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November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

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    November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

    Evening all, pleased to report that I'm feeling better tonight. Really hope that everyone has had a good Saturday. I've had my hair done, but apart from that been disgracefully lazy. Tomorrow I will be active and hopefully it will stop raining long enough for me to go for a walk.
    Wherever we all are on this trip I'm glad that we're in it together
    See you tomorrow


      November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

      Evening Navigators,

      Nursing the sniffles here, feeling pretty lazy myself.

      Welcome back Cyn, sorry you suffered so on your experiment. Tell you the truth, I figured the same thing would happen to me too so I've just stay AF & never regretted it!

      Wishing each & everyone a good night. Gonna take my box of tissues and head off to bed
      Have a great night everyone!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

        Good morning all!

        :bday7: lil!!
        Hope you have a wonderful day!

        I think I've identified the chicken house culprit - it is one of our hens Dill!!!!
        Now I just have to figure out what to do with her...........think I need a chicken hit man

        The sun is out again so I'm going to go enjoy it.
        Wishing everyone a great AF Sunday!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

          :bday3::banana::bday2:Happy Birthday, Lilmea!:bday2::banana::bday3:

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

            Good day, Mates!

            "If you keep on doing what you've always done, you'll keep on getting
            what you've always got."

            --W. L. Bateman

            Yes, but change sure does come hard, eh?! Ah, well. We'll help each other with that.

            Hey Soots, I am glad you are over your H1N1 jab! Hope you are enjoying your evening...

            Lav, good job finding your culprit! What to do? Shall I send Mr. Dill over with an ax?:H Sorry you are coming down with the sniffles. Would you like some chicken soup? I am really feeling good today because this is the first day I have awakened without a sore throat! Hurray! I had that thing for 12 days!

            LBH, I have put Divisadero on my list. I loved The English Patient (movie).

            Hello Lodestar and all else to come aboard. I'm going to take a book up to the sun deck and do a little reading... Bahamas, here we come!

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

              Hello all - thanks for the welcoming arms back into the fold - and thanks for the warning going into this week, Dill. I can already hear those cravy-voices coming back...I'm so thankful for the company on the ship for this month!

              Just a quick note before I head off to work (yes, I do seem to be going 7 days a week for a while yet) - I think I need to add the hypnosis CDs back into my 'mix': I'd love to hear anybody's experience with them -- I have them, but haven't really gotten going on them....

              Lilmea - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope it is the beginning of a wonderful, happy, year to come!
              to the light


                November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

                AF 3 days...woohoo!

                dill;752571 wrote:

                :welcome: Rejuve, Are you planning on doing 30 days at least before you moderate? There are many good reasons to get control of our drinking, and I pretty much share your list. But moderating is not possible for me at this point. If ever. I tell you, though, good sleep has been the best side effect for me on being AF. I can't say that I've lost any weight. I tend to eat more when my stomach isn't flummoxed by the alc.!

                Have a great day, Mates!
                Why does there seems to be some kind of a consensus that 30 days is the recommendation?? .... in the book...but it says ( pg 65.) "consider starting out with a one, two or up to four-week abstinence period & setting a weekly drinking limit afterwards."
                Our original plan was to start with 7 days AF however we changed it to two weeks. We are headed back for a family gathering a week before Thanksgiving and were considering having a couple of drinks that Saturday with the family. The going AF again Unil Hubby?s birthday on the 3rd when I am taking him out for a nice dinner & a Holiday Cabaret show. Then AF again until we leave for vacation?planning only then on tipping a glass of Bubbly on New Years.

                3 days AF, starting day 4 now.
                Today, doing some work in the yard putting the garden to bed for the season...was in the 70's yesterday back to the 60's today & tomorrow...unbeleiveable weather for the front range here in Colorado iin November & certainly bizarre after we had over a foot of snow jus a little over a week ago...crazy weather...

                I planned days 3 & 4 AF over a weekend because I had feared they would be awful physically, but with the tapes, supps & topamax it hasn't been bad...& hubby & I have been moderately heavy daily drinkers for years. (Wine for me, Scotch for him) Go figure
                have a great Sunday everyone!



                  November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

                  Hi there, friends!

                  Dill, glad you are over the sore throat & Lav sorry you are sniffly. Being sick is just no damned fun!

                  Cyn, hope you have a productive day and can get some time for fun too!

                  Happy birthday, Lil! Hope it was wonderful for you.

                  Rejuve, I don't know what the 30 day thing is about but I read today (while researching liver function tests, which I had done) that a fatty liver (which is common in moderate to heavy drinkers even after a few years and precedes things like cirrhosis long term) can improve even with abstinence of even a 6-week period. I do not have any serious liver problems, but am sure I was well on my way to them if I didn't quit abusing my body. Liver disease affects women sooner than men because of our ability to metabolize less alcohol. I watched the "Rain in my Heart" documentary and it shook me up to see a woman of no more than 26 die from alcohol abuse. I think stringing a few days together is terrific no matter what and there is no hard and fast rule from what I can tell. Do what works for you and evaluate as you go. If you find you can't meet your own goals, revisit them and adjust. Wishing you all the success in the world, whatever your plan!

                  Full steam ahead, Sooty!

                  Take care all and see you soon!

