Dave, You are doing a good thing for yourself and others with this thread! Keep up the good work!
No announcement yet.
Reasons Not To Drink/Davie's Days
Reasons Not To Drink/Davie's Days
Dave, You are doing a good thing for yourself and others with this thread! Keep up the good work!Dill
Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!
If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.
Reasons Not To Drink/Davie's Days
Hi all,
Another busy day again today gym, cleaning the house, grocery shopping- brother's for dinner (I get well looked after) and to watch the game.
Was offered free tickets to the big game tonight. Was tempted to go but the temptation and expectation to go drinking before and after would have been too much so I thought better of it and declined.
Reasons not to drink.
1) Absolutely nothing positive comes from me drinking
2) My most difficult times from childhood to adulthood have been as a direct or indirect result of my own or someone elses (father's) alcohol abuse
3) Alcoholism is progressive - I don't want to look back in 1,2,3 or more years to be further along my downward spiral having wasted this opportunity to nip it in the bud while I still can.
4) I have a relationship of fun & mischievous (spelling?) with all my nieces and nephews and I want dearly to retain this. However I don't ever want them to feel sorry for me or embarassed by me. I want them to always be proud of me and know they can rely on me. One way to achieving this is to stop pissing my life and hard earned money away at the weekends and start to reach my true potential.
5) No more dark (almost suicidal) thoughts after a binge - guilt about the hundreds Euro spent, making a fool of myself and missing work - and asking myself why have I done this to myself again?
6) No more blackouts wondering how I got home - dreading what I have said and done.
7) I can be loud, obnoxious, rude and arrogant when drunk. I don't want people to see me like this as this not the real me.
8) I know my life will be far more happier, fun and prosperous without AL
9) I want to prove to myself I have the balls and willpower to be different to the herd and do this.
Reasons Not To Drink/Davie's Days
Hi Davie,
Well done on recognizing that it may have been a danger point going to the match. I tended to steer clear of AL events for at least my 1st month and even now weigh them up before deciding if I'll go.
So sorry about the score. You've got the lovely Shay. He used to play for my home team (you'll be able to guess where I'm from. It's not Manchester) and he still lives up here.
You did some housework. Do you clean ovens? Mines desperateIt needs fixing but I'm too ashamed to get the engineer out until it's clean.
Look out for Shout out Sunday tomorrow.
Love Jackie xxxIt could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Reasons Not To Drink/Davie's Days
Was offered free tickets to the big game tonight. Was tempted to go but the temptation and expectation to go drinking before and after would have been too much so I thought better of it and declined
Hi JC! Good to 'see' you.AF since 7/26/2009
"There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.
"Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous
Reasons Not To Drink/Davie's Days
I have been reading your posts, and really like your approach. I look forward to hearing more. You are doing great. Please keep writing.Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
AF since May 6, 2010
Reasons Not To Drink/Davie's Days
Hi All,
Another weekend down. Gave the gym a miss today. Was up early and managed to do some work from home. Watched a gane with some friends. Had dinner with family. Feel good but am in no doubt this is going to be challenge. Best friend since I was a kid called around with some great news today and I found myself slipping back into "lets go to the pub to celebrate" mode. But it didn't happen and I'm still here.
Reasons not to drink.
1) Absolutely nothing positive comes from me drinking
2) My most difficult times from childhood to adulthood have been as a direct or indirect result of my own or someone elses (father's) alcohol abuse
3) Alcoholism is progressive - I don't want to look back in 1,2,3 or more years to be further along my downward spiral having wasted this opportunity to nip it in the bud while I still can.
4) I have a relationship of fun & mischievous (spelling?) with all my nieces and nephews and I want dearly to retain this. However I don't ever want them to feel sorry for me or embarassed by me. I want them to always be proud of me and know they can rely on me. One way to achieving this is to stop pissing my life and hard earned money away at the weekends and start to reach my true potential.
5) No more dark (almost suicidal) thoughts after a binge - guilt about the hundreds Euro spent, making a fool of myself and missing work - and asking myself why have I done this to myself again?
6) No more blackouts wondering how I got home - dreading what I have said and done.
7) I can be loud, obnoxious, rude and arrogant when drunk. I don't want people to see me like this as this not the real me.
