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ODAT - MONDAY (check in everybody!)

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    ODAT - MONDAY (check in everybody!)


    You KNOW how I feel about Mondays!!! LOVE them! Ready-Set-Go days!!!

    Lonely here over the weekend Where is everybody? How are you with your goals? If you've hung in here (and some were ahead of the game!) you have a week!! If you didn't, I know it was minor for you (appreciate that honesty) and you hopped right back in. Well done!


    You know......... if you made it to Thanksgiving (Thursday) you'd have double digits! Do you even WANT to stop now? Isn't it grand?

    But let's just focus on today, Monday - a wonderful way to start the week is AF.

    Who is in??

    Greenie polished her nails and it's more interesting to watch my fingers on the keyboard than the screen :H I need spell check. :H

    Go for that O!!!!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    ODAT - MONDAY (check in everybody!)

    OK - now we have THREE ODAT threads! Is that a record??
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


      ODAT - MONDAY (check in everybody!)

      Hi Greenie and Savvy

      We all started an ODAT at the same time....funny!

      Wow the Holidays are here....where did the year go?

      Greenie I never made it out to shopping yesterday, I may have to go on black Friday with the massess of crazies!

      Have a good Monday all!

      Everything I need is within me!


        ODAT - MONDAY (check in everybody!)

        Hello everyone! Happy Monday! I am starting over today......drank for the last 3 days. I had been doing so well and now I am so disappointed in myself. I have faith that I can stay AF this week!! Any ideas for staying AF throughout the holiday season?
        AF Since Sept. 20, 2010!!!


          ODAT - MONDAY (check in everybody!)

          WB ronaldolover!! Have a plan. Have your AF beverages close at hand. Have your "I'm not drinking because..." story fine tuned should you need one. I don't bother with that anymore. I just say my cut off switch broke and I'm much happier not drinking. (which is the truth). Have an early exit plan or a way to get away for a bit if you need to. Stay rested, fed, hydrated. Keep stress at bay - bubble baths, walks, breathing.

          You can do this!!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            ODAT - MONDAY (check in everybody!)

            Greeneyes - Thanks for the advice! I am just so down today....I hadn't drank on a Sunday for a while and was so proud of myself. It is almost like I did it to remind myself how terrible it feels....if that even makes sense! I need support to get through the holidays, as I'm sure a lot of us do!! I will make sure I keep reading and posting. Hope everyone has a great day!
            AF Since Sept. 20, 2010!!!


              ODAT - MONDAY (check in everybody!)

              I'll be out of town but will check in with you guys every day. Lots of people here with the same holoiday issues. I'll start a extra thread on it in general.

              BTW, it does make sense. Been there, done that. Watch out for fooling yourself into the "I can have just one or two like normal people" trap. We wouldn't be here if we were normal drinkers.
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                ODAT - MONDAY (check in everybody!)

                Happy Monday ODATers!
                Busy getting my house cleaned up for 12 people that will be here on Thursday!!! I have a plan to be AF over the holiday. Plenty of seltzer, juices and water!! Oh, I hope I don't cave!! Been AF for many weeks now and things are going great! I don't want to go back to the 'old and familiar'....Best to all !!
                Gotta go pick up my little cousin that I'm watching today. He said he would help me clean! What a kid!! :H
                When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                  ODAT - MONDAY (check in everybody!)

                  Hello odaters!

                  Hope everybody had better weekend than MZ.
                  Our Saturday was busy busy busy and very stressful. We had a party for our sons 8 birthday. 18 boys in the house, upstairs, downstairs, in front and in the back! Shooting nerf guns, riding bikes, get the pic. I was so happy that nobody got hurt. Then some parents came over, brought all kinds of AL and of course I did not stay AF. i was so sick on Sunday, that to be able to function, I was sipping wine all day! I am so mad. How many times I promise not to do it again!?
                  I am seriously considering ordering meds. Just need to research pros and cons.
                  But, I do not want to wait for them to come, I want to START NOW.

                  Ronaldo, lets see how far we can go this time.

                  Sorry for my rants! Have a fab day all!


                    ODAT - MONDAY (check in everybody!)

                    Hello to all, I was having such a nice AF weekend... my first..and I got so much done and I started projects (maybe to many)..So how did I finish my great weekend? I opened and drank a bottle of wine Sunday night. Why, I don't know and today I feel like crap. Head ache, dehydrated. I don't want this!! I have alot to learn about myself...So here I go again ODAT

                    Sorry to all and sorry to me...MM


                      ODAT - MONDAY (check in everybody!)

                      Happy ODAT all. Welcome MM. I'm remember too that last year I got all the way through Thanksgiving AF, only to lose it on the last Sunday. That was bad. I plan on doing better this year.


                        ODAT - MONDAY (check in everybody!)

                        i am on my 2nd af day today only cos im in bed really feeling like s===t, flu, migraine awful, still no booze for me tonight, stay strong all, Savvy I did try to email you a while back but it got sent back to me.


                          ODAT - MONDAY (check in everybody!)

                          Hi All. Well i did manage af this weekend but nearly caved in tonight! BUT poured myself a glass of fizzy water instead! So now I feel GRUMPY!!!! But still af!! 12 days for me! I should be happy- just a down day I guess! Sorry to moan. One day at a time. x


                            ODAT - MONDAY (check in everybody!)

                            Good for you, Change! 12 days...WOW!
                            Mighty....seems like in today's odat some of us are starting again. I feel like crap too. We are going to be very good to ourselves this week, ok?
                            i already put BFYZ on DT.
                            much love, MZ


                              ODAT - MONDAY (check in everybody!)

                              Note to self:

                              Self, no matter what everybody else is drinking, you are not being deprived of anything by being AF. If you drink, you are depriving yourself of your health and happiness.

                              Change, those grumpy feelings do go away. You aren't missing out by being AF. Great job!
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

