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November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

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    November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

    I'd like to join this thread for NOvember! I have had several sessions of being AF (once for 30 days, usually for 10 to 12). However, I've never really joined a thread or posted much. So...that's going to be part of my tool box this month.

    Anything I can Believe, I can Achieve!


      November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

      I'm on for November, too. I've got a head start with the last 5 days of October AF. I've got a lot of studying to do for a test on November 30th and done with telling myself "one glass" of wine won't impair my studying. Well, one might not have, but we all know how that goes!


        November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

        Thanks for the warm welcome!

        Hi there~I really appreciate the welcome and am so grateful to be sober! Glad to see other new people here too ~ what a great community this is.

        I'm sipping sparking water with a bit of lo-cal fruitjuice flavoring and it is more refreshing than the poison I've been pouring in for years. Whoooooohooooo! Feeling so good to wake up at 7am not hungover and proud and getting things done!


          November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

          White rabbits!

          :welcome:Maisie, Believer and Lodestar! Great to have you join us!

          Soots, I just got back from a walk in the woods with my dogs. The thought occured to me that I must be careful lest a black walnut or an osage orange fall on my head. Then I thought of you and your concern for falling limbs.:H I told the dogs I'd best get them out on to the open fields!:H

          Cyn, glad to see you!
          At the end of that long day, I REALLY wanted a drink .... but I remembered Lil's signature "one drink is too many...." and my arms steered the car home instead of to the store (thought of you, Dill!). So, long story short, I'm on day 28, and determined to see 30 -- and determined to stay on the November bus with you all!
          I have been saved in a similar manner on occasion! It's a team effort for sure!

          Scrubs, I'm all for ditching the bus and going by sea for the month! Great idea! Thanks Sooty for stepping up.

          Lav, Sparkle, Lil, Red, Finding, good to see you all.

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

            :welcome::l:hWhew, what a beautiful day. Just came in from raking leaves and digging up bulbs that need it. Washed a few windows and enjoyed the fall weather. It is so great to feel good on a weekend day, remembering everything you have done, all the people you talked to, and having no regrets.

            Welcome to all newcomers, Maisie, Lodestar, and Believer. We can do this and make it a great month AF.


              November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

              I would like to join in for an af November as well, joesgal


                November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

                Well thats the first of November done and dusted. Glad you got the dogs into safety Dill - and kept yourself safe too of course!
                I hope everyone had a good day. The ship is in open water now and there are dolphins off the bow. Think we'll head out to the Bahamas - does that suit everyone?
                If you behave yourselves I'll send out invitations to the captains table. Better dust off your best frocks/tuxedos cos this is going to be one luxurious trip. We have several celebrity onboard entertainers - and I can arrange for more to be helicoptered in - just let me know who you want to see.
                All the best for the end of the weekend
                love Sooty


                  November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

                  Lodestar, Believer, Maisie, Joesagal welcome :welcome: one and all.There are a lot of great folks on this thread.

                  Cyn-Glad to see you check in and still going strong. Good job on bypassing the liquor store!

                  Finding-Good to see you digging in your heels for the start of a new month.

                  I hope everyone had a great Sunday.
                  AF since 7/26/2009

                  "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                  "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                    November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

                    Late boarding for me but I am here with my ?baggage? and shall take my place in deep steerage or First Class; I am sleepy, sober, and don?t care where I go at this point. I am scheduled to be off on a very early morning work assignment (5:30 local) and still have much to do to get ready; welcome to everybody new, this thread traverses sea, land, air, and silly dimensions yet to be mentioned, and I look forward to getting to know you. Stay strong, don?t drink, make peace. Love, Ladybird.
                    may we be well


                      November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1


                      What a busy place today, that's great
                      Welcome, Sparkle, lodestar, believer, Maisie, joesgal - glad you're here with us!

                      Sooty, Try to avoid the big waves OK? I tend to get a little seasick....I prefer flying actually! It stopped raining for a while today, we saw a little bit of sun. White rabbits to you too
                      Finding, Scrubbly, Red, Lil, LBH, good to see you as always! Scrubs - my grandson was dressed as a monkey for Halloween, the outfit really suited him, ha ha!

                      cyntree, a big congrats on your 28 days! You must feel great! Bless you for handling your work circumstances as well as you do

                      It's almost 10 pm, time to call it a day.
                      Have a good night everyone!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

                        IT'a Monday!! I am up entirely too early due to the time change. I will be hurting tonight, really tired. Will have to be careful as when I get overtired I tend to get cravings....along with the witching hours of 4-7 p.m. IT is good to be aware of this as I can plan to avoid being taken by surprise. Planning is vital to my ability to stay AF.

                        I am looking forward to a trip on Friday, a family member is celebrating a marriage, and I can't wait to get away. With the work issues, I have been so stressed. Some things are just not easily solved, and I tend to think too much.

                        Welcome to all newcomers, please share your struggles, and successes. Ask questions, post and keep in contact. The support is so important to me, has helped me make huge changes. It is a risk to share and work towards change, but together we can progress on our journey.Let's all have a positive start to our week, together. Take care.


                          November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

                          Ahoy, Navigators!

                          If you pray for God to move a mountain, be prepared to wake up next to a shovel.--unknown :H:H

                          I got a chuckle out of this quote from the Daily Recovery Readings! I guess it follows that: If you pray for God to remove an addiction/dependence (whatever you want to call this thing), then be prepared prepared to what? What does it take? It takes silent, invisible effort, for one thing. It takes lots of plannng, lots of self distraction, lots of practice at deep breathing, meditation, lots of attitude shifting, lots of focus on gratitude for the blessings of AF, and the awareness that "this too shall pass". And sometimes it actually feels like you are trying to move a mountain with a shovel!:H

                          Well, you can tell I'm on my second cup of coffee already!

                          LBH, You mentioned makeing Clam Chowder and sour dough bread the other day. I was wondering if you would care to share your Clam Chowder recipe?

                          Red, I'm glad you have some happy plans for the upcoming weekend. Hopefull they will lighten your load this week.

                          To all else that come today, Strength!

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

                            Hi Everyone,

                            I've been busy and not too good about the no drinking. I really want to get back on the wagon so count me in for Af november too. My son is getting married on the 21st. I really want to stay AF. Thanks



                              November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

                              Happy November, Everyone!

                              I'm back (again). Going to spend more time in the toolbox this time around and less obsessing/guilting. Just had a really hard two weeks between plumbing woes ($1,200!) and a daughter out with the flu which turned into pneumonia. She's thankfully on the mend but it was pretty frightening there for a while.

                              Cracked open the bottle at 3:30 yesterday and drained it. Damn. Well, that's that and today's a new day. (What is it with drinking and housecleaning? What exactly is the trigger? Does vaccuum scream out "wine" to anyone else? I'm a little hungover, but damn, the carpet's clean :H)

                              Off the the toolbox to get a plan together! Getting to work on time would be a good start.

                              I'm in!



                                November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

                       prepared to what? What does it take?
                                dill-I loved your quote. Although sometimes I feel like I woke up next to a mountain with a teaspoon in my hand. What does it take? Being willing to do what ever it takes. For me that's lots of life style changes, rethinking how I look at things and acceptance that I can never take that first drink.

                                Red-You week end get away sounds like fun. It should be nice to get a little breather from your work situation.

                                LHB-Glad to see you check in. Sounds like you had a peaceful week end.

                                Sparrow-Welcome :welcome: It's the beginning of a new month and a new beginning so jump on board.

                                My trip has been put off until Tuesday. But at least all the packing is done. I'm so looking forward to seeing my daughter. It has been a few months.

                                Hope everyone has a great day!
                                AF since 7/26/2009

                                "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                                "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous

