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just trying to live

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    just trying to live

    iam25...ive been an alcoholic for the past 8 years..lots of fun.. lots of memories...but i have not moved forward in my life...never used the oppurtunities life had given i i have to blame it on something...i picked my alcoholism .hope iam right because i ve taken the first step to kick this habit....its been 10 days (not much) ....i didnt tell my friends abt this....i never spent more than half hour with these guys without holding a glass in my hand....

    ironically 2 differnt friends of mine called me today n said that they r coming to my house with scotch bottles(usually these guys never say this ..they just love to keep those bottles in their closet n drink that in a daily basis)...iam confused n tempted at the same time....its not about the scotch ..its about that crazy session we all(we all) have during the drinking...the reason iam writing here is iam little confused,scared,disappointed i dont know whats the right word when i think that iam never gonna experience that time again...i could not think of an alternate to that....hope i dont drink tomorrow...

    lots of nice people here in this blog...good replies n motivation...i appreciate every one of u.... hope i can get to know such nice people ... good day....

    just trying to live

    Hey Daddy , your on the right path.. keep up the good work . Em
    Non Drinker 9/09
    Non Smoker 6/09
    Tennis Anyone ?


      just trying to live

      Hey there, I'm sure you really love your friends but we tend to attract like minded people into our lives, if your serious about changing your life you might need to find some new people to chill with or at least find other activities rather than drinking to do together?? Good luck!


        just trying to live

        Hey daddy, It's early days, mate, but how are you feeling??
        I think one of the keys to a successful AF life is looking at being sober as a blessing...not a deprivation you know?? Sure you can sit down with your buddies and get hammered, maybe have a few laughs...but how will you feel the nextday?? Not just the hangover but also knowing that you've done the wrong thing for a better you??
        Hopefully in time you might be able to have some really great times with your friends without alcohol.....that'd be true friendship.

        Best of luck mate, tell us how you go.



          just trying to live

          hi yes i managed to stay AF today...about that 2 friends , i called two of my buddies n said iam drinking with the other one.. hope i dont get caught... angel cake thats right next day is always depressing...i ll try to fing joy without having to gulp anything ...
          thanks all for listening..........


            just trying to live


            Hi daddy,

            In my early days I used to lie through my teeth about not drinking so :goodjob:.

            Also to try is going on a health kick, antibiotics.

            Now I just say I'm not drinking tonight.

            love Jackie xxx
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              just trying to live

              yeah soon ill get to that point where i can say iam not drinking....may be next month..

