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Yay For Life

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    Yay For Life

    I got drunk for the first time at 14. Throughout high school it became a weekend ritual. In the army it progressivley picked up in intensity. My first bender was 4 days in the army.

    When I got out 2-3 days a week were 12+ beers. I'm 33 now and I feel like I am on my last leg with this. I had 25 days clean interupted by a 5 day mess, then another 24 with a 7day 100 beer fiasco. This is day 7 of that fiasco. I've only had 6 today and want to cap it with one more later on tonight to help with the ill feelings.

    I feel like utter trash for putting myself and family through this. My body is screaming at me to stop. The guilt is horrible. All of these feelings are sadly feelings I have felt before.

    I have never been to jail, lost a job, gotten hurt or hurt anyone else but I am killing myself. My liver/gall bladder/pancreas area aches dully. Heart is racing. Fuzzy head. Not sleeping well.

    I'm not overly worried about withdrawls but I know this time could be different. Usually I just suffer through them. I'm scared a bit though. I don't remember drinking this hard. I've got some antivan that I might use this time. Gonna stay away from caffinated stuff.

    I've been on other quit sites before and the last one seemed very much like a clique thing.

    My goal is to be over and done with this. I need to take it 1 day at a time but I don't understand why I explode into these bends. I'd like to know. I don't want to die. I have young children. Imagine killing myself with this.

    Well that is me for what it is worth. Maybe I will just skip that last beer and start suffering.

    Yay For Life

    Hi D and welcome.

    Well, you evidently know the score about the know what it is already doing to you and indeed, what it may ultimately do to you.............

    To be honest, I don`t hold with people having one last `celebratory` drink in preparation for the big quit..........what`s the point in that?..........there will be loads of calls for celebration in the future when such a celebratory drink will not be an option, since you`ll have quit, right?

    Nor do I believe in anyone suffering through withdrawal, at least, not in a physical sense. If you`ve been going on `mad` benders, I don`t think it wise to quit should at least seek medical advice and arm yourself with the appropriate drugs to protect yourself against seizures.

    You seem to feel that you`ve had enough of the drunken lifestyle. You`ll find loads of help here.

    All the best,

    Star x
    Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


      Yay For Life

      Hi D,

      Welcome to MWO, this is a good place!
      You are a young person, now is a good time to quit! Do it for yourself & your kids.

      Can you take a few days off, just to get thru the first few days? You said you have Ativan, that will help keep your anxiety down. Be sure to drink tons of water, herbal tea, etc. Eat some good, healthy food, take care of yourself. Get a bit of sun & fresh air too. It all helps. It can be rough for a few days, as you probably already know but it is worth it! Start thinking about how much better you are going to feel, how your thinking will clear, the return of your confidence &'s all wonderful.

      Wishing you the best D, stay close & let us know how you're doing.
      Please feel free to join us on the 'Newbies Nest' thread for loads of support!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Yay For Life

        Sounds similar to my story.. around your age, doing crazy benders right up into 3 weeks ago, dull abdomen pains as well... in fact my final week of drinking my family could not "find" me for several days.. I was drunk and out of it in my own house. Way to spend your vacation, man.

        I'm on day 21 sober right now. Life has never been better. Three solid weeks I have been putting 100% out for my kids, my employer, and myself. It's not easy, but it is worth it. It's great to go to work with a clear head, always be legal to drive, not wonder if people smell alcohol on you, not wonder what stupid shit I did or said last night. Not sit and sweat profusely every day (that curtailed greatly after a sober week). Alcohol stopped being fun long ago, and starting taking a toll on me this year. I was truly functional as you said up until a few months ago
        "I have never been to jail, lost a job, gotten hurt or hurt anyone else but I am killing myself."
        I am a healthy guy myself and have a good job. Thanks to alcohol, I have nearly been arrested, lost custody of my children (am currently fighting in court), and racked up thousands in medical bills, and lost weeks of productivity at work. Take the leap now, it WILL start to take a toll on you and those whom need you most.
        Hang in there. Life is better with a clear head.


          Yay For Life

          I threw out the rest of it, moved the empties to the curb and had some rough sleep.

          Don't feel too awful today but ya, it hurts.

          I'm going to push through this.


            Yay For Life

            hi d and welcome to mwo,hope you stick around, great community with good advice & support

            :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

            Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
            I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

            This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


              Yay For Life

              Keep going D, it gets easier.
              Big welcome to you!
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                Yay For Life

                hi man u said it all...u r clear abt the ill effects alcohol causing to u...take a firm n stick to it...u can do this...


                  Yay For Life

                  Good for you, D.

                  You know the way you want this to go, so you know what you have to do.......not at all easy, but very doable if you`re determined enough.

                  Star x
                  Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


                    Yay For Life

                    Stayed clean today. Aching and fuzzy but coming into the light. food time.


                      Yay For Life


                      Hey D,

                      Haven't said hello before.

                      You're doing great.

                      Stay strong.

                      J xxx
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Yay For Life

                        Congrats on your Day 1! Good Job. I hope you stick around and keep posting. Quitting is not easy, but it is definitely worth it!

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          Yay For Life

                          Just wanted to stop by on day 7 and still going. Lack of sleep but other than that ok


                            Yay For Life

                            :goodjob: D on 7 days,

                            The sleep will come. Just rest when you can and be kind to yourself.

                            Love Jackie xxx
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Yay For Life

                              Hang in there. I'm on day 29. The sleep started happening for me after the first week. Was really happy that I stopped sweating profusely after day 4 or 5. Benadryl, unisom, and melatonin can help u sleep too, especially the melatonin. We stop making it while we are on the sauce and the brain needs it to fall asleep.

