I'm in for an early night. Be well and catch you later.


              Operation October - week four

              Quick evening check in here. I did OK at work, but as the day wore on, my voice wore out! I'm home now and keeping silent. Hurts to talk and swallow. No headache though, so that's a blessing! It's going to be an early nite for me!
              Lav, can we have chicken & rice soup tomorrow, please?

              Peace and strength to all!

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                Operation October - week four

                Good evening friends!

                Finding, I did manage to get a pot of beef stew on today before my Energizer Buddy arrived! Tomorrow I think I'm going back to soup & maybe some bread

                Dill, I'll make that chicken & rice soup, sounds good! I hope the cold doesn't keep you down too long. Do you want me to call you in sick tomorrow

                LBH, I'm sorry that you've lost another long time friend. I noticed this morning that our 25 year old cockatiel 'Diz" really hasn't aged a bit, he looks the same as ever. I think we must provide a fairly comfortable life for our friends, they thanks us with unconditional love. I will miss him a lot when his time comes.

                Pam, I am so happy to have lived thru my PMS days - I was a pathetic mess back then.........I don't even want to talk about it!!! All I can say is - there is life after menopause

                It's going to be an early night for me as well. In addition to running my feet off this afternoon - one of our older dogs had a 3 am emergency - had to go out!! Took quite a while to go back to sleep after that rude awakening..........

                Wishing everyone a good night.
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Operation October - week four

                  Good Evening my friends.

                  MagsMom-Congratulations on day 1. Our sober bus is taking us all on an amazing journey. It hits a few potholes sometimes but just hang on, it only gets better.

                  I know they will cycle around again, but they DO pass.
                  Finding-Yes, they do pass. That's the secret...remembering that they do pass.

                  Pam-Not the dreaded PMS! I remember those days only to well. Still have a coffe cup my girls got me. It said "I have PMS and a gun. Excuse me, did you have something to say?"

                  LHB-Thank you for being here with us. For me, reading your posts is almost like listening to music.

                  Dill-I think you should play hooky from work tomorrow. You can enjoy Lav's soup and I will find you a warm, comfy blanket to snuggle in.

                  Sooty-Hump day is almost over and we're on the down ward side of the week!

                  Lav-I love beef stew! Do you have a recipe for yours? I imagine your little energizer bunny loved it. Sounds like you enjoyed your busy day with him. Moments to remember, right?

                  After 3 days of work and half a chocolate cake later-my computer is finially fixed! I lost all my files and ppictures but at least I'm back on line. I am grateful for that.

                  Okay I'm heading off to bed. Night, Night everyone.
                  AF since 7/26/2009

                  "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                  "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                    Operation October - week four

                    LBH, I am so sorry for your loss. IT is so hard to lose are beloved pets who give us so much love and pleasure.

                    I had a really intense craving this afternoon/evening and almost caved, but thank goodness thought it through to the bitter hangover end and continued on my afterwork plan: cooking, a chore, and then eating dinner and relaxing. I also thought about everyone here and being accountable to this group. We have all tried so hard and I have had so much support, it was good to have you in my thoughts. Thanks for being there.:h


                      Operation October - week four

                      Good for you, Red. I don’t know when one gets free of these cravings that come on without warning, they have been really strong for me also. I long for that initial relief/release but have to nail what is really going to happen, I would end up without fail being guilty and sick and anxious. There is no other outcome for me. So here we are. Lets pay attention to those who remind us this is not forever. Well done. Love, Ladybird.
                      may we be well


                        Operation October - week four

                        Good morning all. Here's to no cravings today. It is scary how they come one with no warning. Sometimes cravings are easier to overcome than others - I noticed that it was pretty nice out yesterday and that triggered me for some reason. Good grief.

                        I have a meeting today at work to address the issues I shared earlier this week and last. Wish me luck. I will need it. Thanks.


                          Operation October - week four

                          Red, best of luck to you for today. You'll be in my thoughts! And keep up the good fight against the cravings! They do come at you when least expected! Also when expected!

                          LBH, my condolences to you on the loss of yet another dear pet! You have really had too much practice at "letting go" recently. You are in my thoughts today as well.:h

                          Lil, I hate missing work, but I pretty much have to stay home today. I will take your hookie advice.

