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Day 2, Second Time

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    Day 2, Second Time

    Hello all,

    I disappeared for a few months after doing pretty well this summer, but now I'm back. As my husband put it, I'm on a slow drip to destruction, and I can't do it alone. I spend most of my days alone, in a cold cluttered house. Although I have a part time job, children, and some friends, it's not really enough to keep me going. I want to be stronger, but it's too easy to be detached and think I can get away with certain things. I feel pretty down today. I have made the personal commitment to start with one week AF, and then build from there. 30 days sounds like too much, but I'd like to do it, I just can't start there.
    Are there any of you in Europe who might possibly be interested in being a buddy? I feel like, when I get wobbly in the day, if I had someone to call, or email, who shared some aspects of my life, it would help. Please don't suggest AA - I do not believe in putting myself in the hands of a higher power, and I will never hold hands and chant the serenity prayer, although for those of you who benefit from this I am happy for you. It's just a personal feeling that's all, not saying bad things about AA. Anyway, I'd be dealing with another language and that would probably be unproductive.
    SO, I ask you, if you might be interested in buddying with a quasi-housewife who dabbles in business and politics, please contact me. I don't trust my friends. There was an English movie made in the 90's where the villainess said to the young girl, "Never ever tell a secret, least of all to your best friend."
    My husband tries to be supportive, but all this makes him mad and depressed so think it would be best to turn elsewhere for help.
    With a big ache,
    Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
    AF since May 6, 2010

    Day 2, Second Time

    Hi I'm in the uk and would love to be a buddy with you. I told my hubby everything today! What a day! PM me and we can exchange email adresses. X


      Day 2, Second Time

      My heart goes out to you. I live in the USA but know what you mean about feeling lonely and not wanting to share alcohol issues with friends and acquantainces. I also do not see AA as an option for me. It is supposed to be anonymous, but many times isn't, especially with court ordered people who are not invested forced to attend. I know it is a worthwhile program, but not for me.

      I will look for your posts and you are free to PM me any time, although I am not sure about the process for it.


        Day 2, Second Time

        Tulipe, I remember you from this past summer. Good for you for returning. I completely understand you setting a goal for one week as opposed to 30 days. Set your goals for what works best for you. We have a very supportive thread going called the November Navigators. Precisely for the reason you mentioned, we break the month into weekly segments. Today marks the start of week three. Feel free to come read and join in if you feel like it will help.

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          Day 2, Second Time

          Tulipe! Welcome back (arms wide open for big hug)! I'm proud of you for recognizing what you need to do. You spent some time on the ODAT theread and newbies nest a while back. There have been some buddy groups going AF together lately that have worked well. Dill's idea sound great. Good luck!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            Day 2, Second Time

            Hi Tulipe,

            Welcome back
            Please join us on the 'Newbies Nest' thread as well! You can be as honest as you like, we will support you as much as possible. There are lots of us who have little to no support at home, you are not alone there. I don't talk to my friends or spouse about my struggles..........they are not especially supportive. I come here to MWO for support & am never disappointed

            Congrats on Day 2 - keep going!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Day 2, Second Time

              Hi Tulipe,

              I remember that you took Campral for awhile. Do you think that helped you previously? I absolutely need a "buddy" too. Sounds like Changemeforever stepped up and is in your time zone. You can PM me also whenever you feel like it. Anyone for a "buddy" in my time zone...Virginia?

              I am also alone in my struggle and don't want to go to AA.

              Everything I need is within me!

