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Reasons Not To Drink/Davie's Days

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    Reasons Not To Drink/Davie's Days

    Savage budget here in Ireland. Public sector pay cuts. I have effectively taken a 15% pay cut in the last 12 months.

    I can't afford to drink anymore!!!!!


      Reasons Not To Drink/Davie's Days

      Davie Souter;772473 wrote: Hi,
      Savage budget here in Ireland. Public sector pay cuts. I have effectively taken a 15% pay cut in the last 12 months.

      I can't afford to drink anymore!!!!!
      Is this reason no 29?
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Reasons Not To Drink/Davie's Days

        Ye I am going to use this for no.29.


        1) Absolutely nothing positive comes from me drinking
        2) My most difficult times from childhood to adulthood have been as a direct or indirect result of my own or someone elses (father's) alcohol abuse
        3) Alcoholism is progressive - I don't want to look back in 1,2,3 or more years to be further along my downward spiral having wasted this opportunity to nip it in the bud while I still can.
        4) I have a relationship of fun & mischievous (spelling?) with all my nieces and nephews and I want dearly to retain this. However I don't ever want them to feel sorry for me or embarassed by me. I want them to always be proud of me and know they can rely on me. One way to achieving this is to stop pissing my life and hard earned money away at the weekends and start to reach my true potential.
        5) No more dark (almost suicidal) thoughts after a binge - guilt about the hundreds Euro spent, making a fool of myself and missing work - and asking myself why have I done this to myself again?
        6) No more blackouts wondering how I got home - dreading what I have said and done.
        7) I can be loud, obnoxious, rude and arrogant when drunk. I don't want people to see me like this as this not the real me.
        8) I know my life will be far more happier, fun and prosperous without AL
        9) I want to prove to myself I have the balls and willpower to be different to the herd and do this
        10) Because I woke up this morning and it was a beautiful day and I was so happy to be able to appreciate it.
        11) AL has taken far more from me than I have ever gotten from it.
        12) I want Monday to be like every other day of the week not a day to dread and just get through due to a hangover. Life is too short to be wasting days.
        13) No AL means no recreational use of illegal drugs.
        14) I have never regretted not drinking but have often regretted taking that first drink.
        15) I love the gym. When not drinking I have far more energy for it and make far more progress in my training
        16) I am a far more confident & friendlier person without AL.
        17) I simply cannot handle booze - I'm drunk after 5 pints & then I have lost control.
        18) Davie + AL = unmanageble chaos.
        19) Because I don't want to have to lie to my boss about being sick again.
        20) I am scared that my "rock bottom" could be lower than the lowest I have reached so far.
        21) I will never live the life I want until I break this cycle and stay AF forever.
        22) I don't want to put my family through having to see me in a hospital/treatment centre as a result of AL. If I was to keep drinking that's whats down the track - and maybe not too far down it.
        23) No more putting others and myself at risk by drink driving.
        24) My appearance and overall sense of well being improve dramitically when AF.
        25) Because I estimate that I have flittered away up to €50,000 away on booze and related activities over the last 3 years - oh how I could do with that now.
        26) When AF my mind is clearer and I make far better decisions regarding all aspects of my life.
        27) No more sitting up all night drinking at parties with people who apart from drink I have nothing in common with.
        28) Weekend binge drinking has resulted in me hitting a plateau at work. Though I have performed well despite the AL I know that being AF I will smash through that plateau and achieve things I never could whilst caught up in the fog of AL.
        29) My disposable income has decreased a bit recently. Now more than ever I cannot justify wasting my hard earned cash on something that provides zero benefit but can provide heaps of pain both physical and emotional.


          Reasons Not To Drink/Davie's Days

          Hi Davie,

          No 29, is a blessing in disguise really.
          Did the Irish government reduce the tax on alcohol or was that just a rumour?

          J x
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Reasons Not To Drink/Davie's Days

            Hi Jackie,
            Yes, they reduced the tax on beer but have introduced a charge on water!!!

            They won't be getting beer tax out of me anyway.


              Reasons Not To Drink/Davie's Days

              Can't wait to read more Davie! Believe me, this is a motivator and inspiration for all of us! I'm fairly new too, but have tried multiple times before. This is it, though. I feel a new mindset, and a new life ahead so I will look forward to your reasons . . . they're teh same ones for most of us!!! What a nice daily "reflection" to keep focused. :thanks:
              Part of learning is getting it Wrong.
              The past is gone forever. Keep it Moving.


                Reasons Not To Drink/Davie's Days

                Hi Keg,
                Hope it helps you.



                  Reasons Not To Drink/Davie's Days

                  Hi All,
                  After tonight I am going to hang up my "reasons" boots for a while - 30 reasons is enough at this stage. I am going to pop my head into other threads on a daily basis. I will be referring back to here regulary to re-focus the mind and may add to the list from time to time as needs dictate.
                  Thanks to all for the great support thus far.

