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I need to try.............HELP!

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    I need to try.............HELP!

    I was with a man for eight years and I was very much in love with him. He was a social drinker and I am an every day of sorts. I have made it several times for a week or more, but then I hop right in my bed and drinkd until its gone. By the way, we did end relationship. I have been a heavy drinker for about 8 years and I am really scared about my health. I have a 15 year old daughter at home, and she worried that something might happen to me. I really do want to stop and I hope I make it. I don't want to die.

    I actually joined back in October 2007 and stayed with it for a long time. Until I started up again and felt so guilty. I no there's not easy answer..........................Thanks for reading!

    I need to try.............HELP!

    Hi Morning Girl,

    Welcome back! You already know this is a good place, I'm sure that's why you came back!
    Your daughter apparently has been watching you drink for a good portion of her life, I'm sure she is scared. This is a great time for you to start taking care of yourself, improve your health & be a good example for your teen

    Why don't you start by rereading the MWO book & making a new plan for yourself?
    You need to stop drinking now, rid your house of anything leftover & don't buy anymore. It takes strength, a bit of courage but it's doable. Get that first AF day under your belt, you can do it

    Take it one day at a time, forget about the past, you're only looking from now on! Please feel free to join us on the 'Newbies Nest' thread for lots of support.
    Wishing you the best!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      I need to try.............HELP!

      I totally understand morning girl

      I too am newly back having used the program in 2008, had great sucess, and fell off the wagon due to family problems. Realize I must try again as I felt so good about myself when I quit last year; I was also sucessful quittting smoking and all my bad habits have returned with a vengence. I now have health concerns that need to be addressed; a blessing in a way to make me give my head a shake. I am hopeful I can pull this off for good this time!:new::thanks::upset:


        I need to try.............HELP!

        same pinch

        hi MG like u ive been drinking for eight years..... though we seem alright from outside things inside r badly messed up.... the only thing that affects each n every cell of our body is alcohol....though iam young i have some health problems..alcohol took away my charm up alcohol was my hobby but now i became serious i think..iam AF for 14 days ...alright the following is my G friend's wierd advise to not treat alcohol like a boyfriend u just dumped with out any vauable reason that case u might be lill concerned about him or atleast u consider him... treat alcohol like a boyfriend who just cheated on u....u just hate him or u dont feel anything n u treat him like a sitting matter how charming he is u dont feel a thing....(p.s. she was drunk when she told me her defense she drinks once in 2 or 3 months poor girl hates it)......moral of the story is lets not fall for the guy/girl/alcohol who just cheated on cool...


          I need to try.............HELP!

          Morning girl, I was here a while back too and didn't get past 3-4 days at a time. I came back earlier this year and was determined to make it stick. I'm 6 months in and it gets easier as the time goes by. The first few weeks are the hardest, but it is so worth it.

          glad you are back.



            I need to try.............HELP!

            MorningGirl, like you and Rachel I joined this site awhile ago and did pretty okay the first year but recently have been back sliding horribly. It happens to most of us. Today is November 1st, the beginning of a new month. Why not make it the beginning of a new, improved you. Try today as your first day AF. Good luck to you and we're here if you need us.


              I need to try.............HELP!

              I too have been back and forth on this site. Each time I am AF, I havenothing but positive results, then when I start drinking again, my life begins to get complicated, I feel sick, I get depressed, I feel ashamed, anxious, all the bad stuff. So, my goal is to keep trying, no matter what. And I am making progress, three slipps since August 29th, for me that is amazing.

              I am so glad you are back,:l you can do this, I think we can get better at this AF lifestyle as we learn the skills and use the tools to remain AF. Alcohol is a beast, an evil thing for me, a cheating boyfriend (loved that analogy daddynotcool) and I want it out of my life.


                I need to try.............HELP!

                Me too, on and off for 7-8 yrs. Back to day 1 today. Am sweaty and shakey ... afraid of convulsions
                Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                  I need to try.............HELP!

                  Hi MG, your completely right there is NO easy answer but one thing I have learnt from being here is you need to be kind to yourself as you go. That terrible feeling of guilt is one we all know well!! It is time to be your own best friend and not judge yourself too harshly...... your here and you want to change and that's a great place to start!
                  :h Summer09


                    I need to try.............HELP!

                    Hi Morning girl glad you came back this site is truely a life saver, my advice as I have been where you are many times is have a look at the meds section and particularly baclofen, will not bore you here with the detail but have a look at what i have posted today on there and how its changed my life, I too have children went to dinner with my eldest son who is 21 on saturday noght and apologised for what i ahve pu t him and his younger borther who is 13 through, but I feel experemly hope ful that that is all behind me now, there is a cure out there we are sick not bad or weak its just about fining that cure, my heart goes out to you and i wish you well BH xx