8) I know my life will be far more happier, fun and prosperous without AL
9) I want to prove to myself I have the balls and willpower to be different to the herd and do this
10) Because I woke up this morning and it was a beautiful day and I was so happy to be able to appreciate it.
Reasons Not To Drink/Davie's Days
14 days AF today.
Did a session in the gym this evening after work. When I got out of the shower I had this enormous sense of well being over and the above the natural endorphin rush I normally get after the gym. Hope this feeling lasts.
Reasons not to drink.
1) Absolutely nothing positive comes from me drinking
2) My most difficult times from childhood to adulthood have been as a direct or indirect result of my own or someone elses (father's) alcohol abuse
3) Alcoholism is progressive - I don't want to look back in 1,2,3 or more years to be further along my downward spiral having wasted this opportunity to nip it in the bud while I still can.
4) I have a relationship of fun & mischievous (spelling?) with all my nieces and nephews and I want dearly to retain this. However I don't ever want them to feel sorry for me or embarassed by me. I want them to always be proud of me and know they can rely on me. One way to achieving this is to stop pissing my life and hard earned money away at the weekends and start to reach my true potential.
5) No more dark (almost suicidal) thoughts after a binge - guilt about the hundreds Euro spent, making a fool of myself and missing work - and asking myself why have I done this to myself again?
6) No more blackouts wondering how I got home - dreading what I have said and done.
7) I can be loud, obnoxious, rude and arrogant when drunk. I don't want people to see me like this as this not the real me.
8) I know my life will be far more happier, fun and prosperous without AL
9) I want to prove to myself I have the balls and willpower to be different to the herd and do this
10) Because I woke up this morning and it was a beautiful day and I was so happy to be able to appreciate it.
11) AL has taken far more from me than I have ever gotten from it.
Reasons Not To Drink/Davie's Days
Hi Davie, Great # 10 and 11. AL has definately taken more. and after several AF days the mornings and the promise of a clear day are gifts that you want to keep experiancing.
Congrats on 14 days!! Maybe that sense of well being is the awakening of your freedom.
kitkat, keep on reading and posting. we are here for you. if you got 3 months AF that is huge. be proud of yourself. I'm not even close to that success
night all, MM
Reasons Not To Drink/Davie's Days
Hi all,
Hope this is not getting too boring or repetitive but have to admit committing to coming here everyday and post a reason is helping me. To be honest still battling with non long term abstinence thoughts so I'm still very much a work in progress. Need some positive vibes that there is life and an enjoyable and social life without AL. Despite this feeling good and strong another good session in the gym.
Reasons not to drink.
1) Absolutely nothing positive comes from me drinking
2) My most difficult times from childhood to adulthood have been as a direct or indirect result of my own or someone elses (father's) alcohol abuse
3) Alcoholism is progressive - I don't want to look back in 1,2,3 or more years to be further along my downward spiral having wasted this opportunity to nip it in the bud while I still can.
4) I have a relationship of fun & mischievous (spelling?) with all my nieces and nephews and I want dearly to retain this. However I don't ever want them to feel sorry for me or embarassed by me. I want them to always be proud of me and know they can rely on me. One way to achieving this is to stop pissing my life and hard earned money away at the weekends and start to reach my true potential.
5) No more dark (almost suicidal) thoughts after a binge - guilt about the hundreds Euro spent, making a fool of myself and missing work - and asking myself why have I done this to myself again?
6) No more blackouts wondering how I got home - dreading what I have said and done.
7) I can be loud, obnoxious, rude and arrogant when drunk. I don't want people to see me like this as this not the real me.
8) I know my life will be far more happier, fun and prosperous without AL
9) I want to prove to myself I have the balls and willpower to be different to the herd and do this
10) Because I woke up this morning and it was a beautiful day and I was so happy to be able to appreciate it.
11) AL has taken far more from me than I have ever gotten from it.
12) I want Monday to be like every other day of the week not a day to dread and just get through due to a hangover. Life is too short to be wasting days.
Reasons Not To Drink/Davie's Days
Hi Davie,
This thread is neither boring or repetitive. It's normal to have doubts in the early days,but please stay strong and keep posting.
There is so much in life that I have missed through drinking I weep for the years I lost.
There's now a whole new world out there to explore and I don't want to miss a minute of it.
Keep going,Davie. It's worth it.
Thanks again for your posts.
Love Jackie xxx
:lIt could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009