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ODAT thursday

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    ODAT thursday

    I'm still up so I'll start the thread.

    New job is going awesome! So busy all the time I have no time to come on here but at least I'm busy. I'm loving it. For those of you who don't know, same company, just a promotion. Very pleased as earlier this year I was pretty much done with the whole work thing.

    Having huge H1N1 issues here - started a thread in general about that.

    Other than that, same old, same old. Miss Bessie! Hope everyone else is doing well - won't be able to check in probably until tomorrow night so have a great one ODATER's!

    Love you all,
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    ODAT thursday

    Now this is no good. I haven't been around for a time and I miss the big news about the job!! Sounds fantastic Uni. Good for you. :goodjob:

    Been keeping the drink tracker going but just not taking the time to read or post but I'll try and pop in more often. I have posted, but at the tail end of the ODAT threads mostly.

    Anyway, doing ok. On a low carb diet atm which is doing wonders for the cravings. Eating loads but all the right things (apart from last night's Thai blow out - which was fabbulous!). Having the best month for a long time with Al. Hubby off with a long term sick problem which means he can't drive at night so I am always duty driver when we go out. No problem with that at all - it helps. Hunting season well under way and I have a tiny hunt puppy to look after too. What with that and all the usual stuff, I keep out of mischief mostly!

    Love to all.

    Bessie xxxx


      ODAT thursday

      HI all!

      Day 7 (one Week!). My first milestone. Welllll, actually, my First was ONE DAY! (of course!)

      Going to the FL Orchestra in a while w/friend. It's an early performance, but I'm looking forward to it.

      Soooo, that should keep me out of trouble today.

      Have a good one.
      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


        ODAT thursday


        Heool all! Way to go savvy!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          ODAT thursday

          hi eve3ryone, anyone around to chat later about 7.30 uk time? feeling really down at the moment need a plan


            ODAT thursday

            I Haven't posted the last couple of days, sometimes I can't think of anything to write, I'm so used to just having the dogs for company talking to real people seems a bit strange. Really wish I could get onto chat.
            I've had 3 AF days this week so far (from Sunday), then last night a friend came over with 2 bottles of wine, and I had 3 glasses, I felt quite tipsy after 1 glass, which is wierd, as I could happily finish off 1 -2 bottles before I started trying to quit without a second thought. I've had 2 glasses tonight, and will probably have one more before going to bed, then tomorrow AF again as no more alcohol in the house. I am making progress, but slowly, I think maybe there are more things wrong with my life than alcohol addiction, and I need to sort them out as well as the alcohol problem for this to work. No idea how though.
            Anyway, sorry to ramble, hope everyone has had a good day.


              ODAT thursday

              Hi everyone,

              Savon told me in chat I might join this thread. I am going AF tomorrow, and it has been a long road getting here. I made a goal for November 1st, but I am starting early because I feel like NOW is the time. Thought I would say hello today in preparation.

              ~All best to you


                ODAT thursday

                Hi lodestar!!! Great to hear that you've set a goal and even decided to start earlier! YAH! Good luck to you:goodjob:

