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November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

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    November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

    It's the first day of November already! We are going to navigate November AF-style! Holidays are coming up, and we can plan to enjoy them free from alcohol and all that goes with it.

    I'm up early because my body is still on the 'old' time, but we moved our clocks back an hour last night. I went outside to check on the dogs and was greeted with the most beautiful site of a big round golden moon setting in the western sky. It was breath-taking. The stars were out and shining brightly. I took it as a good sign that November will be wonderful.

    Let's make this the best month ever!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

    Dill, I'm in for the long haul. Today I have a few things planned to keep me busy. So far today (I've been up since 3:30 am) when I have thought about a drink it is immediately replaced with the thought, no, you will go to bed sober tonight. As I said in another thread, I no longer even want to drink. It has simply become an addiction that I must beat. Thanks for being here, Dill, and starting this thread.


      November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

      It has simply become an addiction that I must beat.
      I hear that and second it! Cuckoo, I read in one of your threads yesterday that you liked the Bonnie Raitt song, "I will not be broken". I had not heard it, so I looked it up on youtube. Thanks! You are right, it's really inspirational.[/video]]YouTube - Bonnie Raitt - I Will Not Be Broken (live)

      You've been up since 3:30?!!! YIIKES!!

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

        Dill, thanks for posting the song. Well I'm heading upstairs to prepare a few healthy meals to help me jump start my new approach to getting back to a healthier lifestyle. Have a great day.


          November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

          It has simply become an addiction that I must beat.
          Welcome Cuckoosnest :welcome: You can do this. It's hard work sometimes but the rewards of an AF life is so worth it. You will find lots of support here.

          Dill-Thanks for getting us started on a new AF month. That was a great big beautiful moon last night. I agree that it was a good sign for a great month.

          I'm grabbing my seat on the sober bus and committing to an af November. On ward and up ward!!
          AF since 7/26/2009

          "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

          "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


            November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

            November first, All Saint's Day, and a beautiful day it is here. I woke up to see a golden sunrise out my bedroom window and felt it a good omen for this month. I love the time change, I really need to sleep an hour later.

            We had over 300 trick or treaters, a cool and windy night. It was so fun. The kids were so cute and excited. So were alot of the parents and grandparents. One little one had 5 adults with him, and another group had a grandmother dressed up and trick-or-treating. I got the biggest kick out of her.

            Drinking was not even on my radar screen. My husband said, "I feel like drinking," and brought up last year. I was honest about my feelings of shame and absolutely being AF. He understood and came to his senses. He and I were drinking buddies, taking care of each other, forgiving each other, and commiserating over our hangovers. Luckily, we are also AF buddies. But we have to be careful, or we can be our own worst enemies when it comes to partying.

            This is kind of funny, I ate so much candy, I had a horrible stomach ache like a little kid. I was mad at myself and have to be careful now what I eat. I have been eating healthy about 95% of the time, so when I eat badly, my body tells me how it feels.

            I am hopeful we can all have a successful AF month, and feel that we are making real progress on our AF journey. Progress, not perfection.


              November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

              November Navigators!

              I love it, thanks Dill!!!
              Let's be sure to set Sooty's GPS correctly!
              I'm feeling strong & proud to be here with such good company

              No beautiful sunrise here, overcast skies outside my windows but that's OK.......the light is bright in my heart. This season's holidays will be AF for me, there is no other option!

              Only had 1 cute, 11 month old trick-or-treater here last night butit was fun

              Wishing a great AF day to Dill, cuckoo, Lil, Red & all who check in here today!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

                Good morning everyone, I am also looking forward to November. I live in the AZ desert so we don't change our time (which happens to make sense to me). No trick or treater's (no neighbors close by) so I saved a bunch of money and calories. I am looking forward to seeing 0's in my drink tracker for this month.


                  November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

                  White rabbits! Do any of you say that on the first of the month? Lovely to see so many navigators here already today.
                  Things are improving with the Sooty mood and I'm feeling less gloomy I'm delighted to say. I've been to the gym and am planning on catching up with some domestic duties this afternoon.
                  Weather here is incredibly windy - 60mph gales forecast, there are leaves and bits of trees everywhere. I told Mr Sooty to beware of falling branches whilst walking the dog in the woods this morning - I don't know what I'd do without the dog :H
                  Anyway gotta get cracking, lounge to hoover, trousers to turn up .... just an average Sooty Sunday
                  Have a fab day everyone, see you later


                    November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

                    Morning all,

                    Dill, thanks for getting us started on navigating November, and thanks for the brush! I'm feeling better about things today.

                    Hi Cuckoosnest! Love Bonnie Rait - that song is inspirational.

                    sooty;748615 wrote: I told Mr Sooty to beware of falling branches whilst walking the dog in the woods this morning - I don't know what I'd do without the dog :H
                    Sooty, you're funny! What's up with "White rabbits?" 'esplain please.

