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Anxiety / Paranoia

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    Anxiety / Paranoia

    Had my first AF day yesterday for a while. Not planning to cave in just yet. I did have a bad day of paranoia / anxiety today sitting through a whole day of very intense lectures though. Was a mess when I got home. Hopefully I didn't come across too weird to others.

    Does anyone else suffer from such problems and if so how do you deal with them? I guess I should eat something now. Got another intense day tomorrow!

    Anxiety / Paranoia

    Hi Geoff,

    I had a period about a month ago of severe anxiety. I talked with the folks at my health store and they recommended L-Theanine. It helped me and I'm back to normal.....well, as normal as I can be LOL

    Good luck, hope you feel better
    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


      Anxiety / Paranoia

      HI Geoff,

      I have felt the same thing, anxiety, depression, paranoia; it's a natural consequence of stopping the alcohol. I have to remind myself not to act on these feelings, because they do go away as your body readjusts to not having that depressant poured into your body! Things do feel haywire for a little while, that's for sure! Hang in there.



        Anxiety / Paranoia

        hi and welcome geoff,read as many posts/threads as you can,and stick around as this is a great community with great advice & support,re the above i have a post in the resource thread near the bottom called .Coping with cravings & urges to drink check it out it might help goodluck

        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


          Anxiety / Paranoia

          I was just reading up on the L-theanine. It works on anxiety. I'm going to pick some up too.

          Everything I need is within me!


            Anxiety / Paranoia

            Thanks for all the great advice! I'll have a look in my local health food store and see if they have any of the supplements recommended.

            In the meantime I'll keep drinking the water. Had one too many coffees today which may not help. Ah well, have to keep on trying!


              Anxiety / Paranoia


              Hi Geoff,

              Hope you are feeling a little better. I've been taking L-Theanine at the advice of my doctor for over 3 months and it really helps to calm me and clear my head for work. If you are having anxiety, yes, take it easy on the caffeine.

              I've felt some of what you're describing and can tell you it will get better without the alcohol. Hang in there! One day is a great start!

              Take care,


                Anxiety / Paranoia

                4th day alcohol free now! Went to the doctor early this morning and he gave me a weak dose of valium to get me through my intense week. I don't know if it helped, but I managed to get through the day a bit better. Got a more intense day tomorrow though. Yesterday I only managed a half day in college.

                Think I'll ask my doctor about L-Theanine and see what he thinks. I don't really want to get hooked on valium. Feels good to be AF at the moment though - I might throw a bit of exercise into the mix as well and go for a walk / run this evening!


                  Anxiety / Paranoia

                  :goodjob: Great work!