                  1) Absolutely nothing positive comes from me drinking
                  2) My most difficult times from childhood to adulthood have been as a direct or indirect result of my own or someone elses (father's) alcohol abuse
                  3) Alcoholism is progressive - I don't want to look back in 1,2,3 or more years to be further along my downward spiral having wasted this opportunity to nip it in the bud while I still can.
                  4) I have a relationship of fun & mischievous (spelling?) with all my nieces and nephews and I want dearly to retain this. However I don't ever want them to feel sorry for me or embarassed by me. I want them to always be proud of me and know they can rely on me. One way to achieving this is to stop pissing my life and hard earned money away at the weekends and start to reach my true potential.
                  5) No more dark (almost suicidal) thoughts after a binge - guilt about the hundreds Euro spent, making a fool of myself and missing work - and asking myself why have I done this to myself again?
                  6) No more blackouts wondering how I got home - dreading what I have said and done.
                  7) I can be loud, obnoxious, rude and arrogant when drunk. I don't want people to see me like this as this not the real me.
                  8) I know my life will be far more happier, fun and prosperous without AL
                  9) I want to prove to myself I have the balls and willpower to be different to the herd and do this
                  10) Because I woke up this morning and it was a beautiful day and I was so happy to be able to appreciate it.
                  11) AL has taken far more from me than I have ever gotten from it.
                  12) I want Monday to be like every other day of the week not a day to dread and just get through due to a hangover. Life is too short to be wasting days.
                  13) No AL means no recreational use of illegal drugs.
                  14) I have never regretted not drinking but have often regretted taking that first drink.
                  15) I love the gym. When not drinking I have far more energy for it and make far more progress in my training
                  16) I am a far more confident & friendlier person without AL.
                  17) I simply cannot handle booze - I'm drunk after 5 pints & then I have lost control.
                  18) Davie + AL = unmanageble chaos.
                  19) Because I don't want to have to lie to my boss about being sick again.
                  20) I am scared that my "rock bottom" could be lower than the lowest I have reached so far.
                  21) I will never live the life I want until I break this cycle and stay AF forever.
                  22) I don't want to put my family through having to see me in a hospital/treatment centre as a result of AL. If I was to keep drinking that's whats down the track - and maybe not too far down it.
                  23) No more putting others and myself at risk by drink driving.
                  24) My appearance and overall sense of well being improve dramitically when AF.
                  25) Because I estimate that I have flittered away up to ?50,000 away on booze and related activities over the last 3 years - oh how I could do with that now.
                  26) When AF my mind is clearer and I make far better decisions regarding all aspects of my life.
                  27) No more sitting up all night drinking at parties with people who apart from drink I have nothing in common with.
                  28) Weekend binge drinking has resulted in me hitting a plateau at work. Though I have performed well despite the AL I know that being AF I will smash through that plateau and achieve things I never could whilst caught up in the fog of AL.
                  29) My disposable income has decreased a bit recently. Now more than ever I cannot justify wasting my hard earned cash on something that provides zero benefit but can provide heaps of pain both physical and emotional.
                  30) Being AF gives me freedom - Freedom to go out any night of the week I like without being constrained by AL. Freedom to be myself all the time and not hide behind some facade. Freedom that having extra cash will allow me. Freedom to make plans and know I'll stick to them. Freedom of having a clear focus on how I want my life to pan out. Freedom. Freedom. Freedom.


                    Reasons Not To Drink/Davie's Days

                    Hi Davie,

                    Really nailed it with number 30.


                    J x
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Reasons Not To Drink/Davie's Days

                      A gentle hand may lead even an elephant by a hair


                        Reasons Not To Drink/Davie's Days

                        No. 22 is not a good thing - not a good thing at all. Even worse when yo have young children.

                        I'm dying inside at the memories.

                        Great list Mr. Souter. More power to your non-drinking elbow.
                        "It's a scientific fact that if you stay in California you lose one point of your IQ every year."


                          Reasons Not To Drink/Davie's Days

                          yes davie number 30,That's a great one. fair play to you your doing great.

                          :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                          Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                          I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                          This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                            Reasons Not To Drink/Davie's Days

                            Your continued support is appreciated and needed.



                              Reasons Not To Drink/Davie's Days

                              I'm a newbie i seem to be having problems getting round the site, hopefully will get better. Its great to speak to other people,it helps to know that others know what its like, dreading xmas but hoping to cut down on the drink or even stop, harder than i think though


                                Reasons Not To Drink/Davie's Days

                                :welcome: Jolly,

                                You're in a good safe place here. A place with no judgement.

                                Good place to start with Davie's thread. It's great isn't it?

                                Have a pop into the 'Newbies Nest' and say hello. I'll look out for you there.

                                No massive advice just for now just wanted to say hello.

                                J x

                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

