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I need help

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    I need help

    Well here goes. I'm sure everyone here has been in the same situation as I now find myself. Sitting in front of my computer admitting that I have a problem with alcohol and hoping that this is the first step to fixing it.

    I am a 36 year old mother of two beautiful children. I have an amazing husband a a great career, but the one thing I find myself thinking about the most is drinking.

    I easily polish off between one to two bottles of wine every night, my husband thinks I usually have two glasses, but I've gotten really good at sneaking a top up when no one is looking. I have resorted to hiding empty bottles so that no one knows exactly how much I drink.

    I am so tiered of waking up feeling like crap, some mornings I'm great but most mornings I'm so sluggish.

    I have so much to gain from not drinking, but my greatest fear is not being the "fun" person that everyone knows me to be. I also fear that I won't be able to go out and have a drink with friends, or a celebrationary drink with my husband, because I'm scared I'll end up back in my old ways.

    I think the worst thing about my problem is that I have such low self esteem and I have been known to hurt myself when I'm drunk. :upset:

    Anway, thanks for reading, I look forward to any suggestions or support and also reading your inspirational stories.

    I need help

    well welcome thats the first step right there ..just hangout at te site and read and keep posting your questions and come to chat .. and just do your best .. the rest will follow ..
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


      I need help

      :welcome: my new life! Glad you're here. Read and post, read and post...that is what has worked so far for me. You are in good company here and hope to see you around more!


        I need help

        Welcome New Life,

        Great name, and yes, I might have a few years on you, but I know the story. Sounds a lot like my days.

        Read RJ's book, get the supplements and cds and RELAX! We've all been there.

        One day. I'm still trying for my one day, but have been, with the Topomax, having the actual one or two glasses of wine. It does work.

        Welcome... and hang in there!



          I need help

          Hi my new life,

          Welcome to MWO, it is a good place! You have taken the all important first step. Now you need to download & read the MWO book, it has lots of useful information. Take a look in the Tool box (located in the Monthly Abstinence section) for good ideas to help you make your plan. Taking meds & even the supplements has to be a personal decision, not everyone uses them. Personally, I do recommend the Hypno CDs. They were very helpful in clearing your mind & learning to relax without AL.

          Without AL, you can still be a fun person - just a sober, unhung one! You can still go out with your friends, order something without AL. People really don't notice or care what you are drinking - really.

          Please feel free to drop in the 'Newbies Nest' thread = lots of folks there just starting out as well.

          Wishing you the best on your journey!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            I need help

            :welcome: New Life,

            Thank you for sharing your story and :goodjob: for wanting to change the "sick and tired" to "happy and content" is what I always like to quote. Take the advice and always post how you are doing as well as maybe reply to another member's post. We are all here to help each other and we all have share the same "story".....This is a really awesome site and you will definitely get alot of support and no judgment.

            Lots of hugs,
            AF Since May 2nd 2012


              I need help

              Hi MNL,
              I understand completely. I did the same, and although I am at home I am working part time with a very nice position. Of course, sometimes during our conference calls I open some wine and it makes a long boring discussion that takes forever to make a decision go much faster.
              Anyway, welcome, I am also a mother of 2 and enough is enough.
              Good luck to you.
              Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
              AF since May 6, 2010


                I need help

                hi & welcome mnl to mwo,you will find a great community here with great support & advice ,i hope you stick around. good luck

                :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                  I need help

                  Hello and welcome. I am very new to this site-day 5 af! Your story sounds like mine and many others on this site. Start today as day one and take one day at a time. I feel hugely proud of myself at the end of every day right now because I have managed to be af! It is such a great feeling and would love for you to be able to experience that feeling. Waking up in the morning feeling fresh and happy is wonderful. You can do this! Keep reading the posts and keep posting daily it helps!
                  Take care and good luck. Lots of love.


                    I need help

                    Hi mnl and welcome!!

                    MAny people shared your fears when giving up AL. Myself included. You will find you are who you are; probably better. The new and improved you! You will have issues to face that you are trying to numb with AL but you'll be grateful for the chance to address, resolve and release them. Giving up AL is very freeing. You'll see! We will support you along your journey. Good luck!
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      I need help

                      Welcome My New Life!!
                      You have come to a fantastic place here at MWO.
                      I used to be 'you'.....hiding the emptys, sneaking drinks, fearing that I couldn't ever have a drink again....
                      Although I am new at being alcohol free, it's the best thing I have ever done for myself. My days just keep getting better without the guilt, and without being a prisoner to alcohol.
                      Keep checking in here every day and do a lot of reading. RJs book is a good start. You have so much to gain by giving up the alcohol. We'll be here for support and encouragement along the way. Good Luck to you, My New Life! (love the name):welcome:
                      When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                      -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                        I need help

                        Hi My New Life, I too was just like you...What is it with that mom thing and wine?...You came to a great place. Keep reading and posting and explore the other threads. I just became a memeber here 8 days ago. Although I had read from this site months ago with out signing in and finally woke up and thought thats it I need help and support and I wanted my privacy. You get it here. I made my first 6days AF last week and hadn't done that in years. I will tell you day 3 and 4 were hardest for me but after I was thinking so clear and life was so good I want you to experiance that. I did slip up on friday but am back AF day 3 again. Try to get as many days as you can.. anything is a start.. No one will judge you here...just support... The more days you can get AF the more you'll be able to figure out what you want for yourself.

                        Hang in there, It's hard but it gets so much better.

                        Your Friend, Mighty Mouse

