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ODAT - Saturday

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    ODAT - Saturday

    Morning odaters!

    How you doing?

    I am sick - daughter is feeling better, now I have it. No fever though so that is good.

    Hope you all have a great day!

    Happy Halloween!
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    ODAT - Saturday

    Morning All!

    Sorry you're not feeling well, uni. Get better!

    Back on board after bump in road.

    Off to SPCA. SO freakin HOT. I will be sweating... ICK.

    HAPPY HALLOWEEN!:dancingskel:
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


      ODAT - Saturday

      Hi everyone,

      I think this is my first AF Halloween in my adult life~wow. "Holidays" were always an excuse to poison myself publicly. Not today!

      Uni~sorry to hear of the sickness. Hope it isn't the flu and everyone is soon on the mend.

      Take care


        ODAT - Saturday

        Congrats Savon!


          ODAT - Saturday

          OK, so I went shopping today for a bunch of flowers for a friend, and came back with 2 bottles of wine, whats wrong with me? At least I remembered the flowers.
          Just had the first lot of trick or treaters round, two very polite little kids who could'nt pick up the chocolate themselves as they had false witches fingers on.
          Get well soon Uni.


            ODAT - Saturday

            Happy ODAT all! Elsa, I thought with Flu around we're supposed to hand out candy with our "clean hands" rather than have kids grab it. At least that's what they are saying locally. I've got a few hours to go. Better get more candy, and figure out how to pen up the dogs. Happy Halloween and Happy Daylight End everyone.


              ODAT - Saturday

              The chocolate was wrapped, so I don't think it matters one way or another, I doubt I'll be responsible for the next outbreak.
              What I really need tonight is some help and encouragement, I need to be AF, and will try again tomorrow, but I could really do with a bit of support right now. I am really down, and seem to be losing the will to keep trying, after all whats the point if your not worth the effort. I hate to sound needy, but I can't do this alone.


                ODAT - Saturday

                Hi, doubt if anyone will reply to this, as I seem to end every thread I chip into, but here goes, I'm writing this to myself, STOP NOW IT IS KILLING YOU. Hopefully I will read this in the morning when I log in, just to remind myself not to drink.:upset::upset:


                  ODAT - Saturday

                  ELSA>>>>>>>>>>> STEP AWAY FROM THE BOTTLE

                  IF you are reading this , take your glass of wine and dump it down the drain.... Start right now , TAKE MY HAND , lets do one day at a time TOGETHER .. Are you in ?????????
                  Non Drinker 9/09
                  Non Smoker 6/09
                  Tennis Anyone ?


                    ODAT - Saturday

                    Emmy;748316 wrote: ELSA>>>>>>>>>>> STEP AWAY FROM THE BOTTLE

                    IF you are reading this , take your glass of wine and dump it down the drain.... Start right now , TAKE MY HAND , lets do one day at a time TOGETHER .. Are you in ?????????
                    Thank you, I actually cried when I read your reply, in my drunken state I had just convinced myself that no one would care whatever I do. For the record I do not cry, I am the strong single individual who is in complete control and has no problems. Thats what the rest of the world sees anyhow. Thank you for replying, I needed that. I'm too far gone to be AF tonight, but tomorrow I wil be there. I hope!

