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ODAT - MONDAY (check in everybody!)

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    ODAT - MONDAY (check in everybody!)

    Boss, I can relate to your thanksgiving story. I've gotten through many holidays and visiters staying at my home only to "reward myself" with a hangover! Need to stop thinking of AL as a reward for getting through.

    Mama, ok now what does BFYZ on DT stand for???

    CMF, great job!! reward yourself with something healthy!

    TW, hope you feel better soon.

    Greeneyes, thank you for your wise words! You are right, right, right!



      ODAT - MONDAY (check in everybody!)

      big fat yellow zero :H
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        ODAT - MONDAY (check in everybody!)

        9 days free now...I've gone a month or more this past year so I'll be really excited when I get past one month and a few weeks


          ODAT - MONDAY (check in everybody!)

          Hello Everyone,

          Sheesh, I'm always the last to sign into this thread, oh well. Count me in for the ODAT.....congrats on everybody's AF and best luck to those who are working hard to achieve a AF day. Today was a rough day, no urges but feeling low because the job market in San Diego SUCKS!! Been out of work since June and I know that it's important that I make good use of my time but today for some reason I just took our dog for a 2 mile run and then came home and slept til 3:00pm. Oh well, tomorrow will be a better day and sheesh I should be grateful for being AF, sheesh.....sorry for blah blahing

          Have a great day and look forward to reading your posts.

          Lots of hugs,
          AF Since May 2nd 2012


            ODAT - MONDAY (check in everybody!)

            Morning everyone, still feeling awful but still AF so HURRAY!!

