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November Navigators ~ AF -Week 2

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    November Navigators ~ AF -Week 2

    Good morning, well the hot chocolate worked and here I am on Sunday morning, relatively bright eyed and bushy tailed! I didn't sleep very well though, kept having these funny dreams - one included drinking and my ex husband - both of which I really want to eliminate from my life and thoughts completely!!! Talk about a nightmare ....
    We're promised a relatively calm day weather wise so I think I might go for a squelch around the fields and get some fresh air. I can actually see about 3 inches of blue sky which is really exciting.
    Have a good Sunday one and all. Its a special day for all of us for many different reasons and whatever your reason is I hope you have a peaceful, happy and AF one.
    See you later


      November Navigators ~ AF -Week 2

      Hey Lav and all you others across the big pond ...the holidays you are talking about are Thanksgiving am I right? I first of all thought you were referring to Christmas and then I realised just how ignorant I am. So please forgive me but when exactly is Thanksgiving? I thought it was the 4th November but I think I'm mixing it up with 4th July .... is it a one day holiday or longer?
      Looking forward to gaining even more knowledge from being amongst you all.
      loads of love


        November Navigators ~ AF -Week 2

        Whew, I messsed up big time. I drank last night, blacked out, and am back at Day 1. The insanity of this whole thing is incredible. I was lonely yesterday, and started planning to drink. All my fine plans went straight out the window.

        I am scared, plain and simple. This is what happened to me before. Get some AF time together and then slowly have a drinking day here and there, leading up to excessive wine intake, and all that goes along with it. My side hurts and I realize that means liver damage. I have to stop once and for all. No alcohol, ever. It is just not a possibility for me. I cannot stop once I start. So, I promise that November 15, 2009 is my AF start date. It has to be.


          November Navigators ~ AF -Week 2

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