Yeah, today is Friday. I am so worried about work, that I am thinking about it and woke up today at 4 a.m., too early for anyone. I have come to view this site as a stress reliever and problem solver.
I think that in the past I would drink to handle my worries...creating more. But, in a way, drinking, then not sleeping, experiencing anxiety and physical symptoms, all took my attention away from my own personal life challenges. I mean, I was so focused on the drinking and recovering, it gave me something to do, a way of life, a focus. A way to deal with my feelings by not dealing with them, solving my problems by creating new ones. Now, I have to face what is bothering me and learn to trust. I guess that is where the spirituality is becoming important....trusting that there is a plan for me and that I will become aware of and follow that plan. Before my trust was in alcohol, now I need to learn to trust in God and in myself to find my Higher plan. Whew, see I think too much, especially at this too early hour.
My plans for this weekend are simple...taking care of my home, finances, working on my closet, exercising a bit, and eating very healthy. I have a great book I am reading and I should go to the library at some point. I also need to go grocery shopping and that includes planning my menu. I am going to start planning my Thanksgiving menu and picking up some odds and ends.
I love Thanksgiving - eating and enjoying your loved ones. No other worries. I wish Christmas was like that instead of all the pressure for gifts, gifts, gifts. Have a great day everyone, plan for your AF weekend if that is your plan, and take care.