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ODAT Sunday Nov 15

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    ODAT Sunday Nov 15

    Happy Sunday. Starting the One Day at a Time Messge late. Feel free to check in here with comments and goals for the day.

    Busy weekend for me. Some technology releases mean I have to juggle some work in both yesterday and today. Doing some holiday planning too. US Thanksgiving is just 12 days away, so it's time to know where that Turkey is, and who is arriving and where we are going. That's all! Been drinking pomegranate juice lately which is mighty tasty and makes it look like I'm a red-wine junkie. I guess that's why I'm up early on a Sunday. I hope everyone can make and keep a good goal for today.

    ODAT Sunday Nov 15

    Hi there,

    Thanks for starting the thread. Never tried pomogranate juice - maybe it's a nice change from diet coke and lemon water.
    Have a great day!
    Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
    AF since May 6, 2010


      ODAT Sunday Nov 15

      Hi. Ive been drinking hot green tea with pomegranate. Its lovely. Happy Sunday to one and all. xxx


        ODAT Sunday Nov 15

        Good Morning Boss, Tulip & CMF :l

        Sounds like everyone is doing well and has a good plan , I am on a green tea kick , iced during the day and hot @ night , I also drink alot of water , so the trips to the BR are plenty. Steelers are playing this morning , so I will be waving my terrible towel from the comfort of my home.. Hoping everyone has a safe, happy AF day :h Em
        Non Drinker 9/09
        Non Smoker 6/09
        Tennis Anyone ?


          ODAT Sunday Nov 15

          Hi everyone,
          I'm on raspberry and passionfruit juice myself, never tried pomegranate, I will have to look out for it.
          Hope you've all had a relaxing Sunday.:l


            ODAT Sunday Nov 15

            Good day to all you Odater's,

            Today is a day of relaxation mixed with a bit of chores.

            Today is just another day that I have chosen not to drink. If that's all I accomplished all day, then I have been a success. I can go just one day without drinking.

            Life hasn't been grand, but I know it could be worse. Today I accept that this is all I may have. No matter what happens I can choose to accept it, be willing to do the best I can, or throw it away by picking up a drink. The one that will lead to a hopeless existence.

            Today I choose forgiveness, today I choose love, today I choose sobriety.

            It's One Day At A Time.


              ODAT Sunday Nov 15

              I appreciate that today you choose forgiveness, love and sobriety. Me too. :goodjob:


                ODAT Sunday Nov 15

                Glad you are choosing these too!

                Thank ~ you... redhibiscus.

                PS. I can choose to smile too, even when I don't feel like it. )


                  ODAT Sunday Nov 15

                  HI guys,

                  Just checking in - glad everyone is doing so well!

                  Love and hugs,
                  Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                    ODAT Sunday Nov 15


                    Had a fabby day! No AL for me! Went to atrisan show at the museum and sale and picked up a couple things. I was standing in the street shooting some pics and I waved a convertable to go on by and it sat and sat and finally pulled up beside me and my first hubby was in it. :H Small world eh?

                    Then we went on the the oyster festival and had a great time there.

                    Everybody sounds good! Keep it up!
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

