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Operation October - week four

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    Operation October - week four

    Hi all,

    Well, I fell off the bus last night. Drank enough to have a hang over - YUCK! - so am reminded of why I'd rather be AF. I kind of feel bad that I drank, but I'm also looking at the past 30+ days of not drinking as a huge improvement over my past behavior. Back on the bus for November.

    Beautiful fall weather here today so it's a nice day for the little trick or treaters to be out and about. Fun to see the little kiddies in their costumes. I live in town so there are scads of them!

    Hope everyone has a fun day!


      Operation October - week four

      Hi again folks, where is everyone? out trick or treating? The little kids from next door but one came round - they were so cute, but they didn't take many treats so I've still got loads left!
      Well I'm one tired Sooty, AF but very tired so I'm going to tidy up a bit and take myself off to bed.
      See you all on the morrow -
      hope halloween was happy for us all


        Operation October - week four

        Hi, Friends! BOO!!!!

        Soots! Well done on an AF Halloween!

        Finding, Here's the brush. Just brush off and get back on board. Lesson learned, I am sure! Tomorrow starts a whole new month and new beginning! You haven't lost a single AF day. They are still yours.

        Lav, I hope your sore throat doesn't develop into anything big. But now that I have turned a corner, I will be glad to make the soup for you!

        Lil, How's the preparation going for your trip? Are you getting squared away?

        Tomorrow starts a new month. We never officially came up with a name, so, I guess whoever is first, gets to name our new AF month.

        Good night. Peace and strength.

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          Operation October - week four

          Looks like the end of our October thread is quietly upon us along with Halloween and the official end of trying to save daylight. Lord Bird Heart and I annually make an effort to frighten our urban neighborhood children as the Martha Stewart CD ?Spooky Scary Sounds? is wonderfully ghastly piped onto the dark porch and all we add is an overly lifelike skull in a dimly lit window and a jack with a hideous expression; scares the poop out of the more sensitive little goblins, fairies, and pirates, but they are very proud when they soldier on to get their fine chocolate treats from the nice old people inside. This year we are going to scare ourselves with the old ?Night of the Living Dead? and have a treat of my fresh clam chowder and sour dough bread. See you in our November thread whatever it is called, and thanks, Dill, for reminding us what we have not lost. Love and boo!, Ladybird
          may we be well


            Operation October - week four

            Good evening all!

            Had one trick-or-treater stop by - a very cute 11 month old in a monkey costume Boy did that costume ever match his personality!!!

            Sooty, I'm sending you loads of don't need to ask, just take & use all you need, OK?

            Lil, when do you leave on your trip?

            Finding, remember - it's always better to be Unhung

            Dill & LBH - will one of you get up early and give us a new name for the month of November? Suprise me!!

            Whatever ever we end up calling ourselves - lets be strong together and make it the best month ever!!
            Afterall, we're a bunch of nice people & we really deserve it, right?
            Have a great night!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

