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    New Here

    I'm looking for advice on how to stop and just give it up.

    New Here

    Welcome! I joined this site about a month ago and the advice and support are amazing. I certainly don't have the answers but I think you've taken a great step by reaching out to others here. Best wishes to you!


      New Here

      Welcome TX - may I call you TX?

      You have found a good place!
      If you haven't already, download & read the MWO book - it's available in the Health Store right here on the site. It has good info on the program, supplements, etc.
      Take a look in the Tool box (located in the Monthly Abstinence section) for good ideas to help you make your plan.
      Do lots of reading through the different threads. You will see there's lots of support to help you out.
      Please feel free to drop in the 'Newbies Nest' thread, lots of folks there just getting started as well.

      Wishing you the best on your journey, looking forward getting to know you

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        New Here

        welcome olongnumberforaname read as many posts and threads as you can,you are not alone, there is great support and advice your thoughts and feelings we have all been through them,there is a tool box here to help you on your way,stick around.odaat

        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


          New Here

          Lavande;761078 wrote: Welcome TX - may I call you TX?

          You have found a good place!
          If you haven't already, download & read the MWO book - it's available in the Health Store right here on the site. It has good info on the program, supplements, etc.
          Take a look in the Tool box (located in the Monthly Abstinence section) for good ideas to help you make your plan.
          Do lots of reading through the different threads. You will see there's lots of support to help you out.
          Please feel free to drop in the 'Newbies Nest' thread, lots of folks there just getting started as well.

          Wishing you the best on your journey, looking forward getting to know you

          You can just call me Buck. That's what everybody calls me. Thanks for all the advice. I will do just that. Thanks again.


            New Here

            Welcome Buck! I would start by reading the posts and exploring the website. I had tried to stop drinking earlier this year and then I gave up. I have been back again for about 3 weeks and this time I have stuck to it!! Read about the supplements to help stop the craving.....I have taken them and they have helped a ton!! Good luck and keep us upated on your progress!! :l
            AF Since Sept. 20, 2010!!!


              New Here

              ronaldolover;761285 wrote: Welcome Buck! I would start by reading the posts and exploring the website. I had tried to stop drinking earlier this year and then I gave up. I have been back again for about 3 weeks and this time I have stuck to it!! Read about the supplements to help stop the craving.....I have taken them and they have helped a ton!! Good luck and keep us upated on your progress!! :l
              Thanks. I will.


                New Here

                Starting here. Wanting to give it up is half of the battle. The other half come with some practical knowledge and experience. Try for as many af days you can get in. See how you feel. You can do it like me, one day at a time. Thinking about never drinking again is like being a kid and having someone explain to you that the universe doesn't end, infinity. I, to this day, could never get my head wrapped around that notion. Same thing with drinking. I don't think about never like I don't think about inifinty. At the end of the day, never and infinity are still there, they just didn't hurt my brain!
                Keep posting and ask for help when you need it. There are quite a few here that have substantial AF time under their belt!
                AF since 2/4/10
                Nicotine free since 3/31/10
                FINALLY FREE


                  New Here

                  :new:Hello everyone, today is the day I stop waking up feeling guilty, sick and tired. I've been coming to this site for a while and 2 years ago I managed to give up alcohol for nearly 2 years and after trying to moderate for the past year I've failed miserably. this site really helped me before even though I didn't post and now I need to write to help me break this cycle. I get up feeling positive I can give it up then come 6pm I convince myself its not so bad! is anyone else stuck in this ground hog feeling? its really hard this time of year, I'm being seduced by the television, they banned images of smoking on there and I think they should ban the romantic images of drinking alcohol too. I'm going to come back on this site and stay close by between 6pm-9pm tonight when the wine witch usually takes over!
                  AF since 8.8.14


                    New Here

                    Hi Buck and welcome and also Winter. 2 years is really impressive Winter, keep that thought. I liked your saying "ground hog feeling", that is so true, i gave up for 40 days and thought i was king of the world, of course i could moderate, i had beaten al, yeah for me. Oh totally wrong, al won as al always does. So back to day 28 but im more in a positive mindset with al now. Oh the ads never end. There is a big billboard of a liquor store on my way to work everyday advertising 30% off if you buy six bottles. Well that was two and a half days of steady drinking for me, well after 5pm when i got home from work of course. Keep posting on here, the Newbies Nest is great.

                    Buck One day at a time is all we can do as we all know on here and then the days turn to weeks and months and years. Well we all want them too. I think back to my worst al moment where it has made me really think about not drinking al anymore. I've had some shockers but blacking out at my nieces 21st was nothing to be proud of. I am a nearly 50 year old drunk and I dont want that anymore.

                    Good luck guys and keep posting.
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      New Here

                      Hey Winter! I'd like to echo Available and steer you over to the Newbie's Nest. It's areally active thread so your posts won't get lost in the shuffle. There's nothing we haven't seen/heard/DONE! I'd also like to suggest a look at the Tool Box, links to both are in my signature line below. It's full of tips and coping skills to help you navigate the first challenging days. Most of all, just knowing you are among people who understand that 5 o'clock rationalizing cycle will help! It's full guns blazing in the morning and by afternoon, The Voices start calling! Welcome aboard, we are so glad you are here!! Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        New Here

                        Hi, Winter:

                        Groundhog day for sure! Coming here when you want a drink and posting about it is a good thing. As Byrdie says, the Newbies Nest is a great place to hang out - it moves quickly and there is almost always someone around to answer questions or just to reply to your posts.

                        I came here and tried to get what I could without logging in and posting, and while I found some great information, actually taking the plunge and participating makes a huge difference. I recommend (as someone recommended for me just 27 days ago) that you write down how you feel now in as much specificity as possible. If you don't want to do it here, do it in a journal at home. That way, when you feel like drinking you can call up the memory in words and use it to help you say no. I also recommend the great information in the tool box, especially about making a plan. Getting sober is more than hope and luck, it takes determination and work. But 27 days in, I can tell you it is worth the work to get off that hamster wheel and move on with a sober life.


                          New Here

                          Thank you

                          Thanks everyone for your welcome's and words of encouragement, I'll look on the newbie section too. I'm doing well today, going on for 6pm and still determined but I know that after a few days in that goes and I start feeling better and start wondering why I was wanting to stop, its a horrible cycle, I broke it before though and will look on the tool box section you've suggested. Yes I think writing on here have given me the push I need and I'm going to post everyday. Thanks again everyone
                          AF since 8.8.14

