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Here for Ramaden..and Me

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    Here for Ramaden..and Me

    My husband, daughter and I moved from the US to the Middle East in December. We live in one of the most liberal countries - alcohol is openly sold and consumed. Today begins the holy month of Ramadan, when the Muslim population (98% of the people) abstain from eating and drinking sunup to sundown for 40 days. My 11 year old daughter asked me not to drink any alcohol during Ramadan. I have read many of your stories and can relate. I have been drinking since I was 15, very heavily in college and into my 30's and early 40s. Now I try to hold it to one or 2 glasses a night, but sometimes I can't. Every day I wake up and say I know I have a dependence and I'm not going to drink tonite, then I do. That tells me I need to get a handle on. So, I'm going to try to abstain for 40 days, starting today, and right now it's 5:30 pm here, the cocktail hour.
    I need to do it because I've spent too many years drinking a lot and my body needs a break, and because I want to be a good role model for my daughter. My mother was an alcoholic that successfully hid it, so it's in my family for sure. I'm ready to take control of it, instead of it being in control of me. I'm sick of thinking about it.

    Here for Ramaden..and Me


    i hope you find all the support you need here. please continue to just blurt out whatever you need to we will listen,give advise and help you the best we can.only been there since dec. sounds like you may still have a lot of site seeing to do. maybe it will help you get your mind onto something else.i am in the us and moving to the uk so i would be interested in you teling me how you cope with moving to another you have family there?what do you miss the most...ect ect. welcome to mwo it has help me a great deal and i hope it does the same for you.




      Here for Ramaden..and Me

      Thank you Mojo. I had never lived outside of Kentucky before moving to Bahrain. 8,000 miles is a long, long way to go but this is where by husband found a job after losing his in a corporate merger. The most immediate challenge was overcoming fear of anti-American sentiment in a Muslim country. That has passed as we have settled into life here. We have a 3 year contract so I know there's a beginning, middle and end.
      I miss my family of course, but it is easier than you may think, thanks to email and a telephone system called Skype that makes calling home very cheap. When are you moving? Are you moving "for good" or is it a contract thing?
      Thank you for your encouragement. I need it for sure.


        Here for Ramaden..and Me

        I want to echo Mojo in welcoming you. This is a very supportive site and I hope you find it as such. :welcome:

        Please let us know how you are doing and pop in the chat room here when you can.

        All the best!


          Here for Ramaden..and Me

          omgs i was born in lousiville ky. hehehehe we gotta talk in the chat room.i will be moving there for good to be with my hubby(see mojos ride).i am sooo glad to meet you i can hardly stand it!


            Here for Ramaden..and Me

            I want to welcome you as well! All the best in abstaining from wine. Your daughter will be proud with every day that you accomplish your goals! I hope that you will come into chat--we have an awful lot of fun, and many of us arent' drinking while there. I'm glad that you have found us! I hope you will find everything that you need here!

            AF as of August 5th, 2012


              Here for Ramaden..and Me


              Yes, welcome wfsimine,

              My best friend lives in Cairo. She is not a drinker. We grew up in Western PA. She converted to Muslim years ago & has incredible faith that I have been very inspired by and grown from. She takes Ramadan very seriiously and always fasts, even while teaching full-time. It is a very spiritual experieince for her & always brigns her closer to God. I hope the same for you.
              Peace, C
              PS It is a beautiful religion.


                Here for Ramaden..and Me

                arggg, i hate time diff where are you... lol?


                  Here for Ramaden..and Me

                  Thank you mojomuppet, chrysali, youngathear and lucky!

                  Appreciate the replies! Today is a good day Feels good to wake up and realize one day is gone without wine. Mojomuppet I cannot believe you were born in Louisville.


                    Here for Ramaden..and Me

                    im so happy you made it!:good: first thread i came to this morning lol. where did you live? what school did you go too? all that boring stuff noone cares about but me tell tel tell!:wd:


                      Here for Ramaden..and Me

                      I have been away myself but wanted to tell you that I lived in the ME and studied Arabic in the Middle East, Cairo and in Jerusalem for a time on the West Bank. I was in Ramallah two years ago during Ramadan and decided to observe. It was a really challenging but rewarding experience. I did not drink at all and other than having a few sips of water on two different days because I was going to pass out I made it. The entire experience is awesome and I can never recall water tasting so beautiful, longing for the sunset so much, or feeling so much a part of something as I did as I observed with the Muslim family that I was living with. For the first time we all say down for every evening meal together after breaking the fast wtih dates and I felt totally clean and clear. I wish you such great luck in your journey. Lefty


                        Here for Ramaden..and Me


                        I didn't grow up there; grew up in Southern Kentucky..moved to L'ville 8 years ago. I still have my home there, in northeastern Jefferson Country, near Hurstbourne Parkway. When this contract in Bahrain is up I'll be going back. What about you?


                          Here for Ramaden..and Me

                          Louisville, KY ??

                          Well, What a small world. I was born in Louisville, and currently live just right across the river around New Albany. Good luck. I think it must be exciting learning about new customs and cultures. Keep in touch. I have not been doing great, but I have improved a bunch. I only try and drink 3 times a week. This place has helped me to limit myself. I still have tons of work to do. It helps knowing your not alone in this.


