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My first time here...

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    My first time here...

    Sheri;748013 wrote: Hi Merlie,

    Perhaps another good place to start would be to write down all the positives that alcohol brings to your life along with all the negatives, including consequences that are bound to happen if you continue drinking the way you are. If you're having trouble getting started, check out the following thread which I've linked here for your conveniece:

    Once you have the list together, if you're like most of us, the negatives will far outweigh any positives, that is if you are still truly experiencing any positives at all from drinking. Sometimes, when it's all just floating around in our heads, it's easy to dismiss the negatives when they come to mind, but they are much harder to ignore once down on paper in black and white.

    Change is hard, so it's very natural to feel some ambivalence in the beginning. The uncertainty of what life will be like without alcohol and the prospect of failure are common fears that we all have starting out and ones that have kept many of us stuck in the rut for way too long, myself included! However, I've never heard anyone ever say that they wished they had never quit drinking!

    The best advice I can give you to help with the ambivalence is to read, read, and read some more. Read everything you possibly can about alcohol, how others have quit, and why it's important for you to quit, and then make a plan of action for yourself if that's what you decide you want to do. Here are links to some additional threads that you might want to check out to help you get started.

    It seems to me that there must be a part of you that wants to stop drinking, and knows that you should, otherwise you wouldn't be here. Sometimes, when it comes down to it, you just have to take a leap of faith. That's what I did, and it was the best decision of my life!

    Thank you, Sheri!

    I did take your advice and I read that forum as you've probably already read. It did change a part of me. I need to continue on to the other links you've suggested, and get this ball in motion.

    Yes, I'm here because I know I need to do something about my drinking, but I guess there's a (lying) part of me which is saying, 'It's not that bad. So you drink. Big deal." I guess I need a dose of reality, but I want to get control of this issue before something bad happens. I'm quite worried about my health.



      My first time here...

      merley you sound just like i feel, i could carryon as i am and not do anyone any harm probably have a slightly shorter life but i do want to give up, start here listen and learn and get all the support you can here, pm me if you want, that means private message, press on the coloured dot by my name and it will show you what to do, also you can go to live chat in the top lefthand corner, speak soon, love and hugs Tawnywitch.


        My first time here...

        Hi Merl....first day here for me.....I posted a reply to the 19 years sober and relapse and tell a bit about myself.....I definitely think and feel similar...but I have just decided for the "moment" that I am not going to endulge myself in my "mentathalons" today....There is nothing I seem to endulge in more than mental gymnastics.....trying to approach this drinking behaviour of mine from a total objective....philosophical...psychological point of view....trying to kid myself that I actually have the ability to "think" my way through...this...but past behavior has shown me it not bringing much screw it...I don't have a clue at this moment whether I really want to quit or I don't...I;ve just decided that for this moment..I am not going to drink....and I'll entertain myself with my mental gymnastics later....for now...I'm going to go clean the house.....good luck..


          My first time here...

          Hello Everyone

          :new: Hi,

          I am new here and i have joined you to know more health related concerns and also share some with you.

          I hope you will like to share with me your health issues and i would help you to solve them.

          Thanks and Regards.

