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what am i doing

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    what am i doing

    Hi, have just found this site and it looks great. Am struggling with the never ending monkey on my back. Have been drinking for years and just detoxed this year for the first time. Didn't last long and am off my meds (campril) and drinking pretty much on a daily basis. Anyone know that song Red Red Wine! Really want a drink now but usually wait till midday.
    I am finding it hard to be motivated!!!!! help

    what am i doing

    :welcome: felixen there is a great community here were you will get lots of advice and support,have a read around the threads and see were you fit in,There is a newbie thread here which is great but you can join in anyone goodluck and keep in touch :good job::thanks:

    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


      what am i doing

      :welcome: Felix,

      You must be somewhat motivated because you are here. You will find so many of us are fighting the same thing that you are. We wish for a life different than what we have with AL. I know that I cannot moderate. I need to be AF. You may be the same of different. Only you can answer that question.

      I have known for years about my alcoholism and have tried to quit several times but to no avail. MWO is providing me an avenue to learn, listen, post and be part of a huge community that has the same goals.

      The support here is awesome.




        what am i doing

        Hi felixen,

        Welcome to MWO, it is a good place! You'll find lots of support & encouragement here

        You mentioned that you detoxed this year but stopped your Campral - do you know why? Have you identified your drinking triggers? Take a look in the Tool box (located in the Monthly Abstinence section) for good ideas to help you make your plan. Try to focus on being AF today, take it one day at a time. Distract yourself to get thru the afternoon without drinking! You can do this

        Wishing you the best!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          what am i doing

          Thanks for your responses. It is such a great help to know there are real people out there who have succeeeded in this battle.
          I managed to not have any red wine yesterday, yay! Once i start the red it is all over. I actually walked up to the bottle shop then turned back and went home.
          This site I hope will be a great support, even if it can help me delay, delay, delay, which seems to be my strategy at the moment. When it comes to medications I have a distrust of prescriptions and didnt like taking Revia, Camprill as well as anti depressants, so I gave them all up. However I realise I cant do it alone, thats why I am here!
          Wishing everyone a great day.
          Cheers Felixen


            what am i doing

            Welcome! And great job making it through the day without a drink! I am like you and can't have just one...actually I don't want just one - I want 3 or more! So staying away completely is the only way for me. My new mantra is "drinking is not an option!". One sip and I will wake up hung over and with major regret the next day. I have been a slave to wine for so long and now I am finally working on breaking free and it feels great. This site has been so helpful. The book, the supplements and CD as well as the incredible support here are finally helping me get on the right track. You can do it and you are worth it. Good luck..hope to "see you around" here.


              what am i doing

              Hi Felixen - and Welcome!

              "Delay, delay, delay" is actually a very good strategy!!

              Which goes hand-in-hand with "Distract, distract, distract"!

              I am not in ANY way an expert... but I AM learning!!

              I think one of the best things I've learned so far is that I CAN feel good when not drinking... Actually, I can feel Better.

              Good luck - keep reading/posting.
              Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

