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30 day-ers

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    30 day-ers

    Hey, how are our 30 day-ers going? Bree? CMF? Adi?, Kip? Henry 13?
    I'm going into day 8. Wots happening for you? Hope you haven't deserted me, LOL!
    Penelope xx
    Whatever your mind believes becomes reality, whether it is reality or not.

    30 day-ers

    Hi Penelope,
    No we haven't deserted you, still here. Had a slip at the weekend, but back on track again.
    Well done on Day 8, thats fantastic, go you!!


      30 day-ers

      Hi Penelope,
      Sorry to say I got to day 2 and jumped off the wagon.
      My will power has gone out of the window.

      I haven't deserted you, just not doing too well.
      I'll be back when I'm on top of my game again.

      Well done and keep it up, you give me inspiration.


        30 day-ers

        Thanks Bree. thanks adi. Keep going xx . adi, if I remember correctly, you've got a bit on your plate eh?
        Xmas stuff? Glad your're back Bree, take it easy you two
        Pen x
        Whatever your mind believes becomes reality, whether it is reality or not.


          30 day-ers

          Hi Pen/adi,
          It's good to get back here.
          So much going on at the moment, I don't know if I'm coming or going.
          Really fed up today, part of me wants to break out and head back to rehab for a break,
          but that wouldn't really solve anything. Seeing an addiction counsellor tomorrow for the first time, so fingers crossed for me. My GP has requested I go in to see her on Fri, another lecture I can do without!!!
          Anyway enough of the self-pity, keep on going you guys, you are inspiring me to continue.:l


            30 day-ers

            Hey guys I haven't jumped ship yet but feel like it at the moment!!! That time of night and teeage daughter giving me earache!! Anyway day 14 for me today!!!! Whoop whoop!! Best not celebrate with a glass of wine tho!! Tempting i know! Keep thinking about whether i could moderate as these last 2 weeks havent been that tough but and its a big but can i stop at a couple on a night out?? I dont know and dont know whether to run the risk to find out!


              30 day-ers

              Hi Bree, Yeah, the lectures can send you in the wrong direction. They mean well, but the strength of our own mind can turn anything in to whatever we want! Such a powerful piece of ingenuity. Bree, recognise how your feeling, re, wanting to break out, knowing its only part of you that wants that. Whats the other part of you want? Send your strength there, to the more positive choice. Don't be too hard on tourself, but do focus on your positive outcome. Do you visualize? I don't want to sound too 'out there', but there is some wonderful stuff available to us through ourselves, we just need to spend enough time tapping in and focusing, and above all trusting ourself. So go with your positive flow. Listen to whats offered. Take on what you feel will assist you, and dump the rest! Goodluck on Friday, and every other day,
              My thoughts are with you, Pen xx
              Whatever your mind believes becomes reality, whether it is reality or not.


                30 day-ers

                Hello CMF,
                You're doing great. 14 days AF. You are inspiring me. I've just hit double figures today. Stay in touch, your're really helping me out. Kids can be enough to send you, hey and so can aged parents! I want to be a mod, but not sure how I'm gunna manaed that. Not sure how I'm gunna go when I do decide to take a drink. I'm not on anything to help with craving, or anything to help get my switch turned off! I've only ever known one speed, and thats go! Haven't even tried socializing yet!!!
                stay tuned, Pen x
                Whatever your mind believes becomes reality, whether it is reality or not.


                  30 day-ers

                  :new:Hi Penelope! Well, you're 2 days ahead of me- I've been AF for 6 days now, and life is good. Realised it was time to act when I went to a party at a neighbours and woke up on my sofa not remembering most of the night before and discovered that i'd wet myself!....everyone has their 'wake up call'. Onwards and upwards!!


                    30 day-ers

                    Hi all,
                    Day 11 AF, and still doing well. Saw my counsellor last Thursday, she was very inspiring and suppotive, my GP was the same on Fri, no lecture!!
                    I'm feeling really good, just taking it ODAT. Getting a loan of a walking machine, so going to get in a bit of exercise as well.
                    Thanks for the kind words, Penelope, I am trying to focus on the positive each day, praying and getting in touch with my feelings more.
                    I'm reading a book, "it will never happen to me", at the moment, can't remember the author. It's about adult/child addicts of addicts, if you know what I mean. My father was an Alco, so the chances of me or my siblings becoming addicts are greater. a lot of thoughts and feelings I had buried have been brought up in the book.
                    Hope everyone is doing good:l

