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Third day AF- first day here

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    Third day AF- first day here

    Hi- Just enterering my third day AF after deciding that it's now or never if I want to live to a reasonable age. I've been feeling worn out lately, which is not surprising as I have probably been sinking over a bottle of wine per night for the last 20-30 years. I'm fed up with not being able to remember what I said or what I watched on television the previous night, having bad sleep and various aches and pains. I probably seem to be functioning reasonably ok to people outside the family, as I only did this in the privacy of home, but I know that my grown-up children/husband are silently worried about me and I need to get some self-respect back,lose a couple of stone and try to make things up to them for being a mess. I haven't told any of them that I'm doing this, though I'm sure my husband must have noticed the improvement in conversation during the evening over last 2 days!
    So far its not too bad, I've been drinking diet coke by the gallon whilst cooking dinner and once I've eaten the urge goes off. Fortunately I've never had a morning/daytime drink problem and think it probably stems with having to fit in with handling emotions/interacting with family -as I had a very dysfunctional/unhappy /violent/childhood and have found it very hard to manage normal family life. Having said that, things have worked out well and I need to accept I can do it and have more faith in myself as a decent person and stop beating myself up about it and the past. Anyone (if you're still reading this) got any ideas how I can keep this up? Grateful for any help- thanks for listening

    Third day AF- first day here

    hi 930 roberta,keep coming here and learning,there are many diffent degrees of drinking,and there are many differnt threads here to read , find the ones tht suit your needs,many people go from one addiction to the next,even mwo can become addicting for some,you just dont wake up with the hang over,as far as your family is concerned ,you have to remember this is about you, good luck to you,gyco


      Third day AF- first day here

      Getting rid of all temptation?

      Hi Gyco, Thanks for the advice- its nice to know someone is listening. I have been reading the threads for the last hour or so and have noticed that many people advise on emptying the house of drink. I'd sort of hoped I could still see it there and not touch it as it would be a more realistic situation. I'm going to have to come into contact with looking at bottles and people drinking around me. At present I'm trying to view the full wine rack in kitchen as an ornament with no other purpose- have just remembered that there is a third of a bottle in fridge from Saturday-think I will pour it down the sink, as an already opened bottle is probably too much temptation at this stage (or might be by tonight).
      I've got to go to my husbands firms dinner soon and the hint I saw about "being on antibiotics" sounds perfect for a short term answer.
      Thanks again


        Third day AF- first day here

        hi 930,tht id stick with one thread,i am surprised you havent had more advice,and you are rt,it is recommended by health people to rid yourself of the stuff,can you,would your family stop,can we remove the liquor stores wine stores ,beer stores,no,i was in a rehab almost 2 years ago,that was there recommendation,my hole family drinks,they dont have a problem with the booze ?, yet ? i do,i beleive its not so much the temptation ,but the tht after youve stopped for a while , your confident you can handle it,i have another tht,it is not hard to stop drinking,its staying stopped and wanting to,as this journey goes on either you realise you can or cant, we all have THE CHOICE, i do again wish you well gyco


          Third day AF- first day here

          be back in a while,drink lots of water rather then the pop,


            Third day AF- first day here

            Hi Roberta, well done on making the decision you have and getting to your third day AF, I found day 3 & 4 the worst then after that they steadily got easier. I would recommend taking supplements as we are generally depleted in vitamins, there's a link on the home page here: this is an update from the book (which is a useful read if you haven?t read it?). They help the cravings to.

            Good luck Roberta - I am out for my mates 40th and medication will be my reason for not drinking to. Keep posting at this site - it has been so helpful for me and many many others. I found in the early stages that if I felt the urge I would do myself a glass of water and drink it all in one - the feeling of all that liquid in my belly made me no longer need a drink (bonkers I know but worked for me). As gyco recommends I would try and stick with water of herbal tea x

            All the best and keep posting :l


              Third day AF- first day here


              Hi Gyco- Your reply was interesting -Like you, most of my family drink or don't drink at all and the ones that do seem to be able to have a couple and stop. This seems weird to me as there dosen't(hopefully didn't) seem any point to me of having just a couple. Why and how do they manage to stop, is it a psychological or physical thing? I'm pretty good at controlling other urges such as chocolate/cigarettes etc.
              I see your point about water instead of cola but at present it just seems to fill the gap.
              I managed to give up for 6 weeks about ten years ago and then slid back but this time the "health issues" are kicking in with me and hopefully I may be able to keep it up. I have accepted inside that I will never be able to drink moderately- giving up totally seems to be the only answer- If I can do it.I just keep saying to myself "one day at a time" and as Ann Robinson said in her book "If you don't have the first, you won't want the second"
              Thanks again


                Third day AF- first day here

                Hi hdb- thanks for the support- I started taking Floradix which is an iron/vitamin supplement at the weekend- which will hopefully help.The glass of water in one sounds a gud idea, will try it. How long have you been dry? you sound very "got together" how long did it take to get on a reasonable even keel?
                Thanks and best wishes


                  Third day AF- first day here

                  Hi roberta,

                  Welcome to MWO, this is a good place!
                  Congrats on your success so far, that's great

                  Read the MWO book then sit down & make your plan. Look in the Tool Box (located in the Monthly Abstinence section) for good ideas to help you with your plan. It's good to be prepared with answers & alternatives when faced with a drinking situation. Water & herbal tea really did it for me in the beginning. As far a social situations.......don't let yourself feel pressured or intimidated. Know one really needs to know what is in your glass!! The Hypnotherapy CDs were very helpful, especially the Clearing & Sleep CDs. I still use them from time to time.

                  Please feel free to drop in the 'Newbies Nest' thread for lots of support!
                  Wishing you the best on your journey.
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Third day AF- first day here

                    Hi Roberta, I have been AF since the 28/9/09 - I was very much like you, drank every night and then more at the weekends. I got sick and tired of being either hungover or tipsy/drunk so originally set myself a challenge of 30 A/F with the intention to drink moderaretly at the weekend only (just Saturday night initially and a set amount of alchohol and no more).

                    I hit the 30 day mark and felt to scared to move onto the next step so I have commited to another 30 days - why don't you join us here:

                    It kept me on the straight and narrow joing the OctSOBER challenge last month - it kind of made me a little more accountable for my actions - thread here:

                    It has been a challenge Roberta but I tell you what it is so worth it - I have lost almost a stone in the process to!! Be great to have you join the thread - good luck and keep strong x


                      Third day AF- first day here

                      :welcome: Roberta,

                      Some sound advice you've had already.

                      Just wanted to say :hello2:.

                      Stay close. Keep posting. We're all in this together.

                      Please keep coming back and let us know how you're getting on.

                      Love Jackie xxx

                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Third day AF- first day here

                        Hi Jackie and - thanks for the support, have just poured Saturdays wine remnants down sink and mean to try and keep it up- glad its working for you
                        Thanks again


                          Third day AF- first day here

                          Thanks Lavande and hdb- I'm going to try for the 30 day abstension for a starter and take it from there - pity Xmas is coming up so soon- but better get used to it as its going to happen every year!!
                          Thanks to all -Roberta


                            Third day AF- first day here

                            hi whats up...u seem to have a nice family...since u planning to cut down alcohol from ur life ur family life is gonna be more interesting n wishes....


                              Third day AF- first day here

                              Hi DNC- you're right- at least I'll be able remember it better- thanks- R

