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Which supplements to take?

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    Which supplements to take?

    Hi - new here. I think it's time for me to make a serious effort in moderating my drinking. I pretty much drink 5 - 6 nights a week. I'm a Mother of 2 (ages 4 & 7) and work full time. I am super busy and find that drinking helps me relax under all this pressure. But the problem is I can't stop at 1.

    Anyhow, I bought the book - it's great and motivating. I am super scared and ashamed to even consider calling my doctor to discuss this with him, so I was hoping I could bypass the topamax and just go for the supplements. Thing is, the book has different supps than what is in the health store on this site. What regime do I follow? I see several in the store that would benefit me. Also, I am on anti-depressants it safe to mix all this?


    Which supplements to take?

    Hi Emcee, Welcome to MWO.
    I just used the supplements to help with my cravings. I took Lglutamine and Kudzu. Both those together really helped me. I am also on ADs. There are some supps that you shouldnt mix with ADs such as SAME, 5 HTP, St Johns wort or anything that changes the seratonin levels.
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Which supplements to take?

      Don't be embarrassed about talking to your doctor. Chances are... she/he already knows and is just waiting for you to admit it.


        Which supplements to take?

        Hi Emcee!!
        I'm with startingover. L-glutamine L-glutamine L-glutamine
        I'm not sure about any other, but for me at least, this really helped!
        I also take vitamin D and B 1, 3, 6 and 12, a daily multi vit, and evening primrose.
        Heard EPR helps with menopause. I take it for bitchiness :H:H:H:H

        Good luck.
        Of all vices, drinking is the most incompatible with greatness
        Sir Walter Scott


          Which supplements to take?

          I think I will start w/the L-Glute and Kudzu...moving on to the full starter kit if these two alone don't help.

          I'm just tired of the same ol routine of making an excuse to drink (stressful day, it's THURSDAY! or any other stupid reason) and then waking up wondering why the hell I just did that and then hating myself. But at 4pm...I'm already coming up w/another excuse. Hmph...


            Which supplements to take?

            Welcome Emcee

            You've come to the right place, like Sheri, my hubby & I also started with the 6 week starter pack... There is an updated supplementation schedule as Sheri also mentions so you'll probably want to order extra kudzu rescue & L-Glut right off the bat.
            We are using the Topa & I love it...but there are plenty that are doing it without.
            As you are are on a antidepressant you probaly would want your doctor suppervision if you were going to add topamax or baclofen.

            Browse the might want to check out the Newbie Nest for a few days.

            I agree with might be suprised by your doctor. My husband & I are really glad to have our doctor on board with us.

            Welcome...jump on in!