                    Halloween is always a lot of fun here. The city closed down the main street in town and all the little kiddies come out in droves to get candy from the local businesses. Then all the bigger kids come out for some late night revelry. Great costumes and people generally just have a good time.

                    Hi, Lil, Red, Lav, Sparkle and everyone else jumping on board the bus.

                    Looks like a lovely day out there today. Must get out for a walk at some point.


                      November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

                      Back again!

                      Thanks, Dill for getting us going for November! I'm only sorry that I could not check in much last week, so I've missed some of your journeys - but the posts this morning are great - big moon, gorgeous sunrise, trick or treaters.....I'm with Sparkle in AZ, so no time change (or extra sleep) for us.

                      Thanks for your message Lil - I messaged you - hope that it gets to you. Sorry that I was not online more - I had a huge work week, with a couple of moves (as part of my organizing business, I help Seniors relocate). Those days can be 12 - 15 hours long, and it is hard on this no-so-young body! I had another experience moving alcohol - the movers won't take it in their truck, so I had a box of my clients booze rattling around in the seat next to me as I took it from old house to new apartment! (Drink me!). At the end of that long day, I REALLY wanted a drink .... but I remembered Lil's signature "one drink is too many...." and my arms steered the car home instead of to the store (thought of you, Dill!). So, long story short, I'm on day 28, and determined to see 30 -- and determined to stay on the November bus with you all!

                      A thousand thanks for sharing your lives, for your support...for sure if you all hadn't been there (in my head!) I wouldn't be AF today. A month ago was my weekend-long drunk, so I have a lot to celebrate. Big hugs to all - :l
                      to the light


                        November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

                        I'm on board!

                        Hi everyone,

                        By way of introduction, :new: and planned to start AF November 1 (I think I read someone posted No-bender November in another thread). I decided to start my AF days Oct 30 instead and am much more prepared for an AF November now. Would have hated to come to my goal day bloated, shameful, crying and hungover! Anyway, I woke up so full of energy this morning and had my first AF Halloween Spent it watching spooky movies and reading the boards.

                        I look forward to getting to know all of you. Is it typical to respond to each person's post when posting here? I might have a little trouble keeping up at first as I learn who people are and get myself through this first period of sobriety. I'm trying to find a place to fit in. Very happy to be here and thank you to all and MWO!

                        Happy day! ...and yes, I think "rabbit, rabbit" (live alone) but I don't know why. Someone told me to do it and I laughed when I saw people posting that here. Isn't it for luck?

                        Best wishes to all!


                          November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

                          NAVIGATORS! Love it Dill!!! I picture Sooty at the bow of our sailing ship (we have switched from the bus for this month in my mind's eye) and she is steering us over the AF waves...the seas are calm and sailing is smooth this month!

                          Cyn, congrats on 28 days, and way to go not stopping at the store after a hard day with a big box of triggers right there in the car with you. :goodjob:

                          Finding: Your Halloween sounds like great small-town fun, I can just picture it!

                          Sparkle, I envy you NOT changing your time, it has always seemed senseless to me, I always wished to live in either AZ or Indiana where they do not change.

                          Red: 300 trick or treaters??? I would have run out of stuff to hand out about 1/3 of the way through!!! You must have really stocked up.

                          Lav: How was your little guy dressed for Halloween? Do tell...

                          My two little goblin boys were cute, batman and a skeleton, they had a blast trick-or-treating in the neighborhood...the "trick" now is how I can make about two-thirds of their candy stash "disappear" without them realizing it because they really got a haul and none of us needs all that sugar!

                          Happy November 1st to everyone, I'm past the hump and on Day 7 now which I know means although I have to stay vigilant, I'm a lot less likely to slip than I was for a while there, and I have this group to thank for it! :thanks:


                            November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

                            Hey Lode, sorry for the cross post...happy Sunday to you and GREAT job on your sober Halloween....welcome to the gang!


                              November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

                              Hi Finding - its just a good luck thing that "white rabbits" is the first thing you say on the first of the month - probably got something to do with rabbits being lucky and why some people carry a rabbits foot for luck (YUKKK)
                              hi Lode, good to see you here - you can reply however you like my dear - we don't get nasty or sulk if our names aren't mentioned, glad you're with us for November on the sober boat (!!!) I've been promoted from bus driver to pilot now ....thanks for that Scrubbly.
                              Red how did you cope with 300 trick or treaters? You must have bought masses of treats to give them - did you have to take out a bank loan?
                              Cyn lovely to see you and well done - you'll sail thru november no problem.
                              Dill, Lav, Sparkle, Cuckoo and Lil and anyone else I've not mentioned see you all later

