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A glimpse of the good life

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    A glimpse of the good life

    I had six wonderful AF days under my belt before I went out to dinner with my husband on Friday and had "just one". I felt great being able to stop at one and I didn't have any desire to have more than that. Despite the illusion of being "in control" I think this seemingly innocent drink opened the floodgates for me. Last night I had a glass of wine out of habit - Saturday night after all. And as usual, that one turned into three (it could have been more if I didn't have a head cold) and I felt just horrible this morning. Another Sunday with the kids feeling lousy b/c I drank to much.

    I am hoping this set-back strengthens my resolve to stay AF this week. I felt fantasic last week and loved not having to worry about how I would feel when I woke up in the morning. I had energy, patience and love for my husband and kids. My husband even joked "why are you being so nice to me?" and I responded that I am much nicer when I am when I am not drunk of hungover - we both had a laugh but the truth also hurts...I have not been a great person lately and my family has suffered for that.

    This weekend will be a very social one - adult and kid halloween parties to go to and host -and Al will be very present. I am going to do my best to remember how great I felt with out drinking - energy, working out and eating well, present for my family, clear eyes and head, etc. My life is sooo much better if I don't ply my body with toxic poisons. I feel I have had a glimpe of the life that I want and am going to work my butt of to get there. AL is giving me nothing but misery. I want to be AF and I am ready to finally quit.

    Thanks for being there. It is nice to be able to share my thoughts in this supportive and safe place.


    A glimpse of the good life

    Hey LuckyMom,
    You said it yourself best! "Al is giving me nothing but misery. I want to be AF and I am ready to finally quit." Life is so much better sober. We have to give ourselves a chance to get there. Being hungover is so counterproductive and a waste of a day we could have done something worthwhile. Be nice to yourself, make a plan and do it. Let us know how you are.
    AF since 2/4/10
    Nicotine free since 3/31/10


      A glimpse of the good life

      You can do it! I am a mom with three girls and wine is also my weakness. I had way too much to drink yesterday/last night, but that is in the PAST and today is a NEW DAY!!!! Do you know what I did this morning? I opened three bottles of wine and POURED EACH ONE OF THEM DOWN THE SINK while saying "F--- you!" to them!! Then, I threw out my favorite wine glass. One person commented that it was a shame I didn't give the bottles to a neighbor or somehting, but that was a ritual for me. It felt good watching the wine swirl down the drain and not into my blood system. I stomped out to the recycling bin and threw the bottles in with force because I am PISSED and I AM NOT GOING TO LET IT HAVE CONTROL OVER ME ANYMORE!!! You should try some kind of ritual like this. It felt good to me and it just might help you get "committed." Sometimes it's the silliest, littles things that will strengthen your resolve....Good luck! :-)
      Part of learning is getting it Wrong.
      The past is gone forever. Keep it Moving.


        A glimpse of the good life

        Hi LuckyMom,

        Consider it a lesson learned
        Hop right back on board, you have nothing to lose, everything to gain!!

        Wishing you the best!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          A glimpse of the good life

          Keg, That is fantastic that you took such a physical assault on the wine! Those bottles have had their way with you too many times - must have felt great to have been the one in charge! Sounds like you are really ready to make a positive change in your life - good for you! I hope you are already seeing the positive impact that staying free from al will have in your life - and the lives of you daughters!!!

          Thanks Shirazgirl and Lav for your encouragement and support. Your right SG, Life IS so much better without alcohol and I am finally, finally getting that. I've been a prisoner to alcohol for so long and it is time to take my life back. It has taken friends, self confidence, ambition, strained my mariage, stolen time with my kids....I have been afraid to give it up and now I am realizing that I have soooooooo much more to gain.

          Not drinking seems to be getting easier. Last night I had a stressful day at work and with the kids and I would have typically reached for a glass (and eventually bottle) of wine. But drinking was not an option so I joked to my husband how badly I wanted to drink and then relaxed with some Kava tea (and some cheesy tv shows) after getting the kids to bed. Feels so good to be making good choices!! Hope I can carry this resolve through the weekend...

          Have a great day!


            A glimpse of the good life

            Congrats on the AF day. Isn't it great to wake up with a clear head? Live AF ODAT and don't worry about next weekend. It will have its' turn to be part of ODAT when it arrives.

            So much to gain and so much to lose. I too have wasted so much time, money, and emotions on AL. I want my life back. But I must go ODAT and focus on today and what I need to do to be AF.



