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November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

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    November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

    :new:Just posted a reply. Wondering if it worked then I saw this reply screen. still learning what works best


      November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1


      Hi Waters,

      You've found a good safe place here.
      Good kind people with advice to share.

      Let us get to know you.

      Keep reading. Keep posting. You're doing really well it took me ages to find out how to do the smilie face things. Now I never stop using them

      Names will soon become familiar.

      :welcome: to your new addiction. My Way Out.

      Love Jackie xxx

      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

        Good Morning Everyone :l

        I hope everyone had a good weekend :h I'm 36 days AF , but thinking about having a glass of wine , I don't know why Its in my thoughts so much I feel great , I'm sleeping well , still having usual aches&pains , but I didn;'t expect miracles:H .. I think , in my mind I'm afraid to have a glass , but on the otherhand , until I do , I won't know if I can just have ONE glass and be AF for another 15 days , then have a glass and be AF for 10 days , etc etc , I'm rambling , you know what I mean .. anyhow , Just taking it ODAT

        love to all:l Em
        Non Drinker 9/09
        Non Smoker 6/09
        Tennis Anyone ?


          November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

          Welcome to all newcomers. Wow! We have a boatload!

          Lav and Finding, I am still getting over the flu, but am up and back at work, etc. All that's really left is the dry cough and sore throat that won't seem to go away. Thanks for asking.

          Although sometimes I feel like I woke up next to a mountain with a teaspoon in my hand.
          :H So true!

          Well, I hit a few waves head-on today and managed to get home OK. A little worse for the wear, but no wine in tow! Hey, are we going to Christen this ship with non-al champagne?

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

            Hi all, just a quick post to say goodnight. Had a good day and been to my evening class so gotta get some food etc. So glad to be with you all for this AF November.
            Dill we can christen the boat with whatever you like - ginger beer, blackcurrant - I've got them all.
            Lovely to see all the newcomers, will try and post again tomorrow
            Have a good rest of Monday everybody
            love Sooty


              November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

              Welcome to all the newcomers :welcome: Grab your life jackets and jump on board.

              JC-So good to see you! You're coming up on 4 mnths real fast now aren't you?

              Emmy-Congrats on 36 days. I don't know why the drinking thoughts seem to hit around that 30 day mark. Those 'crazy voices' in our heads. I know I have another drink left in me, just not sure I have another recovery left in me and I know I can't mod. I hope you hang in there.

              Lodestar-Feels so good to not wake up hung over doesn't it.

              Finding-Did you manage to get outside for a while today? I took a walk this afternoon. Don't know how many outside walks I have left before old man winter sets in.

              Dill-Good job on getting home with nothing in tow! Just set your GPS for left turns only and no stops till you get to your driveway.

              Lav, Sooty, LHB and everyone else have a great evening.
              AF since 7/26/2009

              "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

              "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

                New passengers abound, the best news as this thread gets underway. It will take me a while to get to know everybody so keep chiming in with what makes each of you tick. I have been seeing you pop up, Lodestar, very good for us all to be with you as you discover how lovely it is to not drink. Hi, Sparkle, good to be finding our way out no matter what. Thank you, Lil, for reminding us that we can always have another drink but can?t be sure of having another recovery. It is understandable to want to test the waters, I certainly did, but I ended up with an edgy sense of doom on my shoulder and I still can?t get it off. Thank you, Dill, for the great quote. Rather than a shovel or Lil?s spoon, I probably would wake up next to something irrelevant, however, such as a hammer or a trout. Of course you may have my recipe, the only problem is that aside from baking I cook with ?methods? instead of precise quantities. Clams are an expensive item for landlocked me as I buy the best fresh ones or nothing (that would be corn chowder?) and have the fish people shuck them (I usually get a heavy pint of clams with their liquor, sometimes a bit more). Just saute thick smoked bacon and reserve; in a little of the fat cook chopped celery and onion (or little pearl onions); add some flour to make a white roux; add some bottled unsalted clam juice or part water as well as some chunks of Yukon gold potatoes, a bay leaf, and some fresh thyme leaves. Simmer until the potatoes are almost done. Meanwhile chop the clams and then add them with their liquid as well as some fresh corn kernels. They will be done in three to five minutes. Add milk and unsalted butter and bring it up to temperature. Either add or garnish with the bacon. I traditionally add some sherry but if you don?t want to keep it around don?t; cooking sherry won?t work. I am tired and I hope I didn?t forget anything. Love, Ladybird.
                may we be well


                  November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

                  Ladybird, Thank you for the "methods". I believe I can make a reasonable chowder based on your description. I shall have to forgo the sherry, though. Can't trust myself to have that in the house! And thank you for my second chuckle for the day: Rather than a shovel or Lil?s spoon, I probably would wake up next to something irrelevant, however, such as a hammer or a trout. :H I do wish I could find something to remove that pesky sense of doom from your shoulder.

                  Let's find the North Star up in the night sky and chart our course for the month. Peace and strength to all.

