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ODAT Saturday October 24

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    ODAT Saturday October 24

    Happy Saturday to all! Check in on this thread. Everyone is welcome and a great place to write down your goal and highlights for the day. One Day at a Time.

    ODAT Saturday October 24

    Morning Bossers. Hope you have a bit of sunshine peeking through on you up there in the PNW.

    Things are looking mild and sunny here in the Rockies, and I'm looking forward to a quiet and AF day.

    Happy Saturday to all to come.


      ODAT Saturday October 24

      it's raining and I'm in jammies. well not really jammies, I don't think I go out in public but it is better than my robe
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        ODAT Saturday October 24

        Just finished running about 5 errands... (did Not stop at liquor store!!)

        Kind of dreary and muggy. Good day to stay inside in a/c! Maybe watch movie.

        Hope all have good day!
        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


          ODAT Saturday October 24

          Lovely sunny day here in UK, had a nice walk with the old mutts this morning, then spent the day studying. I quite enjoyed it really, its good to get back into doing something productive with my free time, rather than drinking myself unconcious every night. It is much more interesting. I admit I have had a couple of glasses of wine tonight, but it is my last for at least 6 days, thats the plan anyway, I've only made it to 5 before, so I am just going to aim for one more, baby steps.
          Hope everyone has had a good day, and take care of yourselves.


            ODAT Saturday October 24

            :h Hi Everyone

            I got a late start today , finally got into the shower and dressed. I'm going to run some errands and take "Sam" for a walk , Yankee/Angel game this afternoon, so I'm looking forward to that , company is coming over to watch&eat.. I'll be sipping cranberry juice & soda.. Hope your all having a good weekend:h

            I started reading "Easy way book " I put it down last week and haven't picked it up since , don't know why ?!? I usually like to read , I hope i'm not proscratinating because subconsciously , I really don't want to quit drinking , hmmm , I'll think about whats going on in my brain during my walk with the dog.. I'm kinda in a fog at the moment , not sure why ~ Em
            Non Drinker 9/09
            Non Smoker 6/09
            Tennis Anyone ?


              ODAT Saturday October 24

              HI Emmy
              Glad I'm not the only one who does their thinking and talking to themselves during the dog walk, I've found myself a bit foggy, mainly at work, since trying to quit drinking. Maybe it is just a side affect of the brain not having its daily dose of poison, and hopefully one that will pass before I get the sack.
              Keep strong, if you really did'nt want to quit drinking would you be here on this site? It is hard, and I am struggling big time right now, but the fact that I am still here, and you are still here, means that we really want to beat this. Just keep trying, and it will happen, thats what I have to tell myself everyday, because the alternative is just to give up and sink lower and lower, which I will not allow myself to do.


                ODAT Saturday October 24

                It has been a nice day here in Australia. It's Sunday afternoon, around 5:15pm. Am feeling the urge to get b of w, don't know if i'll be strong though.
                One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                  ODAT Saturday October 24

                  NIACIN Vit B3

                  A few weeks ago I bought some NIACIN tabs 100mgs, vit B3, was told they are good for AL recovery & the liver,

                  I took some before I found this site but they made my heart race, felt dizzy and my face went a red as a beetroot.. is that normal..??

                  bit worried to try them again but I do know vit B is good for the liver, have I bought the wrong stuff ????????????

                  oops just realised I put this in the wrong thread..!
                  so BTW.. sun is just rising lovely over the sea in front of my casa, gonna be a warm sunny day,

                  gonna take my doggies out and steer clear of all the bars that are full of familys eating & drinking on the beach front restaurants...

                  the cold beer they are drink is so damm tempting... allways used to stop and have a few en-route !!!

                  have a nice sunday guys,


