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Couldn't have done it without all you guys..

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    Couldn't have done it without all you guys..

    I'm new, and have been lurking on the boards for about a month now. I have been AF for nearly a month and its the best and most positive thing I have ever done for years. I've spent years stuggling with trying to give up and falling back into the trap again. Spent money on countless books and read them cover to cover, to no avail. After yet another hangover a few weeks ago felt so tired, depressed, sick and anxious I'd had enough. So I just stopped, just like that.

    I had one little 'urge' a week ago which passed and I was glad on Saturday morning that it had. My husband has also joined me as we were drinking ourselves to death basically, storing up horrendous health problems for the future.

    I feel my brain is slowly coming out of a fog. My concentration is better and my husband's colleagues at work have even commented on him being more focused and sharper!!

    I would love to lose some weight, especially my 'wine cushion' on the front of my stomach which has been there for years! But I guess this is a slow journey - has anyone else found the weight started to go (after the sugar cravings I got in the first couple of weeks which were shocking!).

    Thank you so much everyone for all the inspirational words on this site - you are all a credit to it. I have had a little read every night and there are so many useful tips, sayings and stories on here. Far better than any book I ever read.

    I will continue to post bits of my experiences, both with and without alcohol and hopefully will be able to give back some of the help that I've received from all of you.

    Couldn't have done it without all you guys..

    Hello Cupcake and congratulations on your "almost" month AF. This is a great place for information and support. The way I look at Cupcake is that we didn't get into this mess in a month or two so we shouldn't really expect everything too be perfect in a short space of time neither. Exercise is a big part of a lot of peoples recovery and I think there is a few threads about that too. Your doing great, keep it up.


      Couldn't have done it without all you guys..

      hi & welcome cupcake that's great your af for a month,great community & support here even for losing weight.why dont you post a little more as well as sharing your experiences and helping yourself, you might help someone else beat this beast .keep up the great work

      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


        Couldn't have done it without all you guys..


        So glad you've got your husband on board with you. Congratulations to you both on your month.
        Hope we see more of you. Your experience will be great for all the newbies.
        Keep posting and let us know how your doing.
        We're all in this journey together.

        J x
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Couldn't have done it without all you guys..

          G'day Cupcake, and Welcome!
          Great work on your coming up to 30 day's af. Keep going, and nail it.
          Any bloating, and redness should gradually fade away too. Be wary of the classic trap of our thinking, after af time, which often will say to us....' go on, you'll be ok with just a couple of drinks now' etc.... Often acting on such a lie, will take us straight back to where we were. Don't forget the 'Toolbox' thread. Essential reading.

          Best wishes, and think positive.

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            Couldn't have done it without all you guys..

            Cupcake, it is great that you have found this site. I too have a husband who was my drinking buddy, getting fat and creating health problems. When I discussed with him my need to quit drinking, he agreed that he too needed to be AF. I do not know how I would make these major life changes without him. So I am happy for you that you and he are doing this together.:l


              Couldn't have done it without all you guys..

              Welcome and a big well done to you Cupcake
              stick around this is a great place
              It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                Couldn't have done it without all you guys..

                Opal;756890 wrote: The way I look at Cupcake is that we didn't get into this mess in a month or two so we shouldn't really expect everything too be perfect in a short space of time neither. Exercise is a big part of a lot of peoples recovery and I think there is a few threads about that too. Your doing great, keep it up.
                Hi Opal,
                This is great advice about the weight. When I used to work people in the gym they'd say to me they'd like to get in shape in a month etc. So I'd ask when was the last time you felt in good shape and the replies would 5,6 or more years ago so I'd advise not too expect undo 5 years of damage in one month - this helped keep expectations real and buy in to long term commitment to fitness and healthy eating.


                  Couldn't have done it without all you guys..

                  What a good post! Congratulations! Your input will most certainly inspire others who struggle including lurkers. That is the essence of this fourm. Thanks for your contribution! Good luck!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    Couldn't have done it without all you guys..

                    Cupcake;756884 wrote:

                    I would love to lose some weight, especially my 'wine cushion' on the front of my stomach which has been there for years! But I guess this is a slow journey - has anyone else found the weight started to go (after the sugar cravings I got in the first couple of weeks which were shocking!).

                    Thank you so much everyone for all the inspirational words on this site - you are all a credit to it. I have had a little read every night and there are so many useful tips, sayings and stories on here. Far better than any book I ever read.

                    I will continue to post bits of my experiences, both with and without alcohol and hopefully will be able to give back some of the help that I've received from all of you.
                    My husband & I have been AF for 9 days & I've dropped 3#. We are trying very hard to eat healthier as well... staying clear as much as possible of processed foods & sugars.
                    We've gone back to juicing in the mornings, added back in fruits for snacks, more salads...I'm scrounging up my old recipes for foods with whole food sweetners so we can stay clear of the sugar trap....which can trigger the alcohol cravings. L-Glut helps but can only do so much.

                    Good luck...keep checking in!:welcome:



                      Couldn't have done it without all you guys..

                      Congratulations Cupcake and Mr. C!

                      Sharing any success is so helpful to everyone - I applaud you both on achieving 30 days and on sharing, which can be really helpful, especially for the shy newbies (like I was!).

                      Keep it up! Adding healthy eating and exercise will help the weight loss (which may vary with age :H). I too overindulged on comfort food, especially at the very beginning. However, eliminating as much as possible sugar and refined carbs will help reduce AL cravings. L-glute also reduces sugar cravings (sometimes doses need to be adjusted - I did trial and error, add a little more, see how it effects me).

                      Anyway, I'm happy for you and your hubby, hope to see you around! Much love! :h
                      ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                      AUGUST 9, 2009