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

                    OMG, we do have a boatload of people here - that's great :H

                    Sooty, thanks for steering us through November. We'll all try to behave!

                    Welcome to all the newcomers! For those of you still struggling, remember you're looking for progress not perfection. Just keep trying & you will get there :h

                    mg, you had a great start in October, stick with us and we'll breeze through November!

                    Emmy, congrats on your 36 days, that's awesome! When I hit 30 days I asked myself if I was ready for just 1 drink, the answer was a resounding NO! Honestly, that was the point when I decided it has to be AF for me.

                    JC, good to see you here as well!

                    Dill, I've heard a lot of people c/o lingering coughs & sore throats with the flu. I know you probably are but continue to push a lot of liquids (it helps drown the virus) :H

                    Well, my buddy Matt was here for 5 hours, I'm exhausted - all is well! His personality is changing rapidly - starting to see more of a little boy, less baby.....
                    This has been a wonderful experience for me - this is the reason why I am determined to stay AF so I can continue to watch my grandson grow :h

                    Wishing everyone a great AF Monday night!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

                      I so much appreciate everyone's support ! Hopefully soon , I will remember everyone's name :h Its dinnertime and I can't wait for bedtime , I've had alot of anxiety today , not sure why.. tomorrow is a new day , I'll try to go into the chat room after dinner :h Em
                      Non Drinker 9/09
                      Non Smoker 6/09
                      Tennis Anyone ?


                        November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

                        Night everyone!

                        Okay, so it was a Moderate day, not AF, but certainly not unreasonable. Two glasses of wine. My Song, guess we're the odd ones out on the drink and vaccuum :H Although, I've heard a lot of friends do the same.

                        I'm having a hard time keeping up with all the names, but glad to be aboard with such a fine crew.

                        Daughter's on the mend, first day back at school. Had expected a blown out kid, but she's still pumped up at being back with the short people. Things are looking up. Off to bed with NO WORRY OF A HANGOVER. Glass of water at hand, Milk Thistle next. Did all my supps and 50 mg. Topomax (hence the moderation, methinks).

                        Wow. No hangover tomorrow. Haven't had that though in a week or two.

                        Night all, sweet dreams.



                          November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

                          Good night everyone. Feels great to go to bed knowing I won't have a hangover and feel like crap for work in the morning. I ran some errands after work today (which is when I used to always buy my al of choice for the night) and walked right by the MANY bottles of wine and didn't look twice. It was tempting...but I kept walking. I can't remember the last time I've done that. It's been YEARS.
                          Hope everyone has a peaceful night.


                            November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

                            major tug of war going on here. I can honestly say that if I hadn't posted this morning that I was going to do the 30 days I would have had a drink already. Really feel the need for a night cap. Trouble is, my nightcaps turn into nightgowns!! Long ones. What amazes me is that I felt like such crap today because of drinking, yet all I can think about right now is getting a drink. I am usually so logical. Why doesn't that work with this. I'm going to go to the toolbox and try to find something I can hang my hat on tonight.


                              November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

                              My New Beginning, Good work on getting 28 days AF in Oct. Last month was my first long stretch AF and it felt great. Feeling good is good incentive for November.

                              Waters, I imagine trying to be out and watching others drink would be very hard to do in the beginning stages. Can you find some other things to preoccupy your time with for a while – things that may not be so triggering/tempting?

                              Hi JC, nice to see you.

                              Em, 36 days – that’s really terrific!

                              Lil, can’t believe I let this gorgeous day get by without getting out there to enjoy it. Tomorrow for sure.

                              LadyBird, Minus the sherry and clams, that does sound close to the corn chowder recipe that I have. I will definitely try your clam chowder!

                              Middlepath, No hangover is definitely incentive not to drink!

                              Mountaingirl, It’s great to break some of those habits like walking PAST the wine. I think it was so routine for me that I never even stopped to think about it. It feels good to be in control and make choices that are good for us, huh? Keep up with the supplements and tips in the toolbox. You’re doing well.

                              Mysong, I hope you get through the evening okay! I found that posting here every day helps keep me connected to people who “get it.” It really does help keep me accountable.



                                November Navigators ~ AF -Week 1

                                Whew, did I sleep well last night, nine hours. Noticed that since being AF for weeks my sleeping pattern has changed. I need more hours of sleep and I sleep so well. It is wonderful to wake up feeling good after a restful night's sleep. When drinking on a regular basis, I would wake up alot, sweaty, tossing and turning, anxiety, regrets.....then woke up achy and hungover. I actually got used to feeling like crap every day and night. Unbelievable. Just reminicing. I find that I have to make sure to remember what it was like or I could start the thinking that leads to drinking.

                                Work was O.K. yesterday, I was super busy and there almost 12 hours. I am just grateful to have a job in this high unemployment time. Tuesdays are my hardest day, so let's get on with it and make it a good one. Welcome to all, old and new. Have a great day.

