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Only 3 day and Amazed

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    Only 3 day and Amazed

    Monday night I was totally drunk and realized I needed to stop doing this to myself.
    I have never been on a chat line and I really can't remember how I got to this site. My husband would think I was insane if he knew I was talking to people on line. He has never really called me a drunk, but has said that I don't know when to quit. No kidding!! I have done such embrassing things that I wish I could forget. The last past year has been the worse. My marriage started changing before I started drinking more and I drank more because of it. Life has been such a fog for so long. I have done things that I would of never have done if I wasn't totally shit face.
    Sometimes I wonder if I can ever overcome the mistakes I made while I was drinking.
    This site and the people are truly amazing. I can not tell you how I feel just knowing I can talk and post my true feelings. THANK YOU MWO.....AND ALL OF YOU WHO ARE HERE!!!

    Samantha..............I was so drunk the 1st night I visited I spelled my own name wrong:blush::nutso::new::upset::thanks::applaud:

    Only 3 day and Amazed

    Welcome Samantha. All of us on this board have regrets about things we've done shit face. Myself, I've racked up $6,000 in medical bills and $2,000 in lawyers bills within the past 3 months. Hang in there. I know what you mean, the problems of life still await when the fog lifts, but usually they are worse since we "checked out" for a while. :welcome:


      Only 3 day and Amazed


      Welcome! 3 days does make a heck of a difference doesn't it? Congrats on your success!
      It is amazing when your head clears & you can start thinking again. Have you made your plan yet? Take a look in the Tool box (located in the Monthly Abstinence section) for good ideas to help get you thru these early days & the inevitable tough times we all have to face

      Wishing you continued success & please feel free to join us in the 'Newbies Nest' thread!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Only 3 day and Amazed

        its all in the game

        hi :welcome:...with alcohol in my blood ive done lot of stupid things in life that iam ashamed of.... just wanna tell u r not alone in this....lets start our constructive journey from now on and there is no looking back..we can do it...cheers....


          Only 3 day and Amazed

          No relevance to the thread whatsoever, but Daddynotcool, your avatar is


          Just had to get that off my chest.



            Only 3 day and Amazed

            :welcome: Samantha!

            I raise my hand as well being one who has done many, many regrettable things while shit faced. I thank my lucky stars every day that the regrettable things ARE things I can recovery from more easily than...say...killing someone with my car. Yes - since getting sober I have gotten to know a woman who did that. It was her fiance who died. I am convinced that if I had kept on drinking, or if I return to drinking, the downhill slide will just continue until something like that DOES happen. So I'm grateful to be here and to be sober.

            You are not alone. Congratulations on 3 days AF! Life will only get better if we get AL out of the picture. Lav makes great suggestions about the Toolbox and a plan!

            Strength and hope,

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Only 3 day and Amazed

              I know what you mean by your husband not saying your a drunk, mine says the same thing about "you don't know when to quit" or when we are going out he will say "you don't have to drink the whole bar"