                          Lav, Thanks for the chicken soup! You're the best! No need to call me in sick. When I left work yesterday everyone, including myself, agreed that I should take the day off! (I think they may have been in self-preservation mode: didin't want what I had!:H)

                          Finding, how was the trip to the Farmer's Market?

                          Pam, Good job navigating PMS-ville without caving! I hope you DID allow yourself the lemon drizzle/apple crumb/carrot cake though! At least a smidge! I'd be interested to know the name of the speaker and the topic, if you care to say.

                          Everyone else (I can't recall everyone and don't want to leave anyone out), Please check in and let us know how you are doing!

                          Red reminded me of the odd nature of cravings coming at seeming whims when she said, "I noticed that it was pretty nice out yesterday and that triggered me for some reason. Good grief. " I have a trigger that is related to the sun light. When it is a certain intensity...when it looks and feels golden, but not hot, like just at the start of evening. I get some strong visual images and cravings. I can usually just swat them away. Yes, some of them are "easier to overcome than others".

                          I'm still enjoying the pumpkin cookies, Pnut! But they are almost gone. I wanted to ask you if I made them correctly because the texture of mine was 'cake like'. Is that how they were supposed to be? Mr. Dill loves them!

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            Operation October - week four

                            Good morning October Kids!

                            How's everyone today? I slept a bit too well - still trying to come back to life

                            red, I hope your meeting goes well. You have the strength of this entire group with you!! Keep battling those craves/drinking thoughts! You will find they come much less frequently with less intensity as time goes on........honestly

                            Dill, it's always good when your coworkers beg you to stay home, ha ha!
                            Enjoy the day as much as you can, make it yours! The chicken rice soup will be ready ny lunchtime!
                            Pnut's cookies were delicious - cakelike. I think I'll decrease the baking powder next time, see if they turn out a little crunchier!!

                            Time to get some work done - have a great AF Thursday everyone!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Operation October - week four

                              Good (very chilly and snowy here) morning everyone!!!

                              I am still here, and I need to get to everyone to say more about how everyone is doing, and I will do that after I get into the office today, but wanted to say a quick hello and that I'm so happy to see how everyone has been "riding out" their cravings so well. Whatever the reason, whether it is this group, sheer willpower, having projects at home to focus on, cooking, these tools are working my friends, and I'm so glad!

                              I'm hanging in there, am on Day 4 today, but I can already tell that just by being on the bus with you all that this is going to stick this time. That is the beauty of groups like this, it can be just that little edge of extra support you need when the days get tough and you start to think, what the HECK, I might as well, then someone's name goes through your head, Ladybird, or Peanut, or Dill, or Lav, or Red, or Sooty, and the thought that someone else on the bus is saying NO today makes you think twice, and you ride out that craving for a few more minutes and that is enough.

                              Thank you all for being here and riding the bus together. You are all so special!!!



                                Operation October - week four

                                Lav, beef stew sounds great, but I really salivate over the homemade bread!

                                Lil, sorry you lost your files! Sounds disastrous. Guess I should do a back up on mine.

                                Red, I also had a very strong craving yesterday when I got home from work and the farmers market. A bit stressful with the boss and then the romanticizing of a good dinner once I got home? Lav has so insightfully pointed out to me the need to not romanticize the AL. (Thank you Lav!) It is ? yet another ? trigger for me. The craving was strong, but passed quickly. I also think about being accountable to this group. It is a powerful deterrent!

                                Dill, hope you are on the mend before long. The farmer?s market was delightful. Spent too much money, but got some homemade pasta, winter and summer squash, plums, dried apricots and honey. Didn?t find any gourds though.

                                Scrubbly, I read yesterday of a big storm blowing through (somewhere) in Colorado. Brrrrr!

                                Hi and best wishes to everyone on the bus. Sooty, what?s the scenery looking like up ahead? Do you have a GPS or are we flying by the seat of our pants? Either way, I trust your steering and the group effort to get us where we're going.

                                I?m going to get an early start on the work day, will see you all later.

