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Giving it a Try

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    Giving it a Try

    :new:I've read My Way Out for a while now and been pretty inspired by the great folks on here.

    I had recently slowed down to 2 beers or less per day and was feeling great, but now here I am, back to knocking down 10 beers or more without thinking twice about it.

    I'm pretty sick of it and ready to give the 30 Days AF an honest try for the first time. I've got a great career that I could put in jeopardy with out of control boozing. Marriage could definitely be better. Have a small child. I just feel like I let it cross too much of a line too often. Spend too much time thinking about my "drinking time" etc...

    Pretty nervous, but I think it's long overdue to give it a shot.

    Giving it a Try

    Congratulations, All Done! I'm new here too. Been hanging out for a couple weeks and decided to go AF now. Day one is over and I feel proud. So many supportive people here - strength in numbers! I'm sure some experienced folks will come "stand" with you very soon. I love the sticky swimming pool thread. It makes sense to be nervous to get into the pool if you don't know how to swim. I don't have any advice, of course. Just wanted to lend some support and say it would be great to have a friend to wade around the shallow end with. Hope to see more of you!


      Giving it a Try

      Thanks Lodestar. I can't promise myself I'll make it 100% because the disappointment is just huge if you stumble, but I'm just so tired of this cycle.

      I'm with you and will check in. Congrats on getting started and best of luck. Keep it up.


        Giving it a Try

        I understand what you mean about the disappointment being huge, but I never feel disappointed in others -- only myself. Let go of the shame and do what you can do. Wishing you all the best on your journey. Tomorrow is a new day.


          Giving it a Try

          It is great that you are beginning the journey to be free - AF. It is such a burden to drink several drinks most days of the week. I know, because having done it for years, it is normalized to wake up hungover, or not feeling quite right. Feeling sick and tired most of the time. With setting yourself free from the burden of drinking, waking up in the morning is a new experience. Feeling fresh after a good night's sleep, no guilt or second guessing. You have everything to look forward to. Promise. Take care and good luck.


            Giving it a Try

            Hello All Done & lodestar,

            Welcome to MWO, this is a great place!
            Have you read the MWO book yet? It's full og good information to help you get started. You can download it from the Health Store right here on the site. You need to make good plans for yourselves - take a look in the Tool box (located in the Monthly Abstinence section) for good ideas to help you make your plans. I found the Hypnotherapy CDs very helpful to clear your mind & help you learn to focus & relax. I still use them from time to time

            Please feel free to join us on the 'Newbies Nest' thread, lots of folks there jusy beginning and some of us who have been around a while

            Wishing you the best!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

