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    I'm 36 years old, at this point have been sober 22 days, have been on Campral for 5 days now, with no real side effects or problems adjusting to it. I'm very glad to have found this site. Up to now, I've been with a site where the emphasis and discussion seems to be primarily 12 step/AA, nothing against the program and I'm glad for those it helps, but it's not really available in my local area. There used to be a meeting in a nearby town but it closed down.

    I've gone for a month or two months sober here and there this year. But I still seem to be affected occasionally by symptoms of Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome. I didn't think that my drinking had been entrenched long enough - I didn't really drink until I reached my thirties - for me to suffer it so long and to this degree. I have difficulties with focus, sleeping, mood fluctuations, stress sensitivity still, etc. So I followed the advice of my addictions counselor and went to get a prescription for the Campral. I'm also taking Milk Thistle, Betamin and EPO.

    It looks like there are other good recommendations here as well that I can use, so I'll continue reading around. Thanks - Mel


    Hi Mel,
    Welcome! I am new here too. I've been truly overwhelmed and inspired by the positive feedback I have received on MWO. It has further strenghtened my resolve to keep straight and be the man I know I can. I know MWO can be of equal value to you.

    Best of luck.



      Hi Mel.

      Davie is right. The people on this site make a big difference. There's also a book that outlines a regime of nutritional supplements that seem to have helped me greatly. I believe getting support is very helpful, and this place is a great alternative to 12-step programs, although there are plenty of 12-steppers around here. The great thing is that there is no one being judgemental, clique-ish or forcing their beliefs - it's just people helping people. Pretty refreshing!


      Hello to you too Davie!

      Take care!
      Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -



        Hi Mel,

        Welcome, you have found a good place - straightened me right out
        Congrats on your 22 AF days, that's terrific!

        Everyone needs to find their own way as far as meds & supplements are concerned. But I think we all benefit from the support here, emotional or otherwise!

        Feel free to drop in to see us in the Newbies Nest thread. I'm no longer new but still hanging out there

        Wishing you continued success!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:




          Hi mel,

          Congrats on 22 days

          You've found a good safe place, where no-one judges.
          Have a good read around and make yourself comfortable, you'll soon find the names becoming familiar.

          Hope to 'see' you around.

          Wishing you all the luck in the world.

          Love Jackie xxx
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009

