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I need help

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    I need help

    Hi everyone it has been a long time since I posted anything. I;m ashamed of myself. I can't stop at one drink and I hate it. I say just one to relax myself and before you know it I have 2-3 drinks.
    I hate the fact that alcohol is stronger then I am. I hate that i have this secret. that people don't know what I'm donig.
    Everyone thinks I'm this perfect person and insde I'm this out of control person that only thinks of alochol. I talk to myself everyday about stopping but I can't.
    Can someone please help me out. I feel like I cannot talk to anyone about this problem.
    I want to take control of my life and not let alcohol control my life.
    Thank you

    I need help

    Hi Bear. Alcohol isn't stronger than you are, your mind just tries to tell you it is. I wish there were some special words of advice I could give you but there aren't. You just have to fight it. It isn't easy but if you want to take back your life it is worth the effort. I'm struggling too. I have 4 days AF and all day I have had thoughts of just one drink but I know it won't be one drink. As you say it will be 2 or more. I hate that alcohol has taken control of my life but it has. That you know this is a problem is a first step. I wish you well.


      I need help

      Thank you for your reply. It helps to know there are people like me out there that have the same problem. 4 days is good. today will be af for me.
      thank you


        I need help

        Bear, I know full well how you feel. It is a struggle to stop, but you CAN do it. Believe it.

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          I need help

          Bear...u are not on your own with this..i too find it so hard to stop at one drink. What i find that helps to try and get some AF days under your belt. I find that the longer i go without a drink..the easier it gets. Im not drinking tonight...there is nothing in the house but if there was a bottle somewhere..i know id drink it. You CAN do this...just try not to have that first drink. I also think about alcohol so much and it is horrible but you will feel stronger mentally if u dont have the booze around to tempt you. You can do it. I hope my words have helped just a little. Bella XXX


            I need help

            Bear, you can do it. I am still struggling, but I would not believe how much progress I have made over the past few years. Why not join a monthly thread to get some regular support. We would welcome you over on Fight Club! I really feel for you. But you must know that wou can do it - even if it takes some false starts and some ups and downs. If you need to talk I am here. :l
            Recovery Coaching website

            "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

            Recovery Videos


              I need help

              :welcome: back BEAR! Sorry to hear you are struggling and good job reaching out. You are not alone. Stay close and keep posting. Sending you strength!


                I need help

                Chin up Bear! we're all rooting for you - keep posting- you'll find lots of support on this site! love R x


                  I need help

                  Bear, I hope that you were able to make today an AF day. If so, tomorrow can also be an AF day.
                  And each day after that. If you are willing to take up the fight.


                    I need help

                    I understand your lonliness about not having anyone to talk to. That loneliness makes the temptation all the stronger, because if you are alone, no one will know.
                    Keep up your strength. I've found posting here helped a lot. When I stopped posting, I drank a lot more.
                    Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
                    AF since May 6, 2010


                      I need help

                      Bear, please dont feel ashamed. We all have this addiction, it is not something any of us chose to have. All we can do is keep trying and learning as we go. Keep close to the boards the help you need is all around here but mostly it is in you yourself. You can do this.
                      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                        I need help

                        Bear, I am again on Day 1 and feeling discouraged, but by starting one day at a time, I know I will be AF again. That is all I can do. I am scared because it was going well for a time, but then I drank again and couldn't stop. The old pattern. We all have this in common and need the support and help, so keep posting and know you can do this.:h


                          I need help

                          Hi BEAR,

                          Welcome back
                          You can beat this - lots of us have! The support you receive here at MWO is priceless. Join a thread or two & keep posting, it really helps.

                          Please join us on the 'Newbies Nest' thread, lots of folks there just getting started as well.

                          We're all with you - you are not alone in this fight
                          Wishing you the best!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            I need help

                            You're not alone

                            BEAR;757272 wrote: Hi everyone it has been a long time since I posted anything. I;m ashamed of myself. I can't stop at one drink and I hate it. I say just one to relax myself and before you know it I have 2-3 drinks.
                            I hate the fact that alcohol is stronger then I am. I hate that i have this secret. that people don't know what I'm donig.
                            Everyone thinks I'm this perfect person and insde I'm this out of control person that only thinks of alochol. I talk to myself everyday about stopping but I can't.
                            Can someone please help me out. I feel like I cannot talk to anyone about this problem.
                            I want to take control of my life and not let alcohol control my life.
                            Thank you
                            you've come to right place...but of course you probably know that or you wouldn't have come back. Lot's of support here, non-judgemental, loving caring support.

                            Found an article I found interesting about the "Booze Brain" -you'll find it in elsewhere here in just starting out & in monthly abstinence explains one persons take on why we THINK we can't stop...but we can. YOU can.



