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One Day Without Wine

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    One Day Without Wine

    Hello there,

    This is my first time on this site and wanted to share that I made one night (last night) without my wine. Whoo hoo! Seems like a small victory, but there has only been a few days in the last five years that I have not had wine. I did, however, devour a box of red vines and other sweets. I figured that was better than drinking at this point. I feel good today and plan on a 30 day abstinence and reevaluate how I feel at that time. I have a lot of addiction in my family history. I saw Oprah on Monday and she had on woman who were high functioning alcoholics. It was clear to me that I put myself in the responsible drinking catagory because I have had a career, family and not DWI's. I do, however, have problems in my relationships and a general feeling of low drive and energy. I'm ready to get my groove back, so here I go.

    I used to think life was dull without drinking and couldn't understand those who didn't. I thought they were missing out on a lot of fun. I am seeing things differntly now, as I am no longer having fun. I am nervous about something stressfull popping up in my life and the urge to drink. I just went through a divorce and drank myself to sleep everynight, numbing the pain. I'm ready to face reality.

    I'm glad to have found this web site and look forward to getting and receiving support.

    One Day Without Wine

    Hello Higherground,
    Welcome to MYO. You have found a wonderful place for friendship, support and information.


      One Day Without Wine

      Hello and :welcome:

      You sound very positive. And one day is great, it means you are trying and you are here. This place is wonderful. Have you read the book? It is a great place to start. It gives you an overall view of some of the tools you can use to help. Kudzu and LGlut help me.

      Sending you tons of support

      PM me anytime
      :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


        One Day Without Wine

        No, I have not read the book. I would like too. I feel positive now, but have been here before. The real test of my strength will come.

        I need supplements and healthy diet. I don't want to get too self confident because I have not experienced sober living for so long that I'm not sure how I would handle social situations. I'm really quite scared, but the only alternative is to do what I have been doing and it's not working. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.

        Thank for the welcome!


          One Day Without Wine

          One more thing

          Just wanted to add that when I mentioned that I had never had a DWI, it's not because I have been above drinking and driving, in case I sounded above it. It's by the grace of God that I didn't get a DWI or hurt anyone on the road. Sometimes just buzzed, but I remember other times when I was definately a danger on the road.

          Even so, it's the small things in life that I miss. Just being present and not hiding behind the numbness and brain fog. Things like answering the phone at night (I ddn't want to answer in case others could tell I had been drinking). Not hiding the wine bottle under the bathroom counter so my daughter wouldn't know or pouring it into a coffee cup to hide my drinking. Now it seems kind of sick.


            One Day Without Wine

            Nope not sick...well I guess in a way cause we are sick with AL. You are definatelly not alone. I didn't answer the phone at night, hid my bottle, drank out of a coffee cup....oh the list could go on. We all have very similar stories.

            You will love the book. It gave me hope and motivation and more important....a plan. Although I cannot follow it completely I do the most I can and it has gotten me on the right path. Tapering down and down to one drink a night. Looking forward to going AF soon.

            Keep up the positive attitude
            :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


              One Day Without Wine

              Thank you for your reply. I guess I really am not alone. I will definately get the book.
              I went from whoo hoo this morning to boo hoo tonight because I want a glass of wine sooooo bad, but I know that one will lead to another. It seems like one for me just weakens my resolve, so I keep on drinking. I always justified the wine because it was socially acceptable. Hanging by my fingernails, but having a glass of tea instead.
              Looking forward to waking up without the fog tomorrow morning. Evenings are the hardest.

              Best to you.


                One Day Without Wine

                Hope you are well and feeling great today!! Stay strong

                :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                  One Day Without Wine

                  I can so completely relate. Avoiding the phone, the brain fog, the numbness, hiding the bottle (have done the washing machine--that was a clue). My greatest fear is my influence on my children. But then I have another glass to forget about the guilt. But what I know in my heart is that the tools are here for me and for you when I'm/you're ready.
                  "Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver


                    One Day Without Wine

                    Welcome, you are in a good community with people who understand you. Please stay with us.
                    Enlightened by MWO


                      One Day Without Wine

                      IT is so worth it to not drink. I have struggled for some time, with up to almost two months AF at times. After a while, being AF will become a habit, it is hard work at first to find other things to do. The toolbox under the Monthly Abstinence thread is sooooo helpful. Plus posting and reading others' journeys. The support is here so jump on in and welcome.:welcome:


                        One Day Without Wine

                        OMG, have no idea all the stuff I did to hide my drinking...even bought more bottles of wine to replace the ones I drank before hubby got home, drinking out of mugs, hiding my bottles, blaming it on a sleep aid, the list goes on! You are NOT alone.
                        Wine, too is my weakness. And I can;t even remember how long it's been that I have been drinking every single night!!! Jsut this year, I started drinking in the daytime. I just hit my wall last week. Had my last drunk on Sunday. Nothing on M,T, W and 3 glasses on Th and Fri night. Nothing tonight. I hope to go completley AF, but right now it;s easier for me to go a few nights AF, then have a little "treat" and continue on. I definitely can tell a difference in how I feel. Even on the nights I only had 3 glasses, I woke up not feeling quite as good as the other days. You can do it! We will support you! :-)
                        Part of learning is getting it Wrong.
                        The past is gone forever. Keep it Moving.


                          One Day Without Wine

                          HG, even the higher functioning alcoholic is STILL and alcoholic. I tend to identify with that term, but drinking is drinking, hiding is hiding, sneaking is sneaking, and yes what was said is we all have a lot in common when it comes to drinking. My drink of choice was wine too. It wasn't easy quitting. But all the struggles, the fingerbiting, arguing with yourself, the justification thoughts etc, will eventually decrease with time and it is so worth it.
                          Read the book, read anything you can about alcoholism, it will make what you are going through real and give you many reasons to stop.

                          Best of luck,

