I have great feedback since I joined up this week. A lot of people have mentioned that newbies should set out a plan - what should such a plan entail?
I was thinking about starting a journal (where can I do this) and posting in it every day for the next month or so a different reason why I should not drink - any views?
Also I began this morning before work I wrote down the following points on a piece of paper and I plan to do so for a month or so -
- I hate the way alcohol effects me:
- I gain nothing from drinking;
-I can't drink; &
I suppose I am trying to brainwash myself into a particular mindset until such time as it sinks in.
What other tools have people used as part of their plan? At this stage I am not physically addicted but am certainly psychologically addicted and am an AL abuser when I drink. But I don't want to fast forward to when I'm 38 and realise that my life has not progressed and I am now physically addicted.
I plan to change my phone number so I can't contact or be contacted by people who's only association with me is drinking.
I have not told anyone that I want to stop drinking - should I do this? However I know that most will laugh me off as being silly or will dismiss my efforts.