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Monday - ODAT

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    Monday - ODAT

    Good Day all ODATers!
    Wow! Chilly morning (27 F ) here in Vermont but it's promising to be a sunny, warm (60s) day. Really unusual for November. I plan to spend most of the day outside finishing up garden clean up. Before too long, the snow will be falling.
    Feeling great, positive and healthy today and I hope all of you are feeling the same as well.
    The journey for me is getting easier.
    Hugs and best wishes to everyone as we all try to meet our goals today.
    When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
    -- Franklin D Roosevelt --

    Monday - ODAT

    Great minds.........:H

    Let me go move my thread!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      Monday - ODAT


      You know how I like Mondays!!! Great kick-start day!

      Everybody put super glue on your butts and stick it on the wagon.

      Uni, please see my comment to you on yesterday's thread.

      I'm going to check into career change today. Hope I can do it without "required", ie:boring, course work. I'm not crazy about school. Performance anxiety settles in. Ugh! Big girl pants on!!

      Go for the O today!!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        Monday - ODAT

        Happy Monday all! I hope everyone finds a great way to start out the day, the week and the lifetime of new habits!


          Monday - ODAT

          Hi ODATers,

          Feeling good today!! Supposed to be in the 70's in Virginia. Can't believe Thanksgiving is right around the corner.

          Everything I need is within me!


            Monday - ODAT

            Hello All U Odaters,

            It's a rainy rainy day today. I cooked & baked all wknd. I was restless & needed to keep busy. I messed up a double batch of oatmeal raisin cookies. Crap, I had my 1-cup & my grandma's 2-cup measuring cups out. I was listening to music, doing laundry & apparently my mind is out of sorts. I used the 2-cup for the oatmeal & raisins. For a min. I thought the bowl was going to over flow with oatmeal. Just for a second I thought sure seems like a lot of oatmeal.

            Well it was. I put 12 cups of oatmeal, instead of 6. Can anybody say crunchy... I asked my hubby to take some of them to work & put a free sign on them. He gets there really early & I said hopefully nobody will see they came from r house, cause r wife screwed them up. Hope nobody breaks a tooth. Ah, what a waste. But, I'm alive & sober. That's more important then any cookies. I think they are still salvageable. Like a dry granola bar.

            Today is two wks AF, and I think I better wait before I try baking again. Sheesh, my brain isn't working right.

            I have had some feelings of guilt & shame about my drinking life & how it's affected my kids. Seeing them suffer. I blame me. Long stories, more like nightmares. I couldn't sleep last night, up until 1:00 am. My mind kept going around & around the guilt~shame merry go round.

            Somebody once told me that the same God who's been watching over me is watching over them. Don't no what else to do, but try & hand it over.

            I won't drink today to try & forget. The problems will still be here. Let alone I wouldn't be able to do any good if I get drunk.

            One Day At A Time


              Monday - ODAT

              LOL trish! Tell him to add to sign. "Great for Milk or Coffee Dipping!"

              Congrats on your 2 weeks!!
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                Monday - ODAT

                Ha Ha...

                What a great idea greeneyes.

                Thank ~ you )

