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    Hi, I have decided to join you. I have been reading and crying and laughing with you all for months but did not feel ready to jump in but now, here I am. I am 38, divorced with a wonderful son who is 10 and a beautiful daughter who is 9. I suppose I have now realised that it is not okay to drink a bottle/bottle and a half of wine most nights. I manage to function, I'm on top of things, etc but every morning after I have had wine I just feel so stupid, tired and sick of myself. However, I have now started taking the supps and have read the book and have started to really be more vigilant with myself. The only way I can be vigilant is to not to have wine in the house in the first place. I live quite a way from any shops so the vigilance has to come in when I am shopping and I have to be so strong. Obviously at times I just give in because "I deserve it tonight". Isn't amazing how we can justify anything if we want it bad enough? Anyway, I'm so glad I found this sight and I feel as if I know most of you already!



    Good Day!

    Hi PinkSugarPussyCat, let me be the first to welcome you. I'm not big on givin' hints an' tips but there are many others here who will help you along the way. Very nice to meet you.
    :k TheKanga



      hi pspc - i'm new too, i lurked for a while because i couldn't believe this was for real. so far so good! hope to hear from you again!



        Thanks Freckles, this site seems to be a bit of a Godsend! I am sure I will visit and post many times now that I have finally registered! I look forward to getting to know you.

        And I am honoured and thrilled to be welcomed by The Kanga! Very nice to meet you to.



          Hi Pinksugarpussy cat! Isn't it cool to come out of the dark? After reading Kanga and Lush and Tawnycat for months it's like talking to celebs! And oh yes I know the wine demons very well.
          The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.



            Dear Suzanna, PinkSugarPussyCat, and Freckles,
            I've heard about you "lurkers"
            SO glad to finally meet you! Here's to you all making much more progress and meeting your goals now that you have all made that brave move of posting on the open forum.
            As you have discovered, there is a ton of support here. Let us know what you need. Fire away with the questions. Vent your concerns. Best of luck with this journey!



              thanks becca - that's very warm and nice to hear from you!
              the kanga - one of my favorite wines is called woop woop shiraz... i think 'woop woop' means out ' in the sticks' as we say here. is that right?



                Hi PSPC....welcome, I am new too. I have not recieved my book or cd's yet but talking on here has gotten me through 3 days of no wine....Chardonnay has been my best friend and worst enemy. I know those mornings all too well. That nasty taste in your mouth, along with having smoked everyones cigarettes even if you quit, trying to remember what you did and said. The nausea, head aches, blurred vision, wondering if your liver is going to work....or if your kidneys have shut down for the drinking! Thats what I used to do anyway. I have to go to a party on Thursday night. Anybody have any tips? Buffy



                  Hi Buffy, and welcome to our little corner of the world!

                  If there is no way that you can get out of the party on Thursday, then I would suggest trying to 'set your mind' that you won't drink, or if you do, it will be verrrry slowly. One of the tricks that I've been using when I'm out and people notice that I'm not pounding back the beer like I used to is to tell them that I'm cutting back because I'm trying to lose a bit of weight. Everyone that I've told that to is perfectly ok with it, and in a way, it's part of my truth. Another interesting thing that I've noticed is that whenever I say I'm cutting back to lose weight, all of a sudden quite a few other folks start switching to coffee, coke, or bottled water. Not that I'm saying I influence anyone, but it's kinda funny to see the level in the coffee pot suddenly start going down

                  Good luck on Thursday. I'll be thinking of you and hoping you achieve your goal for that day



                    Welcome Pink. This is a good place. And Suzanna I am cracking up about my celebrity status. All right everyone, let's not forget her words. I would like to treated as such around here from now on!!!
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me



                      Lol Lush

                      :welcome: to all of you newbies and lurkers. Pinksugarpussycat, you'll have to go over the the General discussion and show a pic of you favorite four footed friend it you have one, in addition to the children.

                      Lurking can be very helpful. I did it for a while myself before moving forward. Baby steps, mental leaps and emotional determination come in spurts and each step forward here is not equal to two steps back.

                      It's a great group with a wonderful atmosphere so please continue to enjoy and feel at home. Ditto for the other newbies and

                      Lush, I'm sorry, I won't be a hounding papparazi but I'll tip my hat to you :H



                        does this mean lou gets a star on her door?

                        pinksugarpussycat i just love your name.must see the cat please.welcome welcome!
                        lou may i have you autograph?




                          does this mean lush gets a star on her door?

                          pinksugarpussycat i just love that name! welcome welcome

                          lush may i have your autograph?



                            Well guys, because of my newfound celebrity status I will now be charging for signatures. Gotta strike while the iron is hot!!!
                            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me



                              Luscious Muffin Diva....
                              It's gone to your head already.
                              Oh Brother. Hand over the tiara. HAND IT OVER, LUSH!!! Stop running from me!!!!!!!!!!!!
                              (she even took my kid's pen. these celebs have no concern for us common folk)

