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    savon19;747312 wrote: Gosh, Shaefer - don't take this the wrong way... but it almost seems like you're making this stuff up! White Russian in the milk bottle?

    Maybe you WANT your kids to find out. Although they obviously know about your problem, it's as if you're doing these things to punish yourself? (You Knew someone would think it's milk in bottle?)

    You say you went to detox before. Is it possible to do that again? I'm worried about you hurting yourself (or others?) again... and maybe next time will be much more serious. Something that Won't heal. Or jail... or worse.

    I'm scared for you!!
    I'm sorry but I think that is the last thing she needs to hear, sounds like full critisism and making her feel guilty for what she's done..

    ..we do not make these things up...!!!!!!

    NO I do not agree with you Savon & I must admit it's not the 1st time I've cringed at your posts, people here need support not to be questioned what they have done.

    I agree with kate, emmy, star & angel and the rest of the guys that send out positive vibes,you need to listen to their words of encouragement,

    I have done excatly the same as you schaefer, didn't put it in the milk, but vodka in the orange juice and vodka in the water bottles and even crafty to the point I knew my daughter didn't like blackcurrant juice so I put red wine and lemonade in the bottle of blackcurrant in the fridge, but one day my little boy, he was 5yrs then helped himself to it.....!!!

    and I used to take "water bottles" in the car with me full of vodka and lemonade, thought nobody would notice and they would think I was being good drinking water, till one day my girl was waiting in the car for me while I popped in a shop and she drank it..!!!

    we do NOT do it to get caught, quite the opposite we think we can get away with it..!

    I have been in de-tox three times and to be honest was thinking about how I could still sneakly drink when I came out and get away with it...stupid isnt it..??

    but now I've paid the highest price, my boy has been taken into care, it will be a year come the 10th of november but if things keep going good, which I'm gonna make damm sure they will, he will come home in january.

    and the ONLY way I have got to this stage, is the help from all the guys on this site. I thought I was gonna die stopping drinking, I mean medically shock to the body to stop sharply.

    but these guys helped me every step of the way, it was bloody hard, but now it's just about 2 weeks AF, have had a couple of hiccups but not gonna beat myself up about it, coz now I am AF had my 2nd alchohol breath test and was negative, just got 10 more to do, am still on that thin line but I come on here and it's like plugging in to a life line..& it's 24/7..can't be any better support.

    come on girl, you can do it, it's hard, but it's bloody worth it..




      Schaefer forget the past ...time heals everything... trust me u can be a good mother...



        Ladyjan - you didn't read my second post.

        Of course, you're free to disagree with anything I say. I truly was concerned about her! And still am.
        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin





          yes I did read your 2nd post,

          but to say sorry means you that you knew what you said was wrong,

          and it was not what she needed to hear at that time, she was reaching out for help and your words made her feel even worse, I imagine.

          I only know if I had recieved a reply to my plea for help like that, I would have thought twice about continuing asking for help, the last thing we need is to feel bad for what we have done to the ones we love..

          it takes a big step to open our heart to people we don't know,

          we are scared shitless, unconditional, uncritical support is what is needed

          you should understand, you seem to have been here for a while, unless your problem never got to the murky depths that a lot of us have sunk to and been trapped in.





            missed the bit about your concern out,

            your concern and worry isn't gonna help her, that is your personal feelings,

            yes it's comforting to know people care but she needs to be uplifted not to think she is making you worried or scared..

            think about it



              Thinking of you

              Hey Schaefer! Just popping in to say I'm thinking of you. Hope to see you around today and hear how things are going.

              Sending strength and peace your way



                Thank you everyone...for your caring and concern! Still struggling but still learning and hopeful!



                  Great to hear your positive attitude Schaefer28. Attitude is everything in this `game`.

                  Wishing you all the best,

                  Star x
                  Formerly known as Starlight Impress.

