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Need some help

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    Need some help

    Working on my third day

    This website has really helped! Last night was kind of difficult - I'm not gonna lie that I was tempted but thinking of all the positive comments from the day before helped.
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


      Need some help

      WAY TO GO JOLIE!!!! Temptation is part of the game and will sneak up on you when you least expect it. Always be on guard. Always! Never give in to it. You can do this! You are doing great.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        Need some help

        Brilliant Jolie,

        My daily routine is to come on here each morning. It really does help.

        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Need some help

          hi Jolie, Working on day 3 also. Feeling a little anxious and nervious. MM


            Need some help

            Made it through day 3

            I can't tell you how much everyones encouragement helped me make it through the evening yesterday. Feeling a little depressed and just kind of blah - really wanted to "tap the box" of wine I keep down in the basement - but I didn't. How are you doing Mighty Mouse?
            Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


              Need some help

              Well done jolie!!!! Can't you just get rid of the wine so you don't fret over it?

              MM... ride those feelings out, it's part of detox. To help, you can try: I'm going to copy and paste. BRB

              As much water as you can stand with fresh lemon squeeezed into it.
              Frequent small healthy meals even if you don't think you are hungry.
              Sugar if you need it, but try fruit instead.
              Hot baths for 20 minutes with 1cup epsom salts, one cup baking soda to help draw out toxins and make you sweat.
              More water.
              Get 10 minutes of sunshine in the AM - helps set you mood.
              Light exercise like walks. Keeps blood moving and is a good distraction.
              Naps, rest. Sleep is going to elude you for a while.
              Avoid caffeine.
              Herbal extracts that may help are passion flower, kava-kava, burgamot, St. John's Wart
              Lavendar in the bath, drop on wrist and bottom of feet
              Chamomile tea
              Pamper yourself and remind yourself of your goals and give youself positive encouragement. Your body will hear you and appreciate it and respond to it.

              This won't last forever.
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                Need some help

                Green eyes, thank you for the info. I never thought about those things as detox. I used to think they were lifes anxieties and wine just helped them. Light bulb moment!! This is my day 4 and I woke up groggy with a head ache. maybe thats detox too? never made it past day 4 but I am commited and more educated. No AL for me. I'll go get my lemons.

                Hi Jolie, Welcome to day 4. I sent a PM. did you get it? I think you should dump the box before the day gets on too much. For me I couldn't have it there. not at this point anyway.
                Stay strong we can do this. Have you looked at Nov week2 thread. thereis alot of support there and another person on the same days as us.
                Gotta go and find something for this head ache. More later

                Love MM


                  Need some help

                  Congratulations! Keep hanging in there Jolie and Mighty mouse! That headache seems to be real noticeable around day 4 - but keep up the AF days and it does get better!

                  Greenie gives really good advice - I indulged in many a hot bath with essential oils and a cup or herb tea or flavored sparkling water - it's a great "reward" as well as makes you feel good all over.

                  You two look after each other - power in numbers! Us longer term AF folks will look out for ya'll too. Stay strong - one day, hour, or a minute at a time. Keep on believing!

                  Much love!!! :h
                  ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                  AUGUST 9, 2009


                    Need some help

                    Dancelot, Thanks for the vote of confidence. Made it through day 4. Head ache gone. Drank a gallon of lemon water. Off to bed now to awake to face day 5!
                    Love MM


                      Need some help

                      Day 6?

                      I absolutely cannot believe that I am on day 6 AF. My new friend mighty mouse and I have been PMing and it has helped tremendously. I thought I was seriously going to be tested today at lunch meeting someone new but water with lemon was my drink of choice. Friday night without wine is just unheard of for me. I know the night isn't over but I feel like I'm going to make it through this. This site is different than any other site I've visited. The support everyone gives is just unbelieveable. You come here hoping to get help and find yourself giving it as well. I'm optomistic but cautious. Thanks to all of you who have given me encouragement on my road to hopefully a healthier life!
                      Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                        Need some help

                        Wine was also my drink of choice, so sending you encouragement and strength. I had to get rid of all wine in the house or it would have been all over for me.

                        I have been starting to think about this AF journey as a gift I am giving myself. No one else can do this for me, and being AF is worth more than a million me health, peace, integrity, right relationships....all the thinks money can't buy. Take care.

