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Penelope Pit Stop

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    Penelope Pit Stop

    Hello one and all,
    I think I've been a little lost around the site, hmm. I got the book in the mail last Friday. Fantastic read and I am keeping the book very close at hand. I am preparing my self and enviroment to start the programme. I have ordered supplements and CD's. Have an appt booked with my GP. I hope she will give me a script for Topamax. Much cheaper to buy here in Oz than to have to purchase online. I've decided not to tell anyone much about my journey, except of course you all! People just wouldn't think I had alcohol issues. Know doubt there would be some well meaning sabortours out there!! Anyway, this is my gift to myself. Will let you know when I start, will fully need your support. Thank you so far!!!!!!!!
    "Whatever your mind believes becomes reality, whether it is reality or not" Lama Yesche
    Whatever your mind believes becomes reality, whether it is reality or not.

    Penelope Pit Stop

    penelope pit stop;754005 wrote: Hello one and all,
    I think I've been a little lost around the site, hmm. I got the book in the mail last Friday. Fantastic read and I am keeping the book very close at hand. I am preparing my self and enviroment to start the programme. I have ordered supplements and CD's. Have an appt booked with my GP. I hope she will give me a script for Topamax. Much cheaper to buy here in Oz than to have to purchase online. I've decided not to tell anyone much about my journey, except of course you all! People just wouldn't think I had alcohol issues. Know doubt there would be some well meaning sabortours out there!! Anyway, this is my gift to myself. Will let you know when I start, will fully need your support. Thank you so far!!!!!!!!
    "Whatever your mind believes becomes reality, whether it is reality or not" Lama Yesche
    Hi Pen,

    I could have written your post with a couple of variations. I read the book, went to the doctor and got the script for Topamax, but I am waiting until I get the supplements in the mail (and the CDs) before I start.

    I think. I do not feel the need to drink anything tonight, so I'm not going to do it. Sometimes I don't feel like drinking, but I do it anyway for some sick reason that I don't understand... but tonight I'm not.

    I'm considering taking a Topamax before I go to sleep tonight, to see what happens tomorrow. To tell you the truth, I'm a bit afraid of that med because of the side effects some people notice.

    You have my support! We can do this.



      Penelope Pit Stop

      Penelope Pit Stop

      Hi Annie, Well seeems like we both might be kicking off around the same time. I always feel the need to drink. I'm managing to wait until 6pm weekdays, these recent days anyway. Weekends I could easily have a beer at lunch time, but I don't stop then. I keep going! And I drink anything! So this weekend just gone I manged until 5pm. Wow, I'd like to call that progress!!!!
      I've been drinking for 30 years. I don't always smash myself, but I sure do drink too much too often!! Can't remember when I had my last AFD, who knows!!:l
      I try and visualize myself as a mod, and would really like to get there. Drinking has ruled my life!! Hey, I bought a block of chocolate, (bit unusual for me to do that) and I had a whole row, then flashed back to being a yougster (before AL) , and thought to myself, hey this is where I want to be, and start again. I hope I'm not putting too much emphasis on the Topamax, as the final ingredient to assist me. I don't want to be devoed if the Dr wont prescibe.
      So if you have a Topamax what will it do? Make you drowsy? It's great that you can decide not to drink tonight and pull it off. I can't ! Not yet! Hope to be able to eventually, take care PPS
      Whatever your mind believes becomes reality, whether it is reality or not.


        Penelope Pit Stop

        hi ppt & anyaprincess just like to say good luck with your new life,hope ypu keep posting your progress

        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


          Penelope Pit Stop

          Hi PPS and Anya,

          Lovely to see your mood as optimistic.

          Who mentioned chocolate? I :h chocolate.

          All the strength in the world.

          J x
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Penelope Pit Stop

            Hi there PPS and Anya P,
            The reason we get lost around here is because we start off so enthusiastic there's so much to take in and that is GREAT! Keep on reading and posting and you'll do just fine.
            It's a learning curve for all of us.
            Strength,courage and love to keep going!
            Keep on keeping on

