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ODAT - Thursday

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    ODAT - Thursday


    Uni, I had to go back and change Wed to Thurs, :H

    Chilly, rainy, windy. Think I'll thaw out some soup for dinner. I used to associate certain kinds of AL with certain kinds of weather. It is a relief that now it is just food.

    Got my hoop yesterday and it BARELY fit in the little car. I had to drive around IN it!

    A few people were here just starting out and have been gone for a while, like annie mac. I hope they are OK. The thread seems skinny these days.

    Off to work in a bit. I am organizing my files to be more user friendly in prep for and exit. Funny how it happened on a subconscious level first.

    Go for the O!!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    ODAT - Thursday

    Woowoo Greenie, you changed the title... can you change the day to Friday?

    Happy Thursday all. Just another day for me. Was sleepy this morning, which isn't that common any more. I suppose I'll get more tea or maybe go on the deep side and have some coffee this morning. Our early seasons continue here in the Northwest as Ski season has begun in the mountains, and they are forecasting snow down to 1000 feet by Saturday. The center of Portland is at sea level but we have a very hilly city, the west hills a mile from downtown are 2400 feet tall. As you can see in this video, the sidewalks are not safe in the snow:[/video]]YouTube - Portland drivers in the snow

    But it's all so pretty! Yet another reason to drive sober; bad weather can strike any time of day or night.


      ODAT - Thursday

      Hi green eyes and boss man, Thursday DAY 5 for me Yippie! haven't been here sinnce I don't know when. Feel good today. Feel like kicking but today! Damn you wine! you are not getting me today. I have my lemon water annd it's tasting good.


        ODAT - Thursday

        Hi everyone,,I'm kind of new to this thread. But ODAT has become my mantra for all aspects of my life! In my quest to conquer the beast, in my fitness goals, in my weight loss goals, it's all ODAT and that is really the only thing that works.

        This weekend is going to be a killer to stay off the booze. My son's hockey team has a tournament and they are notoriously booze fests for the parents. They certainly were for me. Last year think I brought one outfit to wear and the rest of the car was full of booze..didn't want to run out! To make matters worse I am still waffling--am I a moderator or am I an abstainer? That is why i take it a day at a time. I am going to try not to bring any AL. Just snacks and AF beverages. This weekend will be the first test of many to come in the following 8 weeks. I'm nervous!

        Have a great day..
        Every day is not 100%, however, it is 100% better than my best day of drinking..


          ODAT - Thursday

          Oh man. We're the original idiots when it snows here, but that driver needed to be taken off the road --with a bullet if necessary. There comes a point when you gotta realize it's better to just get out of the vehicle and leave it where it is.


            ODAT - Thursday

            Good Day Odater's,

            Congrats M&M on 5 days. Each day we abstain is a success. Glad your here tassimo. Can't tell u how many times I tried to be moderator. It just became to much work. I hope u find the right answer for u. I found I can go just one day without a drink.

            Hey there Boss. Man, I know what u mean about the snow. Your my neighbor. I think they said it was an La Nina year, so it's suppose to be warm in the Pacific NW. My gut was telling me this summer were going to have another winter storm. Didn't see or feel our usual Indian Summer. I like the snow, but if I lived elsewhere I might not think of it in happy terms.

            Thanks for starting us out greeneyes & thanks for keeping us Odaters going UrbanFool.

            Where is Ms. Savon19? Come back come back where ever u are.

            Boy do I need to type out & meditate on my motto today.

            Today I choose to forgive, today I choose to love, today I choose sobriety. Feeling a bit better already.

            Stay sober all u Odater's, cause it's a " One Day At A Time".


              ODAT - Thursday

              Hey guys.
              One day at a time!! Boy do I like the sound of that.
              Day 1 for me. I feel surprisingly calm like Ive finally taken control of myself.
              Woke up groggy, post beer last night. Water, paracetamol and coffee later I took the children to school and then found this site at 9am.
              Day 1 and I would normally now having wine or beer but im quite happy with fizzy water.
              Dont know how I will manage later in the week as a friend has invited me to her house for Xfactor and wine. But one day at a time!!


                ODAT - Thursday

                Hi all you ODATers!!
                Thanks for launching us forward today, Green.
                Everyone sounds positive and focused today. Congrats to everyone for beating back Al!!
                Kick his butt hard!
                Good day here in New England and I'm thankful we didn't get the terrible storm that the folks south of New York got! Whew! Greenie: you got pounded in the Carolinas.
                I'm a little late checking in today but I hope everyone is managing to stick to the goal of not drinking today. Have a nice evening! :l
                When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                  ODAT - Thursday

                  I swam to work today. :H
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

