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A farewell Letter to AL! (on advise from the toolbox)

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    A farewell Letter to AL! (on advise from the toolbox)

    DEAR AL! ( Add your letters if you wish!)

    I never thought that you would become so important to me. So crucial to my life and my living moments. It actually scares me that you are so...intrinsicly a part of my daily functioning.

    I crave you physically and mentally, you are in my thoughts too often for my own peace of mind! You confound and confuse me! You addle my brain and scramble my soul into a million pieces.

    So for this reason we must part. I am writing this letter to you to say goodbye.

    I want you to know why I a leaving you and moving on. Our relationship no longer works,it is a destructive thing that will only harm me more the longer I allow it to continue.
    At times your company has seemed to help me, but really you've just helped me to deny the real problems. You do more harm than good and last.....I will say goodye to you.

    YOu have done me no good service. You have hurt me in too many ways to count and it will take me a good while to recover, but I will recover from you.

    So farewell AL, I never want to hold you, touch you or see you again!
    It's done!


    A farewell Letter to AL! (on advise from the toolbox)

    You took my money, abused me, destroyed my relationships with family and friends and yet I believed in you. You encouraged me to make a fool of myself and let me believe I needed you. We even had our little secrets and special places. What fun we had in the beginning!. We'd laugh and dance, jeer and sneer at the passing world. In the beginning, not in the end. In the end you had destroyed me. I hated myself and loved you. So what kind of a friend would YOU call that? Well I am writing to you today to say it is over, no more. I am not you and I don't need you. The old me is back

    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


      A farewell Letter to AL! (on advise from the toolbox)

      Well written Mario!


        A farewell Letter to AL! (on advise from the toolbox)

        Thanks for the great insight. It really is so absurb what AL has been allowed to do to us.



          A farewell Letter to AL! (on advise from the toolbox)

          I wrote this a while ago...but here it is again.

          Dear AL,

          I don't know what has happened to us. You used to be so charming, sophisticated, alluring. Oh, the fun times we had at parties and on vacations. I thought I finally found what I was missing, a friend who was always there for me.

          For awhile now our relationship has not been so wonderful. We just don't seem to agree anymore. I say that I want one drink, you say I want 6 or 7. I say I just want to release some stress, you say I need to get drunk. I want to see friends and go to the gym and you always want me to stay home with you. It's the daily arguments and sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that I can't stand. You lie, manipulate and steal from me. You've taken my youth, health and beauty. Oh, I've tried to leave you before and you always come back whispering sweet nothings in my ear that you will change and you will be better this time. Well, I've had it! You are not allowed to step foot in my house and if I see you out socially, I will have nothing to say to you. I've changed and you are just not with the program anymore. Don't contact me anymore.


          Everything I need is within me!


            A farewell Letter to AL! (on advise from the toolbox)

            Well said Bright!

