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Sleep pattern

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    Sleep pattern

    I have been AF for about a week now, I started on Bac and it helped big time with WD's at first only woke once in the night, read thru the posts until I got dozy and went back to bed but still woke early in the morn and took my BAC,

    after a few days slept thru the night without daytime naps.

    I have now started on Milk Thistle, L-Glutamine & Niacin plus the BAC, multi vits & mins,

    but now I am very tired early evening and drop off to sleep but wake every 2 hours thru the night go to the bathroom,snack, drink water, come on the pc then drop off and wake like clockwork 2hrs later.......!!

    has any body else experianced this ??


    Sleep pattern

    Good morning LJ,
    I also become very tired early evening, fall asleep early and sometimes wake up. I try to limit my liquid intake, but I listen to my clearning CD to help me go back to sleep. Maybe that would be helpful. Great job on the AF time.


      Sleep pattern

      Hey, LJ

      Your sleeping patterns will be heavily affected by the baclofen, not so much by any of the other supplements you're taking.

      How fast are you titrating up on baclofen, and how do you spread out your doses?

      If you're taking a higher dose mid-afternoon / early evening, it is to be expected that you'll feel very tired early evening.

      Does it happen about an hour after taking the bac?

      There are ways in which you can counter-act a bad (or is that bac? :H ) sleeping pattern.

      1. Drink lots of coffee (It really does help protect the liver) - but only have it in the mornings
      2. Avoid regular tea in the afternoon & evenings (it contains lots of caffeine as well). Try chamomile or other herbal teas.
      3. Avoid sugary snacks when you do wake
      4. Eat a banana (my granny swore by it!)
      5. As Red said, listen to a meditation / self-hypnosis CD. Not my kind of thing, but many here on MWO have benefitted from it.
      6. Get up and active when you feel sleepy early evening, so you stretch yourself a little later.

      I'm sure many others will also have good advice.

      Also try to remember: your body and mind are going through massive changes now that you're AF. Quite possibly, all these thnigs will stabilise sooner than you think!
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        Sleep pattern


        I never knew coffee was good for the liver??

        I think I titrated up too quick, went from 25mgs a day to 60mgs or even a bit more coz was taking it when I woke in the night..

        have had about 65mgs so far today, and not gonna have any more today until the morning, or at least try, but no doubt I will be needing some when I wake during the night.

        Had breath test N?2 today.. again negative...00.00...:H just got 10 more weeks to go.. just gotta be strong coz this is my weak time, coz I know I can cheat coz they won't call me for another test until next week...

        but then again they might be thinking that as well ! and try to catch me out, they have a lot of experience with alchoholics and know we are famous for cheating and lying..

        so I suppose I must get those thoughts out of my nut..!!

        and concentrate on WHY I am doing it..

        it is so bloody hard, but you guys, all of you are such a support and I love reading the posts.

        it's like reading an ever changing best selling book, all the readers can relate & participate with all the characters, it's compulsive theraputic reading.. love it... :goodjob: :l

        okies bye for now,

        Jan :h


          Sleep pattern

          Have a look at:

          Coffee Drinking Related To Reduced Risk Of Liver Cancer


          Coffee's Liver Benefits | Hepatitis Central News, Updates and Commentary
          I'll do whatever it takes
          AF 21/08/2009


            Sleep pattern

            Hey there,,just another thought on the sleep issues. I've been taking can get it in the health food section of your's an herbal sleep aide...It's helped me quite a bit,,,but beware, it smells like nasty dirty stinky feet! LOL
            Every day is not 100%, however, it is 100% better than my best day of drinking..


              Sleep pattern

              What's the No2 test??
              I have great sleep using benadryl and melatonin. You can get either anywhere cheaply. I also swear by a couple of cups of strong coffee. It helps reinforce the sleep wake cycle.


                Sleep pattern

                test n?2

                Hi gearhead,

                the test n?2, as the guys that have been pulling me thru this all know, is because I have to have a breath test for achohol for the next three months and at the end, a full blood test.

                In short the reason being is, I have been a heavy drinker all my life, not a fall over drunk, coz my tolerance was very high.

                any way met the father of my little boy, (he is now 7yrs old) & he beat the frigging life out of me, broke all my front teeth, kick & punched me before, during & after pregnancy and the list goes on, anyway I jumped into a bottle of vodka to hide, I was too scared to say anything to anybody, although my older children saw it all but they were frightened of him as well.

                one day after I had been scared from having a seizure coz I had stopped drinking suddenly, I thought I was doing the right thing, but it was the worse thing I could have done.

                so I went out at 6am got a bottle of vodka had some, took my boy to school came back and finished the rest off.

                crashed out on the sofa, thought I could wake to pick him up.

                I didn't,

                school called social services and took him, they got emergency court order and took him..
                this was last november, so I must prove I am clean and capable to look after my boy..and in January if all goes good he comes home..!!!

                couldn't have done it without the help and strengh and support from these guys,:l

                wish you well with your own situation,
                L J :h

